我選擇了日航動態套餐選項。(JAL Plan Superior Twin)我經常在沖繩之行的最後一天住在那霸。我喜歡國際通週邊地區,您可以在這裏購物,飲食,但是這次我改變了口味。決定性因素是有溫泉。我乘租車到達,大堂在一家大酒店擁擠。(我記得去年秋天住在函館國際酒店的時間。)我等着辦理登機手續,這取決於一天中的時間。我覺得團體巴士也出發和到達,並且有很多入境顧客。當我進入喧囂的房間時,那是一個寧靜的空間。在房間中,酒店住宿的印象會發生變化。我很高興在酒店裏有一個不錯的房間。歐舒丹肥皂和洗髮水我對此感到非常滿意。帶洗手間的浴室最近在增加,但是您可以使用任何一種日式浴缸(首先洗身體)或僅使用淋浴。咖啡機是Nespresso,我對此感到滿意。(由於在海外(臺灣)的一家酒店相遇,我在家裏也喜歡Nespresso。)缺點是酒店周圍沒有很多餐廳。(這是個人價值觀。)單軌鐵路站(旭橋)距離酒店也只有15分鐘的步行路程。開車出去時,您不能喝酒。乘出租車到國際通很遠(如果有穿梭巴士,我會很高興)大廳裏的餐廳也很擁擠,所以我在Planet酒吧喝酒。那是一個平靜的空間。早餐在開店前就排好隊,因爲預計會很擁擠。很美味。離開酒店後,我一直到下午的飛行時間參觀了Namikamigu神社。作爲前往酒店的通道,單軌電車距離旭橋有15分鐘的步行路程。滾動後備箱走太遠了。不建議不使用出租車或租車的人使用。(至少我想要去旭橋站的班車。)
下榻開業於2023-06-20的西南大酒店,感受那霸的獨特魅力。從酒店很方便到達美榮橋站,僅有400m距離。包括國際通、Girls Mignon Naha Kokusaidori和Gallry Space PinoO都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調。除此之外,配備有拖鞋和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去酒店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。和風亭(那霸Main Place店)(和風亭(那覇メインプレイス店))(日本料理)供應一流的推薦美味-牛肉飯,鐵板燒餐廳-碧(國際通尾松店)(鉄板焼ステーキレストラン 碧(國際通り松尾店))(日本料理)提供的黑毛日本和牛牛腿備受好評,首裏蕎麥(首裏そば)(日本料理)的首裏沖繩蕎麥麪也是來這裏遊玩不容錯過的美味。住客既能在 健身室揮灑汗水,也可以在Spa放鬆身心。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。
Hotel Strata Naha Okinawa
這次訂了三晚高層Compact Room雖然房間面積較小,但設施齊全,房間燈光暗暗的,電視播放音樂讓人非常放鬆,每晚只需300港元非常值得入住。綠化環境非常舒適,有泳池但11月並不開放,地下有水機可以自助斟水。飯店人員服務很好,語言溝通上也沒什麼問題。
地理位置不錯,於美榮橋站大概走7分鐘到達,巴士站很近,附近有幾家便利店,晚上肚子餓買東西很方便。寢室還有一道趟門隔開來,因為三個人所以在房間多加了一張床,已經無法擺放椅子,幾乎沒有空間走動,兩個人的話空間應該是足夠的 。 連續住了五晚體驗感都挺好,但最後一天發生了一件無語的意外,買了一大袋的手信放在寢室門口,晚上逛完街回來發現整袋不見了,立刻打給前台詢問,但晚上只有一個職員,而且無法用英語溝通,艱難的用翻譯軟件講述了大概事件,他去查看有沒有失物但並沒有找到,請他留下這個信息給明早的職員處理。當晚洗澡時發現用衣架掛著自帶有標誌的白色毛巾被當做酒店毛巾被一起丟掉了。第二天早上再次到前台詢問,職員還是要依靠翻譯軟件溝通,溝通了一番後叫我們到大廳位置等待一陣子,但結果還是表示沒有找到並稱職員不會丟掉客人的物品。實在是無法想像一大袋的手信怎樣憑空消失了,雖然裏面大部份都是食物不是貴重物品,只好再買,所以最後都沒有報警,但是還是希望酒店能夠加強員工的培訓,不論是房間清潔工人還是前台職員,再訪不會再選擇這間酒店了。 The location is good. It takes about 7 minutes to walk to the single-way station. The bus stop is very close. There are several convenience stores nearby. It is very convenient to buy things when you are hungry at night. The dormitory is separated by a sliding door. Because we have three people, there is an extra bed assigned to the room. It is no longer possible to place chairs, and there is almost no space to walk around. There should be enough space for two people. I stayed for five consecutive nights and the experience was quite good, but on the last day, a speechless accident happened. I bought a large bag of souvenirs and put them at the door of the dormitory. When I came back from shopping at night, I found that the whole bag was gone. I called the front desk immediately to inquire but there was only one staff member at night, and he couldn’t communicate in English. I tried to use the translation software to describe the general incident. He went to check if there was any lost property, but he couldn’t find it. I asked him to leave this message for the staff tomorrow morning to deal with. When I took a