倉站東口一側熱鬧繁華,但Tosei Hotel Cocone倉所在的西口有點安靜,並具有成人氛圍。在通往酒店的路上,有一家歷史悠久的咖啡館,時尚的糖果和商店,酒吧在晚上開放。一次旅行不能去所有的商店,所以我想再次旅行。酒店入口周圍的區域具有日式氛圍,但建築物本身是西式的。在這裏!當我找到它時,緊張感上升了。工作人員也面帶微笑,反應迅速,大堂周圍有免費閱讀的漫畫,飲料和便利設施。從大堂可以看到男女大型公共浴池的入口,男浴池是房間的卡鑰匙,女浴池是前台的PIN碼,因此您可以進入。當我出門回到酒店時,我已經筋疲力盡了,最後我只是在房間裏的單元浴室裏洗了個澡,但是如果我有體力,我想進去。據說用完後就結束了,但是我在辦理登機手續時得到了一張票,並且免費提供蛤湯(因爲那天沒有蛤,所以是碗和裙帶菜味o湯)您可以吃飯糰。帶有醬油味的飯糰非常好吃。房間是現代日式雙牀房。它是一種脫鞋並升到榻榻米墊子上的形狀,但有兩張牀。這是一個非常美麗而平靜的空間。也許清潔後有一隻死蟲掉在哪裏,所以我選擇了清潔度檢查項目“好”而不是“很好”。我認爲它每天都經過非常仔細的清潔。我不得不爲一些設備充電,但是插座上有很多孔,房間裏沒有任何不便之處。另外,就個人而言,非常重要的是電視不僅顯示地面廣播,還顯示BS。我經常在房間裏打開電視,我經常看的棒球廣播不是在地面上播放的,所以看到BS很高興。由於某種原因,我丈夫似乎睡不好覺,所以我選擇了“好”睡眠,但是牀很大,我自己很舒服。總的來說,這是一家非常令人滿意且自信的旅館,可以向周圍的人推薦。這是從神奈川縣出發的小旅行,但是如果您厭倦了日常生活,我想和我的丈夫和妻子一起去。
Newly renovated… modern style but not tacky or industrial chic. Must be super popular in summer… only five minutes from the beach in a quiet residential neighborhood, with outdoor showers available. The public bath with sauna were excellent. Finn at the front desk was especially kind.
Chose this place because of the price and the offer of Mount Fuji view. Certainly the view did not disappoint us, love the sea view and Mount Fuji. Room was spacious and the layout was nice though dated to some extent. The grounds looks like it need some sprucing and maintenance work. Checkin was efficient though parking came with a price. Maybe hotel should consider free parking for guests as most would be driving to get to this area. We ate at the Japanese restaurant though you had to walk in the rain on the day we were there as the restaurant was located on a annex building. Food was good and service was fine but on the higher end of prices. I like the neighbourhood vibe, there is a supermarket, hardware/pharmacy and bakery within walking distance from the hotel. There are a few restaurants by the beach and we tried the Pacific place. Prices of food along the beach are much more reasonable. Would stay here again except that traffic along this stretch of road is very bad as it is only a one lane road and traffic lights at almost every junction. Be prepare for a long and slow drive between hotel to town.
YYI YING位於長谷站的青年旅館,離長谷站走路約6分鐘,整間是木造的西式洋房。工作人員非常友善且英文流利,房間整潔度也很高。然而,此旅館的床由鐵架組成,無論你睡上舖/下舖,稍微翻身就會發出聲響(有提供免費耳塞),且床位沒有簾子可遮擋,隱私性稍微不足。另外,若住在2樓必須下樓才可以洗澡。由於房子是木造的,在房間外面走動也會有些回音。大廳非常舒適有氛圍感,如果你喜歡體驗這樣的房屋風格,推薦短期體驗!
This youth hostel is located at Hasedera Station, about a 6-minute walk from the station. The entire building is a wooden Western-style house. The staff are very friendly and speak fluent English, the room is also very clean. However, the bed is made of iron frames, no matter whether you sleep on the upper or lower bunk, it will make noise when you turn over slightly while sleeping (free earplugs are provided). There is no curtain to cover the bed, so privacy is lacking. In addition, if you live on the second floor, you have to go downstairs to take a shower, and the house is made of wood, so there will be some echoes when walking outside the room. The lobby is very comfortable and atmospheric. If you like to experience this style of house, would recommend to live for a short period!