辛加隆自然營地山酒店位於安蒂波洛的黃金地段,入住期間探索此處最方便不過。 露營地鄰近市內部份熱門景點,距離Quest Adventure Camp Team Building Venue near Manila1.38 km、距離CAMPING PARADISE AND SINGALONG MOUNTAIN GARDEN66m,距離Casa de Bambu亦不過是200m。房間內不可吸煙。此露營地亦提供燒烤和花園等設施。最近的機場是尼諾伊阿基諾國際機場,車程為85 min。 由住宿出發,最近的火車站是PNR Pasay Road Station,車程為77 min。
匿匿名用戶The room and bathroom were clean. The staff was nice and accomodating. The television has Netflix, but the hotel has a weak Wi-Fi signal. There were towels and slippers, and they also have hot showers. The hotel is easy to access and has a 7-11 near it.