正在尋找Regnum Sky Residence附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Regnum Sky Residence附近的熱門酒店


3.9/583 評價


卡德柯伊 伊斯坦堡|距離Regnum Sky Residence2.49km
My entire stay at the hotel was excellent and pleasant from the very beginning to end! The hotel staff was absolutely amazing in all areas and all aspects of guest services and care. I am very impressed by the level of professionalism and positivity that I experienced from the moment that I stepped into the hotel. When I checked in, I had the pleasure of having Emre assist me. Emre was very professional, helpful and acknowledged me as a Diamond member. Throughout my stay, he graciously assisted me with any questions that I had along with providing me with recommendations for sightseeing and restaurants. Ali and Emirhan were also very helpful and gracious as well. They introduced me to Levent, their manager. I was able to let Levent know how happy I was with Emre, Ali and Emirhan's helpfulness, professionalism and level of service! Additionally, I had the pleasure to meet Esref Gun, the Banquet Manager. Esref is definitely a valuable resource to the Hilton Kozyatagi! He personally sought me out in the restaurant to introduce himself and offer his assistance during my stay as well as gave me beautiful fresh fruit plates and beverages that were delivered to my room. His graciousness and hospitality were so appreciated. The fresh fruit plates were such a nice touch and something I will always remember! The Executive Lounge and restaurant staff were amazing! Meryem, in the Executive Lounge, was so attentive, pleasant and hospitable! The restaurant staff were equally as attentive, pleasant and hospitable! Miroy and Burak were so attentive and friendly! And Neslihon, the breakfast chef, was so good! She actually remembered my omelet each morning without me having to ask. The food that was served in the Executive Lounge and restaurant for breakfast was absolutely delicious and of the highest quality! Honestly, the best food that I have ever experienced at a Hilton Hotel! My compliments to Esref to his banquet team of chefs, as well as to the Executive Lounge and restaurant staff!



3.9/583 評價


卡德柯伊 伊斯坦堡|距離Regnum Sky Residence2.49km
My entire stay at the hotel was excellent and pleasant from the very beginning to end! The hotel staff was absolutely amazing in all areas and all aspects of guest services and care. I am very impressed by the level of professionalism and positivity that I experienced from the moment that I stepped into the hotel. When I checked in, I had the pleasure of having Emre assist me. Emre was very professional, helpful and acknowledged me as a Diamond member. Throughout my stay, he graciously assisted me with any questions that I had along with providing me with recommendations for sightseeing and restaurants. Ali and Emirhan were also very helpful and gracious as well. They introduced me to Levent, their manager. I was able to let Levent know how happy I was with Emre, Ali and Emirhan's helpfulness, professionalism and level of service! Additionally, I had the pleasure to meet Esref Gun, the Banquet Manager. Esref is definitely a valuable resource to the Hilton Kozyatagi! He personally sought me out in the restaurant to introduce himself and offer his assistance during my stay as well as gave me beautiful fresh fruit plates and beverages that were delivered to my room. His graciousness and hospitality were so appreciated. The fresh fruit plates were such a nice touch and something I will always remember! The Executive Lounge and restaurant staff were amazing! Meryem, in the Executive Lounge, was so attentive, pleasant and hospitable! The restaurant staff were equally as attentive, pleasant and hospitable! Miroy and Burak were so attentive and friendly! And Neslihon, the breakfast chef, was so good! She actually remembered my omelet each morning without me having to ask. The food that was served in the Executive Lounge and restaurant for breakfast was absolutely delicious and of the highest quality! Honestly, the best food that I have ever experienced at a Hilton Hotel! My compliments to Esref to his banquet team of chefs, as well as to the Executive Lounge and restaurant staff!





