地點好,交通方便。機場搭專列到終點站北新橋出,有扶手梯和升降機,扛大行李輕鬆出站雍和宮大街,轉乘公車13 或 84到國子監站下車,轉入戲樓胡同 XI LOU Hutong 。
The toilet in the room was difficult to open and close, and I was told that it would be repaired the next day.
Good location and convenient transportation. Take a special train from the airport to the terminal Beixinqiao. There are escalators and lifts. It is easy to carry large luggage and exit the station on Yonghegong Street. Transfer to bus 13 or 84 and get off at Guozijian Station, and then transfer to Xilou Hutong XI LOU Hutong.