Очень странный отель. Он с виду такой роскошный, а в номере нет нормального освещения, в душе не было одной из дверей, т.е. вода брызгала во все стороны... чтобы помыться, пришлось использовать фонарик :) Все очень старое и требует ремонта. Очень вежливый персонал, красивый кот :) и очень удобное расположение
訪訪客Отличный отель, персонал говорит на английском, чисто, в номере есть все необходимое. Единственный минус - доченьки хорошая слышимость, но балл не снимаю, мне все понравилось
訪訪客The entrance door has no bell, only to call. We called but we were waiting a while at the door until another guest came down and told us that reception is on the first floor. No sign says where it is. We thought she would come to open the door but when we went there she was sitting at her desk. No welcome no friendly behaviour. Just got payment and gave the key. This place is cheap but allows smoking in the room even though there are no windows and a good ventilation system. We got a dumb smoking smell room and asked to move and got a better room and slept there one night then asked to move to a room with windows( with supplement charge). That felt better. We could open windows and a door to let the wind blow. Aware of mosquitoes come in the room or maybe they are there.
The location is very good, very close to shopping areas and you can walk to several attractions. WiFi is good. Cleanliness must be improved. And some leaking drops from the bathroom ceiling