

選擇您的日期,搜尋塔拉戈納設有健身室/gym room的最佳酒店。

優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+


探索有健身室/gym room的熱門塔拉戈納酒店
H10 塔拉科帝國酒店
H10 塔拉科帝國酒店H10 塔拉科帝國酒店
H10 塔拉科帝國酒店坐落於塔拉戈納中心地段,距離羅馬馬戲團僅咫尺之遙,步行到塔拉戈納圓形劇場也不超過 5 分鐘。 此豪華酒店距離塔拉戈納國家考古博物館 0.2 英里(0.3 公里),距離塔拉戈納羅馬城牆 0.5 英里(0.8 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裏,您可以享受按摩。一定要去體驗3 個室外游泳池和健身俱樂部等度假設施。此地中海風格酒店的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和宴會廳。您可以到餐廳享用一頓美餐;也可以去咖啡館吃些點心。或者可以待在房間裏,享受酒店的部分時段客房送餐服務。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。每天 7:00 至 10:30 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時前台服務和行李寄存。這家酒店擁有 3 間會議室,可用來舉辦活動。有 144 間客房提供迷你吧和意式濃縮咖啡機;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。帶有數碼頻道的 40 英寸智能電視可滿足您的娛樂需求;同時提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。浴室提供浴缸或淋浴,配有大花灑淋浴噴頭和免費洗浴用品。便利設施包括電話,以及保險箱和書桌。

訪客 2023.01.31
Good first impressions - well put together hotel with great amenities and nice staff. First evening I ordered room service - It took over 1hour 15 minutes to arrive, and that's after I went to ask at the reception. Also the room door wouldn't shut properly - it was still open when it seemingly had clunked shut - but this was dealt with swiftly, thank you. First shower I had - oh dear - it has a head with one narrow spray (not like a regular/ normal round or rectangular one) that fires at you almost horizontally and in a narrow clump (irritating and impractical) - so even when you try and slow the pressure, it still goes to the back of the bath, over the bath end, and swamps the bathroom - firstly you simply cannot shower with such a dumb 'design student' reject style shower head, and secondly you'll spend several minutes after finishing having a shower, using up all the towels to mop the bathroom floor, and leave them in a giant wet mess, only to start smelling during the night - terrific (not) ! The last time I experienced a shower head that went only horizontal over the back of the bath, was a (very good, apart from this,) two star hotel in Morocco - but even that one had a regular round head (so you could actually wash properly/ normally under it), not a single tiny narrow head like at this hotel. The room I had was the cheapest, and apart from not having an opening window (I know this is kind of standard these days, so I'm not bothered), it was a well appointed comfortable room and even had a side view of the Med, which was great. People will always come to this hotel because of its awesome location, including a roof terrace ..commanding some of the best full vantage points in Tarragona (and many other reasons), but I hope the complacency of them knowing this, doesn't hold them back from considering customers' improvements / suggestions. I had pasta carbonara for dinner the 2nd night - a few tubes of pasta in a thin limp sauce, with some almost microscopic strands of ham (seemed like a microwave job) - no bread with it, no salad, very very unsatisfactory it was ..I was still hungry, so I ordered a small pizza, which was ok, but seemed like a basic supermarket one (it wasn't good), and it took a long time to arrive. The rooftop pool, they call a 'plunge pool', but this is underselling it - I did lots of lengths in it, it's maybe 4ft deep .. it's great. The lower pool is also nice and is much bigger and deeper. The day I left, the fire alarm went off at about 7am - A bit annoying. Some people started to leave the building and some probably didn't. This is overall a very good hotel, and I was really impressed. I liked the staff on reception, the breakfast staff and the rooftop bar/ restaurant staff - they were all very friendly and very efficient - This is especially nice when you're by yourself. Tarragona is great and swimming in the sea was wonderful too.
塔拉戈納萬豪 AC 酒店位於塔拉戈納,靠近海灘,距離冒險港世界遊樂園和塔拉克帝國廣場不到 15 分鐘車程。 此酒店距離中央公園購物中心 0.4 英里(0.6 公里),距離中央集市 0.5 英里(0.8 公里)。您可充分利用健身中心等度假設施,或者到屋頂露台和花園欣賞美景。此酒店還提供免費 WiFi、公共區電視和宴會廳。您可以到小吃吧/熟食店隨便找點吃的;或者待在房間裏,享受酒店的部分時段客房送餐服務。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。自助式早餐(收費)供應時間為:週一至週五 7:00 至 10:30,週末 7:00 至 10:30。特色服務/設施包括24 小時商務中心、大堂免費報紙和乾洗/洗衣服務。計劃在塔拉戈納舉辦活動?這家酒店擁有 162 平方米(1743 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議場地和會議室。酒店提供收費自助停車。有 115 間客房提供迷你吧和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。配備淋浴/盆浴組合的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和坐浴桶。便利設施包括保險箱和書桌;如有需要,還可提供免費嬰兒床。

