
4.6/548 評價
4.5/591 評價
Luxurious and Spacious room design Sincere service staff Attention to detail at its best Went there to celebrate valentine so there were a lot of request and notes that was met without any faults, 3rd visit to this establishment and it just keep getting better. Thank you
4.2/550 評價
Stayed 2N in a 1BR (Rm # 2201) - the worse accommodation I've encountered in Jakarta where reputable hotel chains I've stayed before are always clean and pleasant. The stay looked unpromising upon getting the key cards in a very well used and yellowish looking jacket (ok, forgivable if is a sustainability effort in a post covid world and in a property where hygiene and decent upkeeping is obviously of lower priority perhaps?) Things started going downhill after I stepped out of the lift to be welcomed by the mouldy patch and peeling paint on the common corridor walls and ceilings. More to dislikes upon stepping into the room: - First impression is that it hasn't been in used for a while with blast from 80s decor - Strand of hairs on the sink top, bed, desks... everywhere in plain sight - Very used and dumpy looking sofa that doesn't felt too clean - Bedsheet isn't too clean with prominent old stain when you flip over the quilt - Old and dirty looking dryer with few packets of partially used washing powder - Yellowish looking switches with dirt and grime collecting around the corners - Standing shower isn't working as is leaking at the back with weak pressure - Balls of dust and peeling paint could be seen everywhere in the room - Wall and ceiling paints were peeling off here and there - Rain water could seep through the living room window causing the floor around the window to be wet - Final straw was the dirty and smelly fridge causing the lapis legit I bought from nearby Mandarin Oriental to reek of a terrible and unwholesome freezer stench Horrible, not recommended and a total rip off at S$250++ per night!


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倘若您住在雅加達市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如泗水路古董街, Dancing Fountain, Ciputra Artpreneur。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到雅加達水上樂園, 千島群島一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,獨立廣場, 中國城, 雅加達會議中心也是比較有名的。雅加達的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Plaza Indonesia 購物中心, grand indonesia, 中央公園購物中心。










