丹維爾購物中心附近凱富套房酒店坐落於丹維爾中心地段,距離凱撒弗吉尼亞賭場和丹維爾購物商場不到 5 分鐘車程。 此酒店距離Ballou Park (巴羅公園) 1.9 英里(3 公里),距離Piney Forest Shopping Center 2 英里(3.2 公里)。您可充分利用室外游泳池等度假設施,此外還有免費 WiFi和大堂壁爐等。此酒店還提供免費使用附近的健身設施和自動售貨機。在丹維爾購物中心附近凱富套房酒店,您可以去餐廳享用美餐。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。特色服務/設施包括快速退房、大堂免費報紙和乾洗/洗衣服務。酒店提供免費自助停車。有 118 間客房提供冰箱和微波爐;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。客房設有私人陽台。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;衞星頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備淋浴/盆浴組合的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。
During my 2-day stay, I stood in ankle deep, dirty water every time I showered before the water drained too slow. It was gross! I’ve stayed there before and had the same problem, but not this bad. Also, the carpet in my room was very dirty and stained, long overdue a deep cleaning. It was gross too! Plus, the bathrooms are too small and the two small sinks configuration don’t really work for me… one small sink inside the bathroom and one small sink outside the bathroom). Remodeling is recommended for all rooms to enlarge small bathrooms and correct the two small sinks configuration. That way, one or two normal size sinks can be inside the bathroom.