shower that night, I found that my white towels with logos were thrown away together as hotel towels. The next morning, I went to the front desk to inquire again. The staff still had to rely on the translation software to communicate. After some communication, they asked us to wait in the lobby for a while, but the result still indicated that they had not found it and said that the staff would not throw away the guests' belongings. It is hard to imagine how a large bag of souvenirs disappeared out into the air. Although most of it was food and not valuables, I had to buy it again, so I didn’t call the police in the end. I still hope that the hotel can strengthen staff training, neither the room cleaning staff nor the front desk staff, and I will not choose this hotel again when I visit again.
First time visiting Okinawa, I stayed here for 3 nights with my wife in the residential suite. The room was very clean, spacious with beautiful hardwood floors, artistic concrete walls, two large beds and a nice size washer and a beautiful balcony view. Customer service is top notch and the staff members were very attentive to our needs and concerns. Yukari san and her team made our stay feel very special! We will definitely return again.
酒店距離輕軌安裏站步行約30秒,距國際通娛樂區約3分鐘。酒店相距那霸國際機場(Naha International Airport)約18分鐘單軌列車車程,相距那霸市政廳、首裏城以及昔日的皇宮約10分鐘的單軌列車路程。牧志公共市場(Makishi Public Market)約15分鐘的步行路程,泊港碼頭(Tomari Port Terminal)約10分鐘車程。DFS Galleria Okinawa沖繩免税店相距酒店有1站單軌列車路程。酒店的空調客人居住的房間配備了電視、冰箱以及沏茶/咖啡設施。私人浴室配備帶頭頂式淋浴設施的浴缸、吹風機以及洗浴用品。房內還提供免費有線網絡連接。酒店提供免費使用的網絡終端和汽車租賃服務。24小時服務的前台全天候滿足賓客的需求。賓客能在酒店的餐廳享用日式和西式自助早餐。*由於新型肺炎的感染擴大,考慮到客人和酒店從業人員的安全,酒店對公共區域及餐廳採取消毒強化,酒店工作人員將佩戴口罩。 大堂及餐廳放置消毒酒精以防止感染擴大,早餐所用夾具,料理用具,餐具都嚴格進行消毒處理。另酒店備有一次性手套可使用。
訪訪客Returning to Okinawa after COVID is a Great opportunity to share the Hospitality and wonder of Okinawa to friends and Collogues. A must is staying at Sun Palace Kyuyokan. my home away from home.A lot of people ask why do you stay here there are many other hotels in Naha. My answer is that this hotel makes me feel at home. It is nostalgic and family run and many of the employees are seniors. It is clean and the Breakfast is amazing so many choices. It is located across the street from Kenchomae Yui monorail station that can take you everywhere. They also loan out Kariyushi wear so you can feel like being on vacation.
訪訪客Once you reach your room it's Ok The room is big (appartment style) and you have a real kitchen where you can eventually cook. Please note that there is no reception staff so everything is done with keypad and codes, which can result frustrating. And you can only go in at the precise timing you communicated for your check-in. So no need to be early, and there is no place to leave your bags and go for a walk. location is not great, but kombini is just nearby, and you will need 2à mins minimum to reach the main street.