





4.7/584 評價


強羅/仙石原 箱根|距離學校法人國際學園星槎大學星槎箱根キャンパス0.46km
Absolutely wonderful place to stay in Hakone. =] The hotel has a nice atmosphere and is quiet, with comfortable rooms, good food, lovely staff and wifi with a nice surrounding area and bus stops nearby including right in front of the hotel itself that go to and from Odawara/near Tokyo (just be careful if travelling with large luggage like me, the buses to and from Odawara/Tokyo were packed! So be prepared to catch one early/later, wait for a more open bus to stop by or organize a taxi/other method of transport. The staff can assist you with this though!) I travelled alone and was quite nervous, but the staff and location helped me feel comfortable and at ease during my stay (there are of course staff that speak English, though I wanted to do my best and practice my Japanese and they were all very patient with me haha). If you're LGBT, have tattoos or are just anxious to use a public bath and are worried about going to a hot spring, you can enjoy the hot springs here as the room entrances are locked with a key given to you. (There is a fee for using these private onsens, however I found their pricing to be quite reasonable, especially if it meant I could finally feel comfortable and enjoy an onsen without any worries!) The baths do face a lovely private fenced bamboo garden area, that's view is shared between the other private onsens (you cannot see each other though due to the walls of the onsens itself). As someone who was utterly terrified of using a public onsen and tried once before elsewhere without any luck, this was a massive relief and allowed me to fully enjoy a hot spring (including in the rain! It was so lovely to sit in the warm onsen at night with rain pattering on the roof and viewing the bamboo). If you are at all still anxious about using the baths however, you can always ask the staff for any timeslots that are quieter (to make a booking, you see the front desk and write your name in a time-sheet anyway so you can see what the currently booked times are for yourself.) I was lucky enough to try 2/3 of the hot springs and can pretty safely recommend all of them! If you have any mobility concerns about entering/exiting the baths, I would recommend the Kaguya 'flat' onsen as it is similar to a small pool with steps, though the Kin-gyo onsen also has a wooden bar set up next to the bathtub onsens that can assist you. Aside from the onsens, the room itself was also lovely! Because I was travelling alone, I booked a single room with a regular bed (i.e not a futon). The room itself despite being one of the smallest had a decent size to it for me to spread out my luggage etc and was quite comfortable. The room did not include a bath which was perfectly ok with me as I was using the private onsens the entire time anyway which of course include a small shower area to properly clean yourself including soap and shampoo/conditioner. I chose this hotel for it's private onsens and proximity to a museum I wished to visit before it shu





