Sabbia Suites Arrecifeando坐落於阿雷西費,配備免費WiFi,距離要塞海灘(Playa Del Reducto)有8分鐘步行路程,距離卡布爾海灘(Playa del Cable)有2.8公里。
這家公寓距離Playa de la Arena有3公里,距離特吉塞海岸高爾夫俱樂部有8.2公里。蘭薩羅特島機場距離住宿有5公里。
不論是商務還是休閑旅客,迪亞馬酒店都能讓您的阿雷西費之行變得更加美好而難忘。從酒店出發,至蘭薩羅特機場僅有4km遠。附近很多景點,包括Parque Tematico、Parque Simon Bolivar和Playa Del Reducto都離酒店不遠。酒店坐落於Lanzarote Massage Christina邊,附近還有很多景點包括GUACHINCHE EL SIMPLON和Playa De La Concha。可以去酒店咖啡廳,舒適的環境,可供您休憩放鬆。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,酒店可以提供房間送餐服務。酒店設備優良,旅客可使用為您提供的按摩室等休閑設施。酒店的會議廳和商務中心提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裏的原因。為了方便旅客,外幣兑換服務已為您準備就緒。
Me and my partner stayed in this hotel style furnitured apar**ent. No one speaks English, we had to use Google translate to understand. They have parking for 14.5€ per day in the parking facility that we paid for 4 days. Upon arrival the room was okay and no issues. They never refil the coffee pods or water or milk or sugar. They charge 1€ per pod 1€ per milk which is paid to receptionist directly.they ask for card authorisation for any damage which is fine upon our leave they pre authorized 3€ on my partner card assuming it's for the coffee and milk we initially find upon arrival. One day no house keeping cleaned as the reception said she is sick. But they don't care we had to go ask reception for towels and soap
米拉瑪酒店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 米拉瑪酒店是您遍覽阿雷西費美景與親近大自然之聲的理想選擇。 酒店位置方便,距離蘭薩羅特機場僅有短短7km車程。 附近的Iglesia de San Gines,La Boca de Puerto Naos和Castillo de San Gabriel都可以讓你增添旅行的色彩。 在忙碌的一天結束時,旅客可在酒店放鬆身心或外出享受城市。