

4/599 評價
3.8/599 評價
不是最現代的酒店,但是您對半月灣最古老的房子有什麼期望。主人是一位偉大的人物,向我們講述了她的歷史,並向我們展示了酒店和城鎮的歷史室。 房間很好。包括早餐很棒。 如果您不想呆在舊金山,可以選擇方便的機場位置。
4.5/564 評價
📍 距離SF半小時的半月灣🏨 💰 $1150 酒店是2001年建成的,蘇格蘭高地建築風格,酒店沿海有一條很長的Trail可以走,往南走有兩個下沙灘🏖️的樓梯到海灘,總體來説體驗很不錯!酒店幫我從海景房升級到了海景火盆🔥房👍下午晚上吹着海風烤着火非常舒服~ 先説優缺點✅❌ ✅優點 FHR的歡迎禮物,一盒馬卡龍,非常好吃😋 櫃子裏有毯子,在外面烤火用的🔥很貼心 💳房卡很好看!可以保留~ 🍳早餐非常不錯👍非常好吃,還有免費的餐前🍞服務很好 ❌缺點 歡迎禮物在我們到房間的時候沒送來,行李也沒有送來,還是等我們出門轉了一圈才送來的 Valet Parking $60不可以自己停Amex Credits❌不能以用在這裏 前台周圍太吵了🚫前台戴口罩加玻璃根本聽不見説啥😰酒店還允許帶寵物🐈‍⬛嘈雜聲加上狗叫是真的聽不清前台在説啥 健身房器械不是特別齊全,健身房有點小 泳池不在主建築裏面,桑拿也不在😢 客房送餐服務很差🚫不給Extra小費直接不説謝謝(送餐到房間自動加上20%小費+$8 運費+Tax)不幫我弄好桌子,直接往電視下一放🤬沒見過這麼差的客房服務👎不推薦差評 咖啡機依舊是可以當鬧鈴⏰了,震動帶動櫃子😂不是酒店問題,是Nespresso震的就是厲害,這些老酒店🏨的櫃子就是會跟着一起震 🏨住 算是灣區比較安全的地方了👍 用的是FHR預訂直接升級了房型😄桌面還有歡迎信和酒店介紹+入住禮物🎁 💪健身房器械非常新👍人少🎉衹可惜泳池不在主建築 酒店設養護的還不錯😄2001年的酒店這個程度已經很好了 💁🏻‍♂️服務 9️⃣/🔟 當然這個分數不算客房送餐的,加上送餐估計就沒分了 🍖吃 酒店內: 有3個餐廳,一個是早餐🍳一個是小紅書上很火的週末自助💰一個是懸崖Bar💰總的來説都不錯,都可以嘗試 每天11點之前酒店正門口(進門右轉➡️)有免費☕️和各種茶🍵對所有人開放 也可以選擇去小鎮上吃 🧸玩 酒店裡麪就是泳池健身房+SPA + 自行車🚴‍♀️(建議早上去騎,需要預訂,前台可以幫你) + 高爾夫⛳️(提前定,週末都是滿的,晚上8點都有人在打) 🥳總體體驗: 9️⃣/🔟 當然這個分數是不算客房服務的。如果有Amex Credits建議去海邊餐廳吃,除了客房送餐其他的都不踩雷💣
4.4/5109 評價
4.5/5110 評價
酒店特別乾淨 衛生間設施都很新 床也不錯 就是剛進房間的時候有一點點味道 一點海腥味 但是不重 整體挺不錯的 總之乾淨最重要
4/5100 評價
I would never write a negative review or comments about a small business without talking to the business about the issue. I live on the coast, I support coastal businesses and believe that is how we keep our community thriving. I am writing this so that others are aware of the lack of assistance or care at the Miramar Inn and Suites. I am not posting on Nextdoor for feedback for, or against, only awareness. I have spent a great deal of time searching their website and have found nothing to support the action they took the night of March 12th. Both my husband and I are ill. My husband booked an online reservation for 3 nights at Miramar Inn and Suites on Sunday afternoon for the grandson who lives with us and is a college student. Due to our illness we did not want him contaminated. He had been away all weekend, arriving at the Miramar Inn and Suites around 11:15pm to check in. They refused to let him stay at the hotel since he is only 19. The credit card was not an issue, my husband volunteered to go to the Inn to sign. They said absolutely he could not stay there under any circumstances due to his age. It states clearly any child age 12 or over is an adult. Nowhere does it say you must be 21 to stay. I called today and tried to talk to the manager. I have a very rough voice currently due to illness. I explained to him calmly and clearly (with a very scratchy voice) that I wanted to speak to someone who could make a policy change/exception. I asked him if the owner was local. He said yes. I explained I had a negative situation I wanted to talk to the owner about since they could make a policy exception/change. I told him I did not want to write anything negative until I could talk to someone in authority. He was not friendly but said I could talk to him. I advised the manager that I wanted to only explain this one time and I would tell him. He said he did not like the tone I was using. I was calm but my voice rough. I said he had a choice to either talk to me or I would write a negative narrative about the situation of last night, and that I did not want to write a negative review. He started yelling that he was listening but using a lot of angry words. I hung up. It was clear he did not care about the situation nor the reputation of the Miramar Inn and Suites. A business needs to know that they have an employee acting on their behalf as an adversary vs as an advocate for the business. This is even more important when a business is locally owned. As they say on the airlines you have a choice when flying. You have a choice when booking accommodations on the coast, so be aware of the lack of service of Miramar Inn and Suites when booking.


  • 半月灣有哪些設有無線網路的熱門酒店?

    無論您是到半月灣公幹或遊覽,半月灣麗思卡爾頓酒店半月灣旅舍米爾羅斯旅館 都是您的首選酒店。

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  • 半月灣哪些設有無線網路的酒店為豪華酒店?

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