正在搜尋Regnum Sky Residence附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.9/566 評價
We had an amazing stay here I hope estly can not fault it. The staff were lovely and the hotel was very clean. Our room was great, the view was incredible, it was spacious with a huge bed, mini bar, and decent bathroom. We were provided with water daily too. The breakfast was great, plenty of choice hot and cold, and tasty. We ate a few times in the small restaurant to the right as you enter the hotel. The food here was great and reasonably priced. There is no alcohol for sale here but there are shops and bars near by if you are in need of a drink.
3.9/532 評價
我們被 Airbnb 騙了,需要最後一分鐘的房間過夜。蓋茨酒店方便、乾淨,入住手續也很簡單。很高興他們能夠容納。
4.1/530 評價
它位於巴格達街中間,地理位置優越,步行 5 分鐘即可到達海灘,在公寓樓下您會發現很棒的餐廳,您還可以享受購物的樂趣。工作人員非常友好。我去年夏天住過,今年夏天我又預訂了一個月。請注意,這間公寓並不豪華,但適合家庭入住。我喜歡三臥室或一間臥室,它有漂亮的陽台。不過應該在較高樓層。
4/562 評價
我們必須迅速決定訪問伊斯坦布爾。我只在該地區進行了搜索,毫不猶豫地預訂了這家酒店。預訂後,我在這裏閱讀了一些評論,不得不說我有點擔心。但無緣無故,酒店絕對可愛。一個仍然如此高標準的年齡的酒店很難找到!我們需要三人間,那個房間有2張好牀,一張雙人牀和一張單人牀。不僅僅是一張摺疊牀擠進去。所以它在房間裏留下了足夠的空間。雖然在如此熱鬧的地區沒有預期,但晚上很安靜!!浴室總是得到我的良好檢查,非常整潔,沒有黴菌,淋浴很好,直接熱水,所有必需品可用。房間很乾淨,要麼我們很幸運,要麼事情改變了。我們房間裏一直有wifi接待。有時出去一段時間後,你必須再次登錄。最後但並非最不重要的是工作人員非常友好,非常樂於助人。這些天新冠限制,所有人都戴了口罩。早餐自助餐由自助餐桌的女服務員提供。一切都可用,一天的開始非常好!我們已經說會回來,位置給多了一星!酒店有停車位。你走在一個非常熱鬧的地區,與其他人提到的相反,Bagdat Cd是一條林蔭大道,與任何商場(不僅爲阿瑪尼男孩!),只有露天!還有很多餐館和咖啡館。它一直是我在伊斯坦布爾購物最喜歡的街道。我期待着回去!
4.3/5133 評價
這是一家可愛的酒店,坐落在碼頭前麪的Kadikoy住宅區。房間寬敞,設備齊全,客房服務很好(淋浴毛巾的側麪有點破舊……。。。!)餐廳和酒吧很少,我敢肯定,在夏季,您真的可以享受到這裏的便利但是,由於位置就在碼頭對麪,所以這裡有許多餐飲選擇。 特別值得一提的是GYM,它配備了很多機器,舉重和有氧運動器械。 。 。從來沒有找到一家設施如此完善的酒店健身房(坦率地說,這比我要去的健身房還要好!)而且寬敞。
39 Kalamis Marina酒店
4.3/548 評價
我喜歡這家酒店!!主樓層非常酷,所有的藝術品,最終我參觀了地下室的畫廊,在酒店時能夠觀看所有美麗而有趣的藝術品是多麼的獎勵。每個人都很好。我很快就預訂了這次旅行,這不允許花很多時間學習許多土耳其語單詞和短語(我認爲這樣做是正確的,使旅行更加愉快),但酒店工作人員說足夠的英語,使我們能夠溝通必要的物品。當我們淋浴把手有點問題時,它們在上面,立即修復。我喜歡碼頭景觀房 - 我們有一個小陽台,我喜歡坐在那裏喝我能夠在房間裏煮的咖啡,有一個小冰箱讓我感到驚訝!房間很大,條件完美,裝飾巧妙。浴室很棒,大理石很漂亮,尺寸非常好。不透明的玻璃浴室門不是我最喜歡的(我更喜歡更隱私),但我看到提前在照片中,選擇了一間從房間看不到浴室門的房間。這個地區非常適合我想要的東西,步行到其他一些吃飯的地方和一些小市場,所以我可以拿起水果,零食,水瓶等。該地區非常住宅,一些較舊的傳統建築和許多較新的建築混合風格。我一定會再次回到這家酒店。



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的伊斯坦布爾酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類伊斯坦布爾特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的伊斯坦布爾平價酒店住宿。伊斯坦布爾是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。當您安排行程時,在伊斯坦布爾住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,伊斯坦布爾有1817家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。在伊斯坦布爾尋找酒店時,準備每晚523 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。伊斯坦布爾有126家五星級酒店,平均每晚928 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有205家四星級酒店,平均每晚553 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有109家三星級酒店,平均每晚362 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有10家二星級酒店,平均每晚287 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,伊斯坦布爾入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在伊斯坦布爾,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在伊斯坦布爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。作為伊斯坦布爾的熱門酒店,伊斯坦布爾奧斯曼帝國傳統酒店(Legacy Ottoman Hotel İstanbul)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇沃機場酒店(Wow Airport Hotel)入住。

伊斯坦布爾市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:伊斯坦布爾舊城區, 圣索菲亞大教堂, 藍色清真寺。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Aqua Club Dolphin, Sariyer小鎮, Sirkeci一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:大巴扎, 土耳其獨立大街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區伊斯坦布爾塞維黑爾購物中心, istinye park, Istinye Park購物中心逛一逛。










