澤罕布斯露營酒店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 澤罕布斯露營酒店是您遍覽茲罕美景與親近大自然之聲的理想選擇。 在交通方面,距離昆斯敦機場約37km。 昆斯敦機場位於37km附近,往返機場方便。 附近地區擁有許多景點,包括Howard's Park,Zeehan War Memorial和Zeehan Golf Club & RV camping。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。 這家茲罕酒店的客人可以使用停車場設施。
We had 2 nights in a cabin in the park. It was OK - pretty basic - but most things worked, including the wifi and hot water. So that was good. TV reception was a bit more intermittent. The bunk beds are definitely not comfortable for adults. Never seemed to be anyone at reception when we were there, so didn't get to meet our hosts. It seems Zeehan's mining industry is undergoing a bit of a revival at the moment, so accommodation was limited, and expensive for what you get. Location was a bit out of town and nice and quiet.