



4.2/544 評價


卡拉柯伊 伊斯坦堡|距離聖匹教堂0.17km
Just returned from a long weekend in Istanbul with a friend. We really liked the Azzap it's very central and well within walking distance of the usual sights. The hotel itself is spotlessly clean with a lovely reception area which looks both smart and welcoming. Yes the hotel rooms are small - but it's a city hotel, what do you expect!? The beds are extremely comfortable, with lovely pillows and linen, the rooms are well insulated, I know there were people next door to me and I other than their door opening or closing I couldn't hear anything else. I was in the room above my friend and he couldn't hear me walking around. The windows open properly, so you can leave them open when you leave and the housekeeper can close them when she has done the room. I love an aired hotel room! Breakfast is served in the restaurant on the top floor so you get a great view, the choice is small but it's fine and the lady at breakfast is always cheerful and helpful. Ther are couple of things I would like to mention, but this is just for the management to take on board... *the room safes are not bolted in which is pretty pointless, guests might not realise this and leave valuables. We kept ours with us. * I loved the fact that you had to swipe your door key to go to your floor - the lift won't stop unless it is yours, you can't press any other buttons other than your own. Fantastic! * except.... you can walk from one floor to another using the stairs * the carpet on the 6th floor when you get out of the lift to go to the restaurant and bar sees a massive amount of traffic - it looks really grubby All in all, we had a great time, I'd have no hesitation recommending the Azzap.



AHG 阿特拉斯酒店
4.4/5107 評價

AHG 阿特拉斯酒店

塔克西姆廣場 伊斯坦堡|距離聖匹教堂1.77km
我預訂了佩拉東方酒店,因為它提供了我在旅行期間想要從酒店得到的東西,而且反饋也很有利。預訂完成後,我偶然發現了旅行顧問上發布的負面評論。我很擔心我的選擇。但當我去伊斯坦布爾並呆在那裡時,我覺得有必要分享我自己的經歷,那是完全不同的,絕對是太棒了!我認為,在應得的榮譽上給予榮譽是至關重要的。首先,如果您正在尋找度假村,Pera Orient 並不是度假村,而且它也從未聲稱自己是度假村!我在佩拉東方酒店的住宿體驗舒適而愉快。抵達後,我受到了友好而細心的工作人員的熱烈歡迎,他們盡最大努力以各種可能的方式幫助我,並回答我在 5 天的長期住宿期間的疑問。他們溫暖的微笑和真誠的樂於助人為我的住宿定下了基調。酒店的位置非常理想。從酒店步行 6 分鐘即可到達塔克西姆廣場,您可以在那裡乘坐地鐵或巴士到達您想要的目的地。它讓我能夠每天定期在 istikal 街上散步。是的,街道有點狹窄,但周圍有很多酒店,我從未感到害怕或不安全(正如負面評論中提到的那樣)。我總是選擇向上的方向,然後右轉朝塔克西姆方向行駛。迎接我的是一間一塵不染、乾淨、裝飾雅緻的房間。床非常舒服,客房服務人員細心周到,確保我的房間每天都打掃得一塵不染。每天在水壺旁邊放咖啡和茶(有時還放一瓶水)。當我再次訪問伊斯坦布爾時,我一定會選擇佩拉東方住宿。





5/52 評價
Minha estadia foi ótima! Os donos ficam na loja de eletrônicos que fica bem do lado e o recepcionista foi muito legal, além de gatinho. Todos foram muito hospitaleiros e me ajudaram a pegar o transfer para o aeroporto. Ah sim, e também me ajudaram quando tranquei a chave dentro do quarto. O quarto era exatamente como o da foto, era muito limpo e o chuveiro quentinho e com bastante água. A calefação funcionava muito bem. As janelas são anti-ruido.
4.1/583 評價
3.6/514 評價
我們是朋友們來到伊斯坦布爾兩夜的,我們選擇了這家酒店,以其中心位置和吸引人的價格。客人在外面等我們,儘管早上2點鐘來了晚。房間很正確 (1房間2雙牀-1雙牀),和衛生間超級狀態。室甚至在我們入住期間改變了,我們大(但很快)驚喜。雖然酒店仍在工作(完工),但我們建議所有尋求中心地點或睡的地方,享受伊斯坦布爾市的好處!(離加拉塔塔,其酒吧和餐館2分鐘的距離)
3.8/521 評價
The worst experience ever, me and my wife arrived at dawn on Wednesday, March 29, the weather was cold and it was raining heavily, they gave us a room located two floors under the ground, very dirty and very cramped, there was no fresh air or a bathroom suitable for humans, the bed sheets was dirty and full of blood stains, and a lot of insects. I told them I wanted to change the room, they said I have to wait until tomorrow noon. We could not stay for more than an hour and we walked at dawn to another hotel, they deducted the value of the stay for four nights and did not accept to return anything, and when I told them that this was unfair and illegal, they canceled the reservation, it seems that the people who runs this hotel is a gang and not professional people in the field of tourism.
3.9/510 評價
一個非常簡單的酒店 沒有特別的接待 只有一個辦公室 一個有一位高貴的年輕人 在辦公桌上辦公 另外兩個在辦公室裏 不高興地坐在辦公室裏 根本不說英語 只說英語照相室很寬很乾淨 請在一樓上找個地方 不需要上樓梯 (沒有電梯 )沒有早餐。試試距離2-3 和咖啡館,非常美味和傳統的早餐價格非常好。距離西桑站5分鐘 還有牛奶橋10分鐘 那裏有電車和公共汽車 前往貝西卡斯 奧塔基奧 貝貝克 多爾瑪巴切特我正好在伊米諾諾地區,這裏有所有有趣的景點: 聖索菲亞, 託普卡比, 藍色的玻璃, 水電廠, 大商場, 家族館, 在兩分鐘內, 你就在牛奶塔和美麗的廣場
4.1/566 評價



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的伊斯坦布爾酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類伊斯坦布爾特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的伊斯坦布爾平價酒店住宿。伊斯坦布爾是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。當您安排行程時,在伊斯坦布爾住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,伊斯坦布爾有1817家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。在伊斯坦布爾尋找酒店時,準備每晚523 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。伊斯坦布爾有126家五星級酒店,平均每晚928 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有205家四星級酒店,平均每晚553 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有109家三星級酒店,平均每晚362 HKD。伊斯坦布爾有10家二星級酒店,平均每晚287 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,伊斯坦布爾入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在伊斯坦布爾,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在伊斯坦布爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。作為伊斯坦布爾的熱門酒店,伊斯坦布爾奧斯曼帝國傳統酒店(Legacy Ottoman Hotel İstanbul)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇沃機場酒店(Wow Airport Hotel)入住。

伊斯坦布爾市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:伊斯坦布爾舊城區, 圣索菲亞大教堂, 藍色清真寺。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Aqua Club Dolphin, Sariyer小鎮, Sirkeci一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:大巴扎, 土耳其獨立大街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區伊斯坦布爾塞維黑爾購物中心, istinye park, Istinye Park購物中心逛一逛。










