







4.5/5101 評價


鬆山火車站地區 台北|距離松山車站0.2km
My wife and I recently stayed at the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel. We had a good time. Upon our arrival we entered with a lot of luggage because from Taipei we would be flying on to the Philippines for a long stay. Thankfully the very nice security guard on the ground floor offered to contact the upstairs front desk and moments later we were helped with our luggage by the very kind Michael Mao. He went beyond the call of duty in giving us personal help with our luggage and allowing us to check in earlier than usual. My wife was surprised by how large the room was and so was I. Very comfortable setup. We didn’t have a view of Taipei 101 but the other side of the building is nice as well. The only problem was that all three days of our stay, the weather was very gloomy with occasional rain. Thanks to Michael for helping with food suggestions, shopping info for my wife and great instructions on how to access the Hop On Hop Off, etc. Unfortunately, we ended up not using the Hop On/Off bus because the schedule is really not great for tourist. Availability of the bus isn’t good. Michael explained that this was mostly due to those Covid years. Perhaps in the future the Hop On/Off will be back to normal as I think most tourist around the world are used to taking advantage of it just to get a quick view of the entire city. I will say that the best form of travel around the city is definitely the subway, which is probably the easiest to use in the world. Its super clean and convenient. Also, as great as the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel is, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention something that others have made mention of and that is the breakfast. Unfortunately, its not a great selection and not very flavorful. I’m one of those people who never adds salt to my food once its cooked. With this breakfast, I was shaking the salt shaker constantly. Also, I think employees/chefs should be encouraged and allowed to be a little more improvisational, if you will. I witnessed several times where someone asked if their eggs could be cooked “sunny side up” but the chef only pointed to the sign with two choices, scrambled or omelette. Sunny side up is not hard to do and probably takes less time to make than an omelette. Also, there’s a sign that says pancakes but in front of this sign is a plate filled with waffles. I assumed that you had to ask for pancakes so when I did, the chef pointed at the waffles. That sign should be changed to waffles only or offer both, which in my opinion would be the better option. Pancakes and Waffles. The area where breakfast is served is very nice and spacious. They should really try harder to make the breakfast just as exceptional. Beyond that, I still very much recommend this hotel as a number one option. Its a great location, the city link is right across the street and the Raohe night market is not far away at all. Really nice relaxed vibe and a very safe area to walk around and explore. 😁. Thank you for a nice stay…





4.3/598 評價
離捷運站1分鐘且附近就有7-11和康是美,地點很方便 但服務仍有待加強(16:30 check in 但等到17:10才進房) 當天入住101景觀房,但洗手槽是在浴室外,這點個人比較不喜歡這樣的配置。 但整體而言,仍是CP值高的選項。
4.5/575 評價
Just came back after staying two nights at the hotel for 2 nights with my elderly parents. They stayed in a suite and I stayed in a premier room. Both rooms are super spacious and luxe!!! Hotel staff are friendly and attentive. Breakfast is not buffet style but they gave you a choice among western (with a few choices for main), chinese and japanese. You can also help yourself with unlimited coffee by using the professional nespresso machines there, which is quite fun. There's a happy hour at hotel serving free drinks but I didn't get the chance to try it during my stay. The hotel is centrally located and within 5 to 15 minutes' walk to 101 building, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Eslite xinyi store (with one floor of books and groceries which is 24 hours open) as well as Songshan Cultural & Creative Park. Very convenient. We had a really happy and memorable stay at the hotel. Highly recommended!
3.6/576 評價
這是一間帶浴室和廁所的私人房間。打掃得很乾淨。窗戶有點臟所以看起來過時了,但除此之外它很乾淨。前台更親切,好的印象。除了沒有牙刷、沒有 Wifi、沒有冰箱之外沒有其他問題。淋浴有熱水。它位於一棟大樓的 7 樓,距離松山站不到 2 分鐘路程。如果你真的只是想睡覺也沒問題,因為你可以立即去夜市。
4.5/5101 評價
My wife and I recently stayed at the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel. We had a good time. Upon our arrival we entered with a lot of luggage because from Taipei we would be flying on to the Philippines for a long stay. Thankfully the very nice security guard on the ground floor offered to contact the upstairs front desk and moments later we were helped with our luggage by the very kind Michael Mao. He went beyond the call of duty in giving us personal help with our luggage and allowing us to check in earlier than usual. My wife was surprised by how large the room was and so was I. Very comfortable setup. We didn’t have a view of Taipei 101 but the other side of the building is nice as well. The only problem was that all three days of our stay, the weather was very gloomy with occasional rain. Thanks to Michael for helping with food suggestions, shopping info for my wife and great instructions on how to access the Hop On Hop Off, etc. Unfortunately, we ended up not using the Hop On/Off bus because the schedule is really not great for tourist. Availability of the bus isn’t good. Michael explained that this was mostly due to those Covid years. Perhaps in the future the Hop On/Off will be back to normal as I think most tourist around the world are used to taking advantage of it just to get a quick view of the entire city. I will say that the best form of travel around the city is definitely the subway, which is probably the easiest to use in the world. Its super clean and convenient. Also, as great as the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel is, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention something that others have made mention of and that is the breakfast. Unfortunately, its not a great selection and not very flavorful. I’m one of those people who never adds salt to my food once its cooked. With this breakfast, I was shaking the salt shaker constantly. Also, I think employees/chefs should be encouraged and allowed to be a little more improvisational, if you will. I witnessed several times where someone asked if their eggs could be cooked “sunny side up” but the chef only pointed to the sign with two choices, scrambled or omelette. Sunny side up is not hard to do and probably takes less time to make than an omelette. Also, there’s a sign that says pancakes but in front of this sign is a plate filled with waffles. I assumed that you had to ask for pancakes so when I did, the chef pointed at the waffles. That sign should be changed to waffles only or offer both, which in my opinion would be the better option. Pancakes and Waffles. The area where breakfast is served is very nice and spacious. They should really try harder to make the breakfast just as exceptional. Beyond that, I still very much recommend this hotel as a number one option. Its a great location, the city link is right across the street and the Raohe night market is not far away at all. Really nice relaxed vibe and a very safe area to walk around and explore. 😁. Thank you for a nice stay…
4.1/593 評價
酒店到凌晨還是可以check in 而且服務態度很好!房屋不算大 但廁所浴室很大很舒服!基本所有該有的用品都有 也很乾淨!
3.4/513 評價






