

4.5/549 評價
The Sheraton Grand Hiroshima Hotel delivers from beginning to end regarding service and location. I had the chance to stay one night in early June before heading next morning to Okunoshima, and it was highly worth it. Next to Hiroshima Station, this location is a must. In addition, the quality of service provided by each member, either at the front desk or Club Lounge, was excellent. Daisuke in the Club Lounge was helpful and went above and beyond to assist during my stay. Regarding the room, I highly recommend booking a Club Level room or suite. The panoramic views of Hiroshima are amazing, but the room is exceptionally comfortable. I had the chance to stay in a suite, approximately 750 sq. ft., which was quite comfortable, especially the bed. The bathroom was spacious, and the bathtub was worth it after a long day or walk in the city. I also recommend the spa facilities in the hotel. If you pay around 1,650 Yen, you can use the pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, and cold bath. This is a great activity to relax and disconnect from reality fully. I enjoyed my time there and would return if I had the chance. Overall, it was a great stay, and thankful for the generosity and excellent customer service provided by the team in this hotel.
4.5/5138 評價
廣島王子酒店,坐落在島嶼旁邊,擁有私人巴士(JR廣島站直達酒店)而且還提供私人港口快艇服務直達宮島,美妙如畫的花園是舉行夢中婚禮的地方,而且還有G7峯會的會議室免費參觀打卡。不僅如此,晚上可以去頂樓的廣島之巔享用自助海鮮晚餐(特產生蠔和螃蟹),酒店門口還有當地特色的廣島美食店。 設施經典但是非常舒服,軟軟的大床房讓我睡的非常的甜蜜!超級推薦! 必須提一下大堂的便利店,擁有無數精美的紀念品可供選擇


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