3.7/52 評價
真的很像住在自己家裡的感覺,民宿的爺爺奶奶很親切,雖然溝通有點困難,房間有小客廳和臥室,空間蠻大的,早餐晚餐也都令我驚艷,地點離巴士站也很近,總之C P值很高
4.3/517 評價
失望的。第二次訪問箱根風雅。不一樣了。我什至應該從哪裡開始。登記入住過程是一場災難。沒有人注意到我們已經到達,也沒有人協助我們從車上搬運行李。與我們第一次訪問箱根風雅有很大的不同。酒店工作人員更關注國內游客而不是外國遊客。儘管在 2 對夫婦(國內游客)之前到達,但他們被允許坐在吧台,並且比為我們服務的前台工作人員提供更專業的服務,他們在辦理入住手續時似乎不太清楚。此外,他們將我們安排在第二層,工作人員沒有加倍努力將我們所有的行李搬上來,我們不得不自己搬一些。工作人員沒有建議幫助我們在退房時把它拿下來,我們也不得不自己做。沒有介紹房間,因為我提到我們以前去過一次,但房型與我們最初入住的不同。他提著我們的一件行李,送我們到房間,然後離開了。與我們的第一次訪問相比,熱情好客非常差 唯一可取之處是餐廳的晚餐/早餐工作人員,因為那裡的服務讓人感覺真誠。晚餐課程的融合食物缺乏我們正在尋找的正宗日本體驗。如果您希望向您的客人收取每晚近 99,000 日元的費用,請準備好提高您的服務和標準,因為我們第一次訪問箱根風雅時,他們已經完全達不到標準。我們絕對不會再回來了,因為整個體驗感覺我們被酒店工作人員“幽靈”了。如果我必須對第一次訪問和第二次訪問進行評分,那是 9/10 到 1/10(服務人員努力晚餐/早餐)。此外,如果您要實行雙重標準(日本客戶與外國遊客),請幫我們一個忙,不要向國際遊客宣傳您的日式旅館/酒店。你完全讓我們失望了,箱根風雅。我們在貴酒店住了 1 晚,浪費了 99,000 日元。其他日式旅館向我們收取較低的費用,而且服務無可挑剔。你需要認真地反思
4.7/52 評價
金乃竹仙石原旅館 - 限成人
4.4/528 評價
開了40多年的三樓(B1-2)老店了,一共有11個房間。圍着一個小湖別有情趣。5個房間是複式的帶樓梯,溫泉和卧室分開。風景最好的是Sora空,差不多有四層了功能間都分開了,但是好多樓梯需要爬。溫泉在樓頂,整個仙石原風景一覽無餘-but但是沒有頂棚遮擋。 我們住的是kaza風,大平層,風景就衹有另外一側的林景了,但是不用爬樓梯也還不錯。 入住前店家會清潔池子放好溫泉,如果是帶早晚餐的話就會送進客房,但是味道一般般吧..對和食的欣賞十分淺薄。 店家說周末房間幾乎都要提前1個月才有保證。我們是周日晚上入住,撿了個漏,但是比門市價格也漲了30%。另外雖然是滿住,不過幾乎不會碰到其他客人。私密性很好。 從酒店打的士去御殿場奧特萊斯大概5000日幣,15min左右吧,都是山路。交通有點略不方便。
4.2/517 評價
We payed almost 600€ per night of the experience in a Japanese styled room with a private onsen and a meal plan. The description said that there would be a bar and a restaurant as well as a beautiful garden path to take a stroll in the yukatas provided by the premises. There were also high reviews on the quality of the meals. It turned out there was no bar, no restaurant, no karaoke, nothing. The garden path was a boring forest path around the premises with no other landscape other than the industrial-like facilities of the ryokan. The minibar only had a few overpriced beverages, so we had to go to the Family Mart nearby to buy drinks and food. But why did we want drinks and food if the reservation included a dinner and a breakfast? Because they were BAD. They were beautiful visually but there was absolutely no flavor. Everything was bland, cold and mushy and the only drinks were one small glass of wine in the dinner menu and one tiny glass of juice in the breakfast menu. We were aware that the menu would be a traditional Japanese one, but already being aware of what a good one tastes like, that was not it. Mushy, bland, cold seafood, including a whole fish with its bones and bowels intact, fish babies, clam soup, frozen vegetables etc. The best dish of all was the warm pot of rice. If the meals used to be good, I assume the chef has changed. We asked for some kind of a compensation due to the false advertisement of entertainment, but were blatantly denied. We feel extremely robbed. For comparison: with the same amount of money we were able to book a luxurious room in the 41st floor of Kabukicho tower in Shinjuku Tokyo with a very tasty meal plan. The staff was friendly, the private onsen was fun and the futons were comfortable, but those are the only pros I can give. Do not book a room here!
4.5/545 評價
子供も楽しめるような客室露天風呂付の宿を探していたところ、 こちらの宿を発見。 ファミリールームを選択しました。 価格的には比較的リーズナブル。 私のプランには入湯税が別途取られたり、夕食時の酒類サービスが付いていないので 後払いしていますが、2杯以上飲まれる方は、1000円払っての飲み放題が良いかと。 お部屋的には、遊具のある部屋の窓の先に客室露天風呂があり、 小さいお子様でもそこで遊ばせながら露天に入ることも可能かと思います。 露天自体はそれなりの大きさで、大人二人入るには全く問題無し。 天然かけ流しではないが、こちらは硫黄泉で、硫黄の香りのするよい温泉で、 湯あたりもしない良い温泉でした。 露天は林が近くにあるからか、よーく壁などを見てみると、足の細長ーいよく見ないと分からない 足の細長い白っぽいクモがいましたが、湯船の中などに枯れ葉など入った際に取り除くための網で外に退治しました。 家内が虫嫌いなので、明るいうちにチェックしましたが、それ以外で気になる虫は見かけませんでした。目ざとい家内が入浴時に特に騒いでいなかったので、問題無かったと思います。 夜中は明かりをつけると誘引してしまうかなぁ?と思いましたが、 特に虫が寄ってきて騒ぐような事態にはならなかったのは良かった。 部屋については、大人がくつろぐにはちょっと物足りない大きさ。 子供たちは遊具施設で満足そうに遊んでいましたので、 子供に手をかけずにゆったり出来る時間がとれたのは良かった。 この部屋の難点は、あちこちに角と段差がある点。 コーナークッションのようなものを張り付けてあった痕跡はありますが、 はがれている部分あり。 2段ベッドの1階部分の布団を敷く場所を囲ってある木枠は本当にちょっとした段差ではありますが、木枠でない方が良いかと思うのと、もしそれなら面取り、角取りしてあれば良いのにと思う。 2段ベッドの階段件収納スペースの括り付け家具も、角張っており、 ここで大暴れすることは無いと思うが、0~3歳くらいの子には注意が必要かな。 スタッフの方々は、物腰柔らかい感じで、すごく良かったです。 あとは、ファミリールームは2階にありますが、エレベーターが無いので、 お子様の荷物が増えがちなご家庭は、荷揚げが大変かと。 スタッフに言えばやって頂けるのかもしれませんが、チェックインで込み合う時期は難しいかな。 そんな感じ。


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箱根位於神奈川縣西南部,距東京90千米,是日本的温泉之鄉、療養勝地。約在40萬年前這裏曾經是一處煙柱衝天,鎔巖四濺的火山口。現在的箱根到處翠峰環拱,溪流潺潺,温泉景色十分秀麗。由於終年遊客來來往往,絡繹不絕,故箱根又享有“國立公園”之稱。另外,它還是日本旅遊勝地。大約40萬年前的火山活動平息之後,使箱根形成有山川、流泉、湖泊等自然景觀。由箱根外輪山的綠草花木環繞的蘆之湖為火山湖,海拔724米,面積為7平方千米,湖最深處達45米,湖岸綫長達20千米。晴天時可看到終年積雪的富士山。最後一個火山口是大涌谷,終日白烟繚繞,常噴出大量帶硫氣體。現設有大涌谷自然科學館,用實物、幻燈、模型等介紹箱根的景觀。境內有從各個角度遊覽箱根的電纜車 、登山電車和空中吊車 。箱根七湯(7個温泉)位於蘆之湖東岸的箱根關所,是面積為198平方米的木建平房,是江戶時代幕府設置的關卡。關所內還陳列著當時行人攜帶的身份證、短槍、長柄大刀等文物1000多件,還有關所檢查人員的塑像,現已列為重點保護文物。