FFengzhiguBL 2023.07.26
入住勞里亞酒店,輕鬆探索塔拉戈納。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。 所有客房均設有私人浴室,最適合享受寧靜的獨處時光。有空餘時間的話,不妨去室外的游泳池暢泳。 健身室於開放,讓住客可以好好鍛鍊身體。到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此酒店更設有自動售賣機。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供行李寄存和洗衣服務。開車前來的住客可以使用停車場。

Sshaonaiyan 2023.11.15
修塔特德塔拉戈納 SB 酒店坐落於塔拉戈納中心地段,距離冒險港世界遊樂園和塔拉克帝國廣場不到 15 分鐘車程。 此酒店距離中央集市 0.4 英里(0.6 公里),距離塔拉哥納歷史檔案館 0.5 英里(0.8 公里)。一定要享受一下季節性開放的室外游泳池和自行車租賃等度假設施。此酒店的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、禮品店/報攤和婚慶服務。您可以到酒店的Mare Nostrum Restaurant餐廳享用午餐或晚餐,也可以去咖啡館吃些點心。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。自助式早餐(收費)供應時間為:週一至週五 7:00 至 10:30,週末 7:00 至 11:00。特色服務/設施包括商務中心、大堂免費報紙和乾洗/洗衣服務。計劃在塔拉戈納舉辦活動?這家酒店擁有 740 平方米(7965 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議中心和5 間會議室。酒店提供收費自助停車。有 168 間空調客房提供迷你吧和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費有線和無線上網,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;另提供衞星頻道,可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和坐浴桶。便利設施包括電話,以及可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和書桌。

SB 塔拉戈納快捷酒店坐落於塔拉戈納中心地段,距離冒險港世界遊樂園和塔拉克帝國廣場不到 15 分鐘車程。 此酒店距離中央公園購物中心 0.9 英里(1.4 公里),距離中央集市 1.2 英里(1.9 公里)。您可充分利用24 小時健身中心等度假設施,此外還有免費 WiFi和禮賓服務等。此酒店還提供接待大廳和自動售貨機。您可以到服務SB 塔拉戈納快捷酒店住客的Restaurante BLÚ享用美餐;也可以去小吃吧/熟食店逛逛。每天提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時前台服務和多語言服務。酒店提供收費自助停車。酒店有 90 間客房,提供LED 電視。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;數碼頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和坐浴桶。便利設施包括電話,以及可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和書桌。

