







4.2/559 評價


我們在Gili T上的Scallywags的體驗從頭到尾都是非常出色的,從我們11點左右的早到,我們用清爽的冷毛巾–,熱情地歡迎我們,小而令人愉快的觸摸。更重要的是,我們收到了歡迎飲料,並在12點被帶往我們的房間,比標準15點的入住時間提前整整三個小時。我們的房間乾淨整潔,設備齊全,有我們可能需要的一切,從浴袍到選擇的洗浴用品,吹風機,甚至茶和咖啡用品。如果你發現自己需要任何額外的東西,接待處有各種物品出售,包括蟲噴霧和其他商品。在我們的房間裏,我們發現分配器中供應了大量的飲用水,冰箱裏裝滿了冷水。牀不僅寬敞,而且令人難以置信的舒適,隔音效果確保了寧靜的夜晚休息。酒店的一大亮點是僻靜的泳池區,精心維護,經常清潔和適當的氯水平。有很多日光浴牀,桌子和椅子,他們甚至爲酒店客人提供免費毛巾租賃。Scallywags還吹噓酒店內的餐廳和單獨的燒烤餐廳,兩者通常都熱鬧熱鬧。我們很高興嘗試燒烤,它沒有讓人失望。自助沙拉酒吧是一個突出的特點。此外,酒店有一個附加的溫泉,有各種價格合理的治療,雖然我們很遺憾沒有機會體驗。當我們的住宿接近尾聲時,我們提到了我們計劃訪問Gili Air上的Scallywags Resort給前台接待員Rizal。他在那裏組織了我們的轉會,超越了一切!Rizal的幫助是真正讚賞和例證我們在整個住宿期間收到的卓越服務!





4.6/518 評價


Stayed here for 5 nights as part of our honeymoon trip. We were in Tenda villa which is beautiful with its own pool and outdoor-ish bathroom. It has a little kitchenette area where you can prepare coffee and have breakfast when they deliver it to your room. The mini bar is well stocked and well priced. The villa comes with bikes to use to get around the island. Unfortunately the bikes we had needed some care - the brakes didn’t work on one of them, at all. There were no lights on them, which isn’t unusual for Gili T but did cause issues. It would be advisable for them to add some. The bell also didn’t work! They were clearly old bikes as the handles were split and worn, and the baskets were all dented. Maybe time for some new ones!! The only other reason that Kuno didn’t get 5 stars was breakfast. We messaged every morning to get breakfast in our villa as the public/communal area is quite small. We’d message at 0730 and sometimes it would get to 0815 and there’d be no sign of it. But we’d have got up early as we were diving so needed to leave. Twice my Husband left without eating as it was too late. The hotel said it was because they were busy with lots of food orders, but our breakfast also turned up cold most of the time so it was clearly just sat waiting for someone to bring it. We also had an issue with eggs being mostly raw when they turned up so maybe specify that you want the egg fully cooked, just in case… We never ate dinner here so we can’t comment on the quality of any of the other food.
4.7/514 評價


My husband and i chose Majo Villas after much deliberation as it is a little far from the main street, however from the moment we arrived, it was nothing short of PERFECT. Travelling with a 2 year old can be challenging, however this place was so accommodating that my son was in love with the receptionists! He started calling them ‘best friends’. Shout out to Nana and abang abang receptionist there. ❤️ Anything you want, literally anything, they try and cater to you. When we landed, we were really hungry, they assisted us with food delivery super fast! We had bicycles to move around. They arranged our travels from the airport all the way to lobby doorstep and back which was amazing. Hassle free. Theyve also arranged a sunset trip for us(highly recommended!). I mean i can go on and on. But yes, as you can see. Im honestly in awe of this place and will definitely come back. It was so beautiful, serene, cozy and calm. What a way to celebrate my birthday as well, as they assisted my husband with cakes and i had a morning wake up surprise. So to majo team (again shoutout to Nana who was exceptional!) kudos to youll. And see you again. The only downside was the place is a little far from the mainstreet, however you can always explore via bicycle and that would be perfect. 😄 they also do have cidomo’s if youre keen. Being a little far from the mainstreet also means, you can a quiet time during your holidayy and its very private and cozy. ❤️






