正在尋找Blessed Sacrament Parish附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Blessed Sacrament Parish附近的熱門酒店






4.3/561 評價


宿霧市區 宿務|距離Blessed Sacrament Parish0.7km
Me and my friend stayed at mad monkey for 5 days which was far too long but we didn’t know when we booked that there wasn’t much to do. When we arrived we didn’t get the most friendly welcome from reception we didn’t get told about any events going on in the hostel or any trips that the hostel were offering We found the room was quite dirty and very loud on the road side. The air con made the loudest noises and half the time it was hot. The room smelt very mouldy and damp. The floors looked like they haven’t been cleaned for months especially looking under the beds. The walls were cracked and the paints hanging of the walls. No one cleaned the room in 5 days but we did get toilet roll delivery’s. We found it quite hard to chill near the pool as there wasn’t any comfy chairs and it was a greenhouse in there and soo hot we couldn’t sit there for long. It’s all enclosed and we was told on a very occasions that they couldn’t turn on the aircon. We was pretty disappointed with the food prices(the food was nice) although the pizza doughs were a bit undercooked they were so expensive to say it’s a hostel with backpackers on a budget staying there. For 2 meals it cost us £15. And we spent £3 getting a can of red bull which would cost less in England. We wanted to join in on the beer pong one night and we was told we wasn’t aloud to play if we didn’t buy a bucket of beer which was a big of a money making scheme really so we didn’t end up playing and we didn’t want to drink that night to save on money. Everyone should be able to play as some people don’t drink alcohol. We enjoyed to music quiz we found that was a good laugh. The music was very good in the bar and the dj was great. We also found out you couldn’t buy bottled water which was disappointing so we went to the shop to get bottles. They only have one water dispenser in the full building which is very inconvenient and should have one on every floor. we thought the monkey punch was great and did get you drunk with the free shots. Our only recommendation is that you do this promotion later as 7-8 is still quite early if you don’t go out till 12. Overall wasn’t the best and wouldn’t recommend for backpackers on a budget.



正在搜尋Blessed Sacrament Parish附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.8/524 評價
3.8/524 評價
3.7/528 評價
入住了皇家套房的最高房間類別:1.價格實惠-他們有一系列房間供您預算,從宿舍類型到套房,我的套房房間是物有所值,考慮到大面積2。交通便利 位於高速公路旁邊,可以乘坐公共交通。3、地理位置優越 - 距離大型購物中心只有幾個街區,步行即可到達教堂。大房間 - 套房房間設備齊全,落地窗視野好,皇家套房有單獨的接待區 5。舒適的牀 - 羽絨被套,軟枕頭 6。提供配套的洗漱用品和補充用品 CONS: 1。略過時的酒店-需要傢俱翻新和一些油漆工作來破壞牆面油漆2.燈光不好的走廊3.只有當地電視頻道沒有有線頻道4.有限的選擇鍍層早餐對於大多數天在戶外的揹包客來說,這還是物有所值的,感謝前台工作人員對房間進行升級
4.4/5123 評價
那個房間真好。只是那2位女接待員(dalawang medyo chubby na接待員)太傲慢了,一點也不友善。只有這家酒店辦理入住和退房櫃檯要排隊。因為辦理入住的客人很多。胖乎乎的接待員(負責退房)永遠不會招待那些想要入住的人。我問她是否可以接待我,因為當時沒有人退房,她說不。我堅持要求,但她有點生氣,我沒有收到她的滿意答覆。到目前為止,她是我遇到過的最糟糕的接待員。
3.4/518 評價
4.3/561 評價
Me and my friend stayed at mad monkey for 5 days which was far too long but we didn’t know when we booked that there wasn’t much to do. When we arrived we didn’t get the most friendly welcome from reception we didn’t get told about any events going on in the hostel or any trips that the hostel were offering We found the room was quite dirty and very loud on the road side. The air con made the loudest noises and half the time it was hot. The room smelt very mouldy and damp. The floors looked like they haven’t been cleaned for months especially looking under the beds. The walls were cracked and the paints hanging of the walls. No one cleaned the room in 5 days but we did get toilet roll delivery’s. We found it quite hard to chill near the pool as there wasn’t any comfy chairs and it was a greenhouse in there and soo hot we couldn’t sit there for long. It’s all enclosed and we was told on a very occasions that they couldn’t turn on the aircon. We was pretty disappointed with the food prices(the food was nice) although the pizza doughs were a bit undercooked they were so expensive to say it’s a hostel with backpackers on a budget staying there. For 2 meals it cost us £15. And we spent £3 getting a can of red bull which would cost less in England. We wanted to join in on the beer pong one night and we was told we wasn’t aloud to play if we didn’t buy a bucket of beer which was a big of a money making scheme really so we didn’t end up playing and we didn’t want to drink that night to save on money. Everyone should be able to play as some people don’t drink alcohol. We enjoyed to music quiz we found that was a good laugh. The music was very good in the bar and the dj was great. We also found out you couldn’t buy bottled water which was disappointing so we went to the shop to get bottles. They only have one water dispenser in the full building which is very inconvenient and should have one on every floor. we thought the monkey punch was great and did get you drunk with the free shots. Our only recommendation is that you do this promotion later as 7-8 is still quite early if you don’t go out till 12. Overall wasn’t the best and wouldn’t recommend for backpackers on a budget.



宿霧氣候宜人,水清沙幼,素有“度假伊甸園”之美稱。對於貪戀陽光海灘的度假者來説,這裏無疑是世外桃源,沿海有許多度假勝地,豪華、一流的酒店、餐飲、娛樂、購物等設施一應俱全。對於潛水愛好者來説,這裏簡直是夢中的天堂,完善的潛水設備、專業的潛水課程、驚險刺激的水世界之旅,無一不令你流連忘返。麥克坦島(Mactan Island)、莫阿爾博阿(Moalboal)都是不容錯過的夢幻樂園。致力於探尋古迹的朋友在這座古老的城市處處可見歷史的烙印,在這裏,古韻風情與現代活力被演繹得近乎完美。州政府所在地宿霧市是菲律賓最早的城市,被稱為“南方皇后市”(Queen city of the South),也是維薩亞斯政治、經濟、文化、教育的主要命脈。舉世聞名的麥哲倫十字架、聖嬰教堂……散發著傳奇般的色彩。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麥哲倫由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中,他驚喜地發現了這個美麗靜謐的小島。如今,在菲律賓的7000多個島嶼之中,詩情畫意的宿霧島已發展成為最受遊客歡迎的觀光點。宿務市位於宿務省(島)的東部沿海,維薩亞斯(Visayas)群島的中心位置,是宿霧省首府,