While this hotel has a good rate and some ok aspects to it (relatively clean room, convenient parking garage across the street), there are many issues with it otherwise. The receptionist wasn’t very friendly or helpful at the start… that didn’t bode well. I had to do a couple hours of work as soon as I got to my room and quickly realized that the WiFi signal didn’t reach my room - bear in mind I was only on the second floor of about six floors! So I couldn’t use the internet which, obviously, is pretty important for most work these days. I even tried to do some work with my computer just outside my room but the signal was poor even in the halls ways. And to make matters worse, the hallway smelled like cigarette smoke. Pretty sure this is a non-smoking hotel! So I decide to do my work in the lobby. I end up having dinner there and order a pasta dish. No joke, the top half of the pasta was warm and the bottom part was cold. Did they just throw it into a microwave? It was pretty disappointing. In terms of the room itself, it was spacious and the bed was comfortable enough but when I went to take a shower, not only would the water not drain properly - creating an ever-growing pool of water on the shower floor - but the temperature was all wonky. It went from slightly warm to searing hot… again, not ideal. I’m a pretty easy-going traveler and for this price, I shouldn’t really complain BUT this city did seem to have plenty of options in the price range so maybe it’s best to try another spot unless you have a good reason to want to stay in this particular location.
入住地中海自然温泉度假村,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。每間客房均有廚房,提供雪櫃。有空餘時間的話,不妨到室內或室外的游泳池暢泳。 用住宿的spa或桑拿消除疲勞,放鬆身心。 健身室於開放,讓住客可以好好鍛鍊身體。這裡更有餐廳,入住期間不妨順便過來吃點東西吧。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此露營地亦提供花園、兒童遊樂場和遊戲室等設施。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供洗衣服務。住宿設有停車場,歡迎自駕遊旅客入住。
塔拉克公園塔拉戈納酒店提供一流的服務和設施,讓客人盡享舒適。 使用住宿提供的免費 Wi-Fi,隨心分享您的照片或回複電子郵件。 使用住宿提供的服務,輕鬆安排您在塔拉戈納的短途旅行、景點觀光和其他活動。對於自駕前來的客人,住宿提供免費停車。 提供禮賓服務等接待服務,力求滿足您的需求。 如有需要,票務服務還可以幫您預訂門票或預訂附近的熱門演出和活動。 入住塔拉克公園塔拉戈納酒店,無需大包小包,洗衣服務可確保您的衣服保持乾淨清新。渴望放鬆?塔拉克公園塔拉戈納酒店為您提供客房送餐服務等便利設施,讓您充分享受住宿時光。出於健康考慮,整個住宿範圍內嚴禁吸煙。 塔拉克公園塔拉戈納酒店讓您以美味的自製早餐開始每一個新的一天。 若您不想外出就餐,酒店提供的美食力求滿足您的需求。盡情享受塔拉克公園塔拉戈納酒店的眾多活動。 別忘了一定要留出時間探索海灘,您可從住宿輕鬆抵達海邊。您每天都可以享受住宿的泳池,盡情跳入水中或暢遊幾圈,恢復身心活力,享受神清氣爽的感覺。 擔心度假胖一圈?住宿提供各種健身設施,讓您輕鬆甩掉度假肥。

ATENCION NEFASTA POR PARTE DE LA SRTA. PRISCILA DE RECEPCION. Estancia de 1 noche con niña de 11 años. Llegamos el dia 11 de Julio desde Portaventura, y estábamos tan cansados que simplemente fuimos a cenar en el mismo hotel, y luego directamente a dormir. Al día siguiente cuando nos despertamos ya para marchar , mire debajo de la cama por si la niña se le había caído alguna cosa, y encontramos ropa de otro cliente, confetis, 3 globos , y mucha suciedad. Bajamos a recepción, y la Srta.Priscila estaba al tlf. con el informático (lo deducimos porque luego de un buen rato cuando le dio la gana a ella, la escuchamos darle la clave para conexión remota) , nos miro, y dijo Check out?¿ le dijimos si, pero queremos hablar con usted..... Eso ya no le gustó ............. nos dejo esperando un buen rato..... ... Claro nos vio con el globo que le bajamos y con cara de disgusto... e iba alargando la conversación, hasta que le volvimos a repetir... nos puede atender porfavor... y de malas maneras al final nos atendió.... Primera respuesta suya al decirle las cosas... Porque no lo dijeron ayer?¿ y le contestamos que porque normalmente cuando llego a un hotel no me pongo a mirar debajo de las camas...(quizás a partir de ahora lo haga) y que porque era tarde ”veníamos reventados de port Aventura”....... .... Pues ella en lugar de pedir disculpas, ya que en ningún momento tuvo la educación y humildad de hacerlo..... su actitud fue altiva, ofensiva (simplemente con la mirada y actitud que tenia).... y con ganas de perjudicar y alargar la situación en lugar de solventarlo rápidamente.... Por su mala educación le pedi una hoja de reclamaciones... y como nunca he puesto ninguna... le pregunte: - Es una hoja de reclamación? y su respuesta fue .... ACASO NO LO VE? Como no voy a cabrearme ademas, de que me encuentro una habitación sucia, te encuentras con un personaje así ?¿? y si es verdad... que yo le conteste... ERES UNA MALEDUCADA.... y la estupenda Srta.Priscila... enseguida me contesto... pues igual que usted..... Pero Aver Señores propietarios del hotel... o bien es su hija esta chica, y no han podido colocarla en otro sitio a trabajar... o deverdad miren bien el tipo de personaje que tienen delante de una recepción..... Luego a la hora de entregarle la reclamación..... Priscila seguía al tlf. como si nada, y le digo.. perdona ya hemos terminado , y nos contesto... PUES ESPERAN A QUE YO TERMINE AL TLF.. es decir seguir provocando un malestar.... sin ningún sentido... y ademas tiene las santas narices, de contestarme en la reclamación que la insultamos... Perdona Priscila a ti nadie te insultó... lo que pasa que no sirves para estar en una recepción, es una vergüenza que un establecimiento así... con lo que cuesta llenar hoteles , tenga un personaje así al frente de una recepción..... Pagamos 94 euros... ok yo lo escogí por vuestra pagina web, sin desayuno , hasta aquí estamos deacuerdo... pero que me encuentre ropa , confetis, globos , y que ademas cuando ba
查看塔拉戈納設有健身室/gym room的全部酒店


