



4.2/547 評價


水明漾 峇里島|距離水明漾海灘0.28km
4.7/538 評價


水明漾 峇里島|距離水明漾海灘0.51km
我們預訂了錢德拉別墅,因為我們在網路上讀到了很棒的評論。絕對和評論一樣好!我們透過錢德拉安排了機場接送服務,從一開始就受到了熱烈的歡迎。所有的工作人員都非常出色、樂於助人、友好,並竭盡全力確保我們住得愉快。我們為 2 位成人和 4 位兒童租了一間 3 間臥室私人泳池別墅,非常完美。房間面積非常寬敞,每個房間都有自己的套房。床和枕頭都很舒服!每個人都有很好的隱私,但都可以聚集在大型開放式休息室、家庭和廚房區,並在游泳池裡一起享受日光浴和玩耍。戶外區域比我們預想的要大,游泳池非常適合 6 人 - 甚至足夠大人遊幾圈!每天工作人員都會安排進來打掃花園和游泳池、放置蚊香、整理床鋪和整理浴室,但他們做得很好,我們幾乎沒有註意到他們在那裡。我們的早餐每天早上都由我們的廚師精心準備,有很多選擇可供選擇。所有設施都運作良好,空調也開著(我們在那裡每天都是 32 度)。就地點而言,正如描述的那樣——到最近的海灘約500m,到水明漾的飲食街也差不多。我們要么步行,要么乘坐 Gojek's 去每個地點,這非常方便。錢德拉酒店還提供塞米亞克周圍的免費接送服務,因此我們利用它來進一步探索。接待處可愛的女士幫我們預訂了前往勒吉安、庫塔和努沙杜瓦等其他地點的旅行和接駁車。錢德拉所在的區域也有很多其他別墅群,所以感覺很安全。步行 5 分鐘內還有便利的 Circle K(便利商店)、一家咖啡店和一些當地的水療/美甲/美髮沙龍。



克萊斯納套房 - 克萊斯納別墅酒店
4.4/54 評價

克萊斯納套房 - 克萊斯納別墅酒店

水明漾 峇里島|距離水明漾海灘0.16km
It’s taken me quite a while to right this review so my stay dates aren’t accurate but there isn’t an option outside of what’s offered on the feedback site. Having said that we first stayed at the Kresna when it was only in the rice fields and the beach side suites were under construction. The following year we came back and stayed at the new Villas near the beach. This became our pattern on a yearly basis. I think we stayed 4-5 times on subsequent years and always for 14-21 days, so I would say that we were very familiar the property and staff. We had always valued the location of this place as it’s incredibly convenient and has great access to both shopping, beach and a reasonable walk to the restaurant ***** so it ticks all the boxes. We also found it reasonably quiet and pleasant if not starting to become a tad tired and not well maintained with the passage of years and the Bali climate. On our last stay however, we booked the beach side villa for three weeks in April. The day after we arrived was a religious day in Bali and we weren’t allow to leave the grounds which was fine. The third day we had a phone call from the Gold Coast hospital and had to return immediately to Australia because of a family emergency. Basically we had to be on a plane within hours. When I went to reception what upset me the most was the complete lack of empathy at our situation. When I explained what was happening the first response was that they could not refund our 21 day stay. I mean really? That was the last thing that I was thinking of at the time and just needed some assistance in getting organised. In hindsight and given the fact that we had stayed there so often and they knew us I was pissed that the money was the first thing that crossed their minds. Of course I would have appreciated a partial refund, obviously it would take a little while to rebook our room but I can guarantee it didn’t stay vacant for three weeks. There wasn’t even an offer for a taxi ride to the airport. It was at that point that I came to terms with the fact that behind the smiles we’re really just a meal ticket. Consequently we’ve never stayed there again and it really left a bitter taste in my mouth.





水明漾大酒店 - 峇里島精品生活方式度假村
4.1/541 評價
克萊斯納套房 - 克萊斯納別墅酒店
4.4/54 評價
It’s taken me quite a while to right this review so my stay dates aren’t accurate but there isn’t an option outside of what’s offered on the feedback site. Having said that we first stayed at the Kresna when it was only in the rice fields and the beach side suites were under construction. The following year we came back and stayed at the new Villas near the beach. This became our pattern on a yearly basis. I think we stayed 4-5 times on subsequent years and always for 14-21 days, so I would say that we were very familiar the property and staff. We had always valued the location of this place as it’s incredibly convenient and has great access to both shopping, beach and a reasonable walk to the restaurant ***** so it ticks all the boxes. We also found it reasonably quiet and pleasant if not starting to become a tad tired and not well maintained with the passage of years and the Bali climate. On our last stay however, we booked the beach side villa for three weeks in April. The day after we arrived was a religious day in Bali and we weren’t allow to leave the grounds which was fine. The third day we had a phone call from the Gold Coast hospital and had to return immediately to Australia because of a family emergency. Basically we had to be on a plane within hours. When I went to reception what upset me the most was the complete lack of empathy at our situation. When I explained what was happening the first response was that they could not refund our 21 day stay. I mean really? That was the last thing that I was thinking of at the time and just needed some assistance in getting organised. In hindsight and given the fact that we had stayed there so often and they knew us I was pissed that the money was the first thing that crossed their minds. Of course I would have appreciated a partial refund, obviously it would take a little while to rebook our room but I can guarantee it didn’t stay vacant for three weeks. There wasn’t even an offer for a taxi ride to the airport. It was at that point that I came to terms with the fact that behind the smiles we’re really just a meal ticket. Consequently we’ve never stayed there again and it really left a bitter taste in my mouth.
3.8/52 評價
4.6/528 評價
非常寬敞,早上我自己做飯,很美味。 我乘出租車去了一個小巷。 白天的住宿很好,晚上有點害怕 我睡着了,我被雷電擊中了 房間有點暗,很不舒服,一打開門,青蛙就跳出來了。我有浴缸,所以我有反胃的胃口 感覺很好,因爲廁所是露天的,但是水爲什麼鹹呢?
4.2/547 評價
4.4/55 評價
Это одно из лучших мест где я останавливалась . Пляж 3 минуты ходьбы . Магазин 1 минута . Все в пешей доступности . В вилле все необходимое имеется . Блендер, посуда , кофе машина , рисоварка , кулер с водой , микроволновка . Много полотенец , предоставили отличную детскую кроватку. Холодильник со льдом внутри , завтраки хорошие . Минимальные , но все наедаются . Постельное мягкое чистое , очень много подушек . Вода в Бассейне циркулирует весь день . Во всех комнатах работают Netflix. Вся наша семья в восторге . Обязательно вернется сюда в следующий раз . Не снимайте деньги в ближайшем ATM . Он съедает и не отдаст карты .




