

4.3/56 評價
4.5/565 評價
是一間小型酒店,房是比較懷舊的和式裝修,大堂早前翻新,設施不會很多,有點舊但很整潔。有小型浴場及露天風呂,由於住客不多,就算小也不會擁擠。 職員態度友善,入住當晚及第二天早上拍完照回到酒店時,在大堂皆有飲品招待,離開時更會主動替住客在門口以富士山作背景拍照。 酒店面向富士山,故門口和房裡皆可看到富士山。地點不在鬧市,自己駕駛會比較方便。附近沒甚麼店舖,最好自己買些食物來作晚餐及早餐,酒店也有杯麵及少量零食售賣,也有飲品售賣機。 住在這裡的好處是,一早起來若天氣好,可看到富士山,才出發去拍照。如果想到附近幾個湖拍照是不錯的選擇。還可到酒店的頂層拍拍美照。 酒店的電視會在早上六點會自動開著,可能是早晨鬧鐘吧,入住時沒有提及,有點嚇人,不過一打開窗看到美麗的富士山,也沒所謂吧。
4.6/581 評價
We stayed two nights with meals and enjoyed it thoroughly. We made our reservation via ***********. The hotel was responsive over emails on our queries. We had a role with a view of the lake. Mr Fuji is not fully visible from the front of the hotel but walk along the river for 10 mins (to the right) and you get to enjoy a spectacular view of Mt Fuji. We also enjoyed the meals (bfast and dinner on both days and the onsen on the first and second floors). Bus stop No. 10 of the Red Line Sightseeing Bus stops very near to the hotel and Bus Stop No 9 is the stop for the Ropeway Panoramic View and the Lake Cruise. Our room was clean, cozy and comfortable. The staff was polite and helpful. There are shuttle service available to and from ten hotel to the train station.
緣之杜酒店 河口湖
4.2/512 評價
新房不需要過多描述 ,家人很滿意。 提供服務直到你消失在她視野裏 。因為是第一次來富士山 所以很擔心其性價比 雖然在公路邊第一眼看到時我懊悔不已 但是進入房間後直到店員出門鞠躬送別 我都為我的選擇感到慶幸😁 最開始的擔心(離車站有點遠不方便去景點)完全沒有必要 周邊設施相當完善 有商業綜合體 有通往河口湖的公交車(綠車)即便純坐的士也不會多出太多花銷(出門玩是為了放鬆身心 不要太精打細算 況且上午9點左右是光線最好的時候 千萬不要耽誤在路上)建議住三晚 我是碰巧第二天才碰到下圖這種絕美景色 ,希望你們運氣比我更好
4.5/551 評價
I am really struggling with this review but decided to give a 2 star review as I took Price into consideration for this. The ryokan is highly rated on here which might be down to different experiences or different expectations. So let me get into why I was not impressed: I know Japan very well, come here multiple times a year for work and some extra time and even lived here a few years ago. I have stayed in multiple Ryokans with lovely Onsens all over the country and usually prefer the more traditional buildings and atmospheres. In the mouth Fuji Region this seemed to be one of very few that meets that criteria. However during our stay, I found that none of the usual Japanese „omotenashi“ really apply here. This ryokan had zero Japanese guests and catered exclusively to foreign tourists. The rooms are nice but certainly not great- especially considering the price. No public onsen just a shallow marble tub outside each room which heavily lacks atmosphere or Beauty. The hotel misses elements of nature and relaxation throughout- which usually is staple of a nice traditional ryokan. Then the staff- the non-Japanese staff actually tries very hard but they are clearly not aware of some of the customs at traditional places. The Japanese stuff might have been the coldest staff I have ever experienced in Japan. As I speak Japanese, I usually manage to get into a nice conversation with staff at such ryokans - at this one, that was not at all possible. They wouldn’t even speak Japanese with me. The breakfast service was fine but felt really rushed and service was cold. Dinner was an absolute nightmare - no accommodation was made for a serious allergy. Actually there was no concern whatsoever- we even identified the ingredient in a dish that the waiter said was ok… and when we pointed it out he just said „please don’t eat then“. Usually staff in Japan bends over backwards to make sure all is fine with your meal. Also- the 24,000 yen/person kaiserlich dinner was served at such a speed that we had at times three courses in front of us. Flexibility is definitely also not a word in their vocabulary - no changes can be made to anything - but that would be ok if the staff was just overall trying a bit harder. Food quality was good but again not better than at similar places for half the price. Overall the ryokan lacks a loving touch and I can only assume that it is badly managed as the staff is clearly unmotivated. You can definitely do much better in Japan and a big lesson for me is to always look out for reviews from locals as they know best what the standard for such a place should be. As someone who loves japan and has close ties to the country through work and friends, I am always happy to see positive reviews about the Japanese hospitality and service - however o encourage everyone who rated their stay highly here to try some other great ryokans in Japan to find out for yourselves how much better it can get.
4.7/527 評價
2021 年 7 月使用。在尋找河口湖恆星劇場附近的飯店時,發現了有露天浴池的西式民宿!我立即進行了預訂。離河口湖站有點遠,但是他們提供接駁車服務,非常有幫助。我在門口脫掉鞋子,在室內穿拖鞋。 1樓的所有客房均設有露天浴池,入住2樓的房客只能使用私人露天浴池。房間裡有一個可愛的浴室,但寬敞舒適的氛圍中的露天浴池很吸引人,我在住宿期間參觀了很多次!我很高興它每天 24 小時都可用。所有便利設施均可使用。房間裡不提供飲料服務,但大廳有提供,可以帶進房間。您也可以以合理的價格購買塑膠瓶。菜單上也有酒精飲料。白天在露天浴池放鬆的時候,我聽到斯特拉劇院裡某位藝術家的排練聲,讓我感到很高興。這頓早餐很精緻!沙拉、*菜餚、湯、烤麵包、水果和優格也很美味✨我可以在森林裡放鬆身心,主人和他妻子的善良讓人很安心。