訪客I had never stayed in a B&B hotel, but I chose it because of the great review & the location. You are in front of the covered market, on a square with many bars. However, it is very quiet at night and the other guests very respectful. A sweet attention is breakfast left on the door every day (little pastries). You can have coffee/tea/fruit juices downstairs. Big room with a huge shower, big windows & blackout curtain.


位於 塔拉戈納的酒店
This hotel deserves every accolade it is given. Small and fairly basic in fairness but run with passion by a couple that really care about what they do. This hotel surpasses many that charge twice the price. We were in room 17 on the 1st floor. It was quiet, immaculately clean and felt very safe. Xavi the owner, gave us as much info as we could ever need and even took the time to actually show us the way to the cheaper car park. Little things mean such a lot and definitely differentiates a hotel from its competition The hotel is centrally located and handy for everything.


位於 塔拉戈納的酒店
訪客I stayed here for two weeks for a university program. As I was there for a while it's easiest to do a bulleted list of pros/cons: Pros: * Location: Directly on Plaça de la Font, so if you're someone who wants to be right next to restaurants, bars, clubs and shops this is for you; also close to the Cathedral, the old town and the Roman ruins (amphitheater, circus, forum); a short walk from Platja del Miracle, a clean, lifeguarded beach where I was always able to find good space no matter the day or time. * I had a double room at the back of the property, whose window faced onto another flat but with a small terrace between us. Thus it was quiet and got direct sunlight most of the day. The room had an AC unit that cooled the room quickly, and also had decent shelf and hanger space given the room size (small, but that's typical of European hotel rooms, especially in old buildings). * The room was cleaned every day—towels changed every day, sheets changed every few days. Post-COVID I've come to expect the opposite—that hotel rooms will only be cleaned once a week or upon request—so that was a pleasant surprise. The cleaning staff were also very friendly and helpful. Cons: * Automated check-in—by far the biggest con. The hostel didn't send our trip coordinator, who wasn't in-country, the access code to the front door, though it was supposed to have been sent 24h before. So I arrived, the first in my group to get there, not realizing this would be needed. Eventually after waiting outside for some time another guest happened to be going inside, and let me in. The machine was wonky at first but eventually worked, at least for me; other guests checking in at the same time as the later arrivals in my group, however, had worse luck, and I'm not sure if they were ever able to reach a Forum rep to access their rooms. * No on-site staff, poorly-manned hostel phone line—we had a situation in our group later that week where a group member forgot their key in their room on their way to dinner, and ended up having to sleep in the small lobby area overnight as nobody from the Forum number provided was picking up the phone. The pin number the automated machine was requesting in order to issue a new key had never been sent to our group coordinator either, hence why the group member was never able to get a new key issued from the machine. * Other people in my university group had single rooms in the center of the property. Thus they did not ever have direct sunlight; their rooms either faced a wall or a disused lift shaft at the center of the property. This is just something for people to be aware of when they're making the bookings; the room photos on the site are not representative of most of the rooms of the property. * Accessibility: there is no lift/elevator, and it is a four-story property with steep flights of stairs between floors. If anyone in your party is disabled or otherwise has mobility or fitness issues, or if you simply have a lot of luggage,


位於 塔拉戈納的酒店


位於 塔拉戈納的酒店



無論您是到塔拉戈納公幹或遊覽,塔拉戈納中心烏比斯住宿加早餐旅館塔拉戈納論壇酒店塔拉戈納萬豪AC酒店 都是您的首選酒店。






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