台北是個值得挖掘的迷人城市。不論你是想來趟瘋狂購物、吃貨之旅,或是文青必備、IG 打卡行程,甚至欣賞夜景、享受台北夜生活,台北總是在不同時刻給你不同的驚喜。




從桃園機場到達台北市區,有三種方式,分別為客運巴士、機場捷運、計程車,客運車程約 50-70 分鐘;機場捷運車程約 40-50 分鐘;計程車車程約 40 分鐘。

說到台北交通工具,不得不提台北捷運,台北捷運五花八門,為方便遊客,推出了旅遊票,含一日票、24/48/72 小時票、北北基好玩卡,讓旅人有更多選擇,是來台北自由行必買的交通票券。


台北的春和冬氣溫變化較大,夏天和秋天較小,夏季最高溫可突破 30 度,冬天可低至 10 度以下,但因為濕度較高,若是在雨季前來台北旅遊,體感溫度會有差異。

台灣的 4-5 月是梅雨季,7-9 月是颱風季,加上 7-9 月是台灣的暑假,不建議在此段時間旅行。10-11 月的台灣氣候較為穩定,由於步入秋季,天氣較為晴朗涼爽,是最適合自由行的月份。


1. 台北101

台北市的精華在於信義區,作為台北最熱鬧的區域,想到百貨公司與逛街,一定先想到台北 101。說起台北,第一個映入腦中的印象一定也是那參天的 101!若是想要在台北購物,這裡會是你的必排行程,除了購物,曾作為世界第一高的 101 也是值得拍照打卡留念。在 101 附近還有微風松高、ATT 等百貨,充分能滿足你的購物慾。不少人更會選擇入住能看到台北 101 的台北酒店,讓台北之旅更難忘!

2. 西門


3. 陽明山

不論是哪裡來的觀光客,來台北郊遊踏青,優先想到的必是「陽明山」。除了火山地形景觀是陽明山的一大特色外,這裡四季都有不同的植物可欣賞,每年四月的海芋季、5 月的繡球花季、1 月的櫻花季都讓陽明山人滿為患。除了這些,陽明山匯集了好吃的山產料理、溫泉旅館,更有許多景觀餐廳可以飽覽台北市夜景,是來台北不能錯過的景點之一,附近的酒店亦是台北酒店中的熱門之選!

4. 象山

想要在夜深人靜時刻眺望台北市夜景,又不想要去到太遙遠的地方、攀爬太多層階梯,那麼象山會是你最好的選擇。坐落於信義區內,從山下攻頂約 30 分鐘,非常適合作為一個人的夜晚自由行行程。

5. 九份


6. 士林夜市




1. 士林-台北圓山大飯店


2. 東區-福華大飯店


3. 北投-台北北投春天酒店

計劃冬天到台北自由行,怎能不入住台北溫泉酒店?台北北投春天酒店眾多台北溫泉酒店中頗具人氣的選擇。隱身四季叢林的溫泉酒店,精心打造 9 個具有冷熱泉原湯的功能池,除了適合休憩,也適合計劃到台北親子遊的你。



1. 公館-藍家割包(刈包)


2. 公館-陳三鼎


3. 信義-鼎泰豐


大安- 台電勵進酸菜白肉鍋


台北是座迷人的城市,不管是大自然風景、令人難忘的美食,還是道地的濃厚人情味,來台北都能被她獨有的特色深深吸引,這也是為何台北是港人最喜歡的自由行目的地之一。馬上於 Trip.com 預訂優惠台北酒店,開始台北自由行!
