正在尋找Haskoy Maallem Synagogue附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Haskoy Maallem Synagogue附近的熱門酒店




正在搜尋Haskoy Maallem Synagogue附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.7/518 評價
Very reasonable priced apartment. Karim and his team were very helpful . Our Rooms and sitting area was specious. However our room furniture was very old and already in a bad state,toilet door was broken, flooring was damaged, curtain & blinds were broken. I couldn’t change to any other room apparently the whole hotel was booked ! It’s located half way in very stiff hill so you have to rely on own transport or taxi. Taxi, shops, restaurants, Mosque are near by. 15 minutes drive to Taksim Square. Overall 2* but due to the staff I would I rate them as 3*
Charming Retreat with Balcony 7 Min to Bomontiada
4.2/51 評價
4.2/531 評價
3.4/526 評價
4/531 評價
Ένα πολύ καλό ξενοδοχείο, πεντακάθαρο, με πάρκινγκ και σε πολύ καλή τοποθεσία. Το προσωπικό πολύ φιλικό, ευγενικό και όλοι πρόθυμοι να μας εξυπηρετήσουν. Μας έκαναν να νοιώσουμε πολύ άνετα και αυτός ήταν ένας λόγος που παρατείνουμε την διαμονή μου για μια ακόμα μέρα. Ο κύριος Riza, υπεύθυνος στο χώρο του πρωινού, μπήκε στην καρδια μας ❤️. Πολύ ευγενικός και πρόσχαρος. Είστε όλοι υπέροχοι, σας ευχαριστούμε για όλα !
3.6/56 評價
I write you judge: - Very disrespectful staff (specially the one which comes in morning is always angry and you feel he wants to attack you any second) - The place is far from any good place in Istanbul. on the map it is near to Taksim square but the whole path is an uphill. you should take a taxi for everywhere and there is no free taxi there. you should wait at least 1 hour for a taxi. - The rooms are really dirty and you will struggle with cockroaches. whenever you ask for cleaning the room they will do it at least three days later. - our room had not refrigerator. I asked for one and they promised to bring one but they did not. -there is no place for breakfast. they bring you the same plate of low quality breakfast every day to your room. I preferred to throw away the breakfasts and buy some for myself. - The shower was broken and the head of shower used to jump away. I asked for a repair. they did not even changed the shower head and they glued it and again it was broken. I had to repair it myself with my own money because I have a newborn baby. - I was with my wife and my 3 months old baby. they gave us two separate beds instead of a double bed. we asked for a double bed and another bed for our baby. same as refrigerator they did not give us until the last day. you can not even imagine how hard it was for us. - you always had to struggle with WiFi. even when you lock and unlock your phone you have to sign in again to the Internet and there were no setting for remembring the username and password. I preferred to use my phones Internet. - with the same price you could find better hotels near Taksim square with high quality breakfast. - please be cautious, the will charge you at check-in and they do not return your money so tat you have to stay in this low quality place and ruin whole your trip with a really bad memory. this comment is the only thing I could do in return of what they do to us during our trip Do not waist your money pleeeeeaaaaase


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在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的伊斯坦布爾酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類伊斯坦布爾特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的伊斯坦布爾平價酒店住宿。伊斯坦布爾是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。當您安排行程時,在伊斯坦布爾住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,伊斯坦布爾有1817家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。在伊斯坦布爾尋找酒店時,準備每晚523 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。伊斯坦布爾有126家五星級酒店,平均每晚928 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有205家四星級酒店,平均每晚553 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有109家三星級酒店,平均每晚362 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有10家二星級酒店,平均每晚287 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,伊斯坦布爾入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在伊斯坦布爾,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在伊斯坦布爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。作為伊斯坦布爾的熱門酒店,伊斯坦布爾奧斯曼帝國傳統酒店(Legacy Ottoman Hotel İstanbul)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇沃機場酒店(Wow Airport Hotel)入住。

伊斯坦布爾市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:伊斯坦布爾舊城區, 圣索菲亞大教堂, 藍色清真寺。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Aqua Club Dolphin, Sariyer小鎮, Sirkeci一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:大巴扎, 土耳其獨立大街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區伊斯坦布爾塞維黑爾購物中心, istinye park, Istinye Park購物中心逛一逛。










