
4.3/519 評價
這家酒店在城市郊區,有一個可愛的庭院入口。有一個令人愉快的游泳池,毗鄰接待區以及一個很棒的咖啡屋。前台工作人員非常樂於助人,提供建議,並預訂出租車和圖圖,以便觀光。高級房大小合適,牀很舒服,空調也很好,除了衣櫃外,還增加了一些抽屜、架子、衣服的長袍鉤等。電視有BBC世界新聞頻道 我們的房間確實有一個陽台,但景色不太好。浴室做得很好,但淋浴時會使用恆溫閥。早餐自助餐有限,但有新鮮烹製的菜餚的綜合菜單 步行距離內似乎沒有很多餐館,但我們確實在酒店餐廳吃了晚餐,準備得很好,並提供了非常棒的餐點經濟價格和非常愉快的服務。
3.7/58 評價
3.7/521 評價
4.8/552 評價
Clean, modern, reasonably priced, and great location. The room is spacious and convenient for 3 guests, which I guess is the stop over for people driving in from north or south like us. Decent hot shower with good amenities. The breakfast is Thai style and quite a good one. Staff were vigilant and friendly.
4.3/512 評價
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Ziggy Stardust has been transformed from a beautiful paradisiacal location to a tacky gordy tourist trap. The new manager has decided that basically no Thai food on the menu and no Thai beer is a good idea. Gone are the days of some of the best food on the island coupled with well priced Thai beer cans, only to be replace with a disappointingly predominantly western menu with the only beer being a craft beer at THB180 per glass, served from a very tacky tuk-tuk on the deck. The renovations to the room were well overdue and credit where credit is due the rooms are massively improved. The bed is comfy and the pillows are nice, as is the inclusion of a safe and mini fridge. Unfortunately that’s where the positives end. “Assistant manager” is rude and unwelcoming, completely unlike what Ziggy Stardust was before. The new manager seems to have no clue of what this resort was and should be. It used to have the most amazing menu of Thai food with some western staples, only to be replaced by a western menu with an insulting three Thai dishes. To top that off it is now displayed on an extremely tacky light up menu display above the “bar”. Throughout our trip the restaurant was empty every night, except New Year’s Eve. There is also no breakfast menu at all for guests, which seems a weird choice as you are essentially asking an entire resorts worth of paying customers to spend there money elsewhere. The location is still amazing but I worry for the direction the new manager is taking this resort in. It breaks my heart to write this review, as someone who has been coming to Ziggy Stardust since 2016, but the new manager has taken something special and removed everything that made it so.
法亞馬斯私人海灘度假村 - 僅限成人入住
4.6/546 評價
住宿就在海灘上,風景優美,服務周到,房間乾淨。 但是網頁價格又不包括機票費500
4.3/527 評價
4.4/53 評價
別墅形的會有熱水,但要不很熱,要不很冷,根本熱水很難用,可以省點錢選不是別墅形的不帶熱水,有空調,但個人感覺沒空調也可以接受,沒空調沒熱水的房型平宜一半,服務態度一般,但有碼頭接送服務,離碼頭近,在島上最貴的blue sky 旁邊,酒店有私自的沙灘,勝價比在這島上算是最好的
3.9/58 評價
3.8/56 評價


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