Gili Trawangan Turtle Hatchery




Sunset Stables



4.4/522 評價
My wife and my 1.5 year old stayed at Nero North in late January. It was our Honeymoon and we had an amazing time which was made all the more special by the staff. They were so kind and friendly and were particularly playful and interactive with our 1.5 year old (which he loved). We will always remember our time there fondly not just because of the delicious food, comfortable facilities, great pool, beautiful/quiet location but the wonderful staff who made our time so special. I attempted to get all their names but haven’t got all of them (apologies to those I’ve missed!) - a special thank you to Hasti, Izi, Amir, Tari, Ayub and Zainul! Tom, Em and Archie
4.8/550 評價
新建的酒店是海灘 Lounge的雙胞胎,但它位於一個更安靜的位置,特別是在你能從中享受陽光在海中滅的地區。如果你尋找港口地區的的樂趣,這不是你所能找到的,不過,它可以單獨到達,而且可以享受10分鐘的自行車。非常的工作人員,乾淨的空間,美麗的,非常細的,既是游泳池的區域,也是海灘的區域,非常(要做防的必不可少的,當你看到低潮時,你會明白爲什麼....)
4.3/55 評價
4.4/515 評價
終於有空來寫一下點評 吉利島上的環境比較原始 所以基本上家家都差不多 當然了價格貴的房間環境可能會好一些 但是大環境都一樣 這家的位置離碼頭的海灘比較遠 但是離另一邊看日落的海灘比較近 我挺喜歡這個位置的 不鬧 晚上很安靜 價格也可以 性價比高 最驚喜的是他家做的飯很好吃!比我在碼頭那邊吃的餐廳要好吃!他家的大蝦飯都被我們吃到斷貨了!特別香!不會點的小伙伴可以直接給他們看圖片!早餐做的炒麵和炒飯也特別好吃!還有一種雞肉粥也很好喝!院子裏有三隻可愛的小貓 我家小孩每天早上都要去折磨一下貓咪 所有的服務人員都非常的有耐心很熱情 我用翻譯軟件跟他們交流 打字什麼的很久他們就在旁邊等着 態度真的非常好!很喜歡這個吉利島 每天騎自行車載着小孩去碼頭熱鬧一下 再騎回這個安靜的小別墅 聽着過往馬車的鈴鐺聲 很有樂趣 願有機會再回來~
3.6/523 評價
1. 地點很好,位於主要道路旁,沿着路走就是最熱鬧的夜市市集區。 2. 離馬路近,所以住靠馬路villa房就會聽到人聲及馬蹄聲,不好睡及淺眠的人要三思,不過房東會給你耳塞。 3. 房東英文OK,待人親切,人風趣,溝通容易。 4. 提供旅遊規劃服務,要浮潛或遊船均可安排,可以議價。 浮潛可要求包船,有附呼吸管/面罩/救生衣,不過沒有蛙鞋,好處是有兩員教練,可隨時注意你的動態,適合不諳水性又想浮潛的人。 5. 早餐有三種套餐可選,口味普通,建議勿點咖啡咖啡苦且有很多咖啡渣。 6. 房間門管不密,會有縫隙,介意蚊子飛進去的人三思。 7. 島上每天有5次清真廣播祈禱,早上4:30會有一場,淺眠的人隔音設備需自備。 8. 房東説島上水都會有海水混雜,所以洗澡都有海水鹹味,沒試過每天用海水洗澡的人可以試試。 9. 房間內設施應該不新,同團有遇到冷氣不涼,馬桶漏水不止的,後來都有叫修。 10. 吹風機等非必需品設施全需自備。
4.6/518 評價
Stayed here for 5 nights as part of our honeymoon trip. We were in Tenda villa which is beautiful with its own pool and outdoor-ish bathroom. It has a little kitchenette area where you can prepare coffee and have breakfast when they deliver it to your room. The mini bar is well stocked and well priced. The villa comes with bikes to use to get around the island. Unfortunately the bikes we had needed some care - the brakes didn’t work on one of them, at all. There were no lights on them, which isn’t unusual for Gili T but did cause issues. It would be advisable for them to add some. The bell also didn’t work! They were clearly old bikes as the handles were split and worn, and the baskets were all dented. Maybe time for some new ones!! The only other reason that Kuno didn’t get 5 stars was breakfast. We messaged every morning to get breakfast in our villa as the public/communal area is quite small. We’d message at 0730 and sometimes it would get to 0815 and there’d be no sign of it. But we’d have got up early as we were diving so needed to leave. Twice my Husband left without eating as it was too late. The hotel said it was because they were busy with lots of food orders, but our breakfast also turned up cold most of the time so it was clearly just sat waiting for someone to bring it. We also had an issue with eggs being mostly raw when they turned up so maybe specify that you want the egg fully cooked, just in case… We never ate dinner here so we can’t comment on the quality of any of the other food.





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吉利特拉旺安旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過226家可以選擇。當地酒店平均價格大概是304 HKD一晚,吉利特拉旺安有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。吉利特拉旺安有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚1282 HKD。吉利特拉旺安有36家四星級酒店,平均每晚797 HKD。吉利特拉旺安有76家三星級酒店,平均每晚378 HKD。吉利特拉旺安有45家二星級酒店,平均每晚208 HKD。入住吉利特拉旺安當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。作為吉利特拉旺安的熱門酒店,吉利特拉旺安蒂哇哈那度假村(D'Wahana Resort Gili Trawangan)是評價最高的酒店之一。除此之外,吉利特拉旺安珊瑚海灘2號簡易別墅酒店(Coral Beach 2 Bungalow Gili Trawangan)也是遊客們常去的酒店。
