住宿:Rovers Inn Guest House Tanah Rata Cameron。
房型:四人房,可供 2 位成人 2 位兒童入住。沒有早餐,你可以出去吃,或者可以在附近“tapaw”,或者在大堂區外面的 santai² makan。可以下去免費泡茶@咖啡。晚上 11 點到早上 7 點,時間很充足。不過你可以去任何你想去的地方。提供入口門鑰匙,以防您深夜回來。
a hotel away from the town centre ,within 10 Mins walk from a mall and eatries , bus station etc. quiet at night. cleaning should be improved with stains on bed sheet, also no tv and kettle, bottled water provided in room..
one thing to point out , in case you need to exchange money, not many place in town to exchange RM, if they do very bad rate, the only place with decent rate is in the mall but run out of cash (RM) by mid afternoon the day we visited, many ATM in town though