
3.9/547 評價
We booked via a 3rd party website. The majority of the pictures show nice rooms in a nice (brick built) building and we booked a 'superior' room in (what we thought) was that building. On arrival we were told ”the room you booked isn't available now but we have a 'superior' room available in another building which is bigger and better than the room you booked”. We were led into a very old wooden building next to the nice building we had seen on the website and shown the room - apparently 'superior'!. We didn't like what we saw of the room and given that we noticed the building roof was literally falling down, we asked if another room was available (or the one we had originally booked), and told ”no” - so we asked for a refund and we would go to find an alternative hotel. To this request, we were also told ”no”. After speaking to the owner on the phone - we were told that ”a room is available of the type you booked (Superior) but you have rejected it, so no refund”. We rejected it because its NOT the room we booked (as the receptionist informed us on arrival) and in an old wooden building where the roof appears to be falling down. We have spent several years in the hotel industry and realize that problems can and do occur, but the true test is how you deal with them - and it seemed like we were being blamed for not accepting the alternative room offered to us (which was our prerogative), and were apparently labelled as 'rude' by the staff and the owner. Looking back at previous reviews on other booking websites, several guests have gone through the same experience of being told their room is now not available when they arrive, and its obvious that the owners refuse to accept responsibility whenever someone writes negatively about their experience at this resort and almost always lays the blame on the guest instead of accepting responsibility. As the staff refused to speak to us even, we had to engage with the booking website to intervene on our behalf and after submitting photographic evidence of our experience, we eventually managed to secure a refund several days later but had to find alternative accommodation after wasting almost an hour trying to explain why we didn't want a room that we had not booked, when it could have been easily resolved with a simple ”sorry your booked room is not available, and yes, we will give you a refund if you are not happy with the alternative room we show you”. No doubt we will get told from the owners, in the reply to this review that this was all our fault anyway!.
4/53 評價
白色雙人牀,柔軟,枕頭有點硬,有肥皂,牙刷,毛巾,每2個毛巾,熱水器。小冰箱梳妝檯,水槽,衣櫃,套間浴室,陰涼的氣氛房間外面還有一個休息點。早餐是煎雞蛋和咖啡。晚上,您可以點菜。入口處有一家小咖啡館,服務人員很好,有禮貌,友好,冬天天氣很好。幾乎不需要打開空調住宿距離KKU,Nong Khai Campus約6-7 公里,推薦它,非常安靜。
3.5/52 評價
4.6/50 評價
5/51 評價
爲了逃離該地區的快速生活 最後一個好基地 從老逃離 只是建議 很快 如果需要修復一些東西 這不會傷害房子 離槍聲遠一點 女士們喜歡運輸 我你
5/51 評價
4.4/50 評價


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