

4.1/5104 評價
Bed a little lumpy/soft, but otherwise excellent, clean, well-stocked, cheery, polite and very capable staff. Breakfast with eggs great; add some bananas and real orange juice (or fresh oranges) and you'd be all set. Better mattress would get 5 stars.
4.5/590 評價
When I first walked in, everything looked fine. King size bed, black out curtains in two big windows but not in the narrow window beside the bed, couch with recliner at each end, a recliner, tv, three drawers under the tv, dining table with two chairs, kitchen with full size fridge, pots and pans, four each of plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives, cups, glasses, one dish towel, one dish cloth, one pot holder, paper towels, coffee maker, coffee, one roll toilet paper, two bath towels, two hand towels, two wash cloths, tissues, two little bottles shampoo. First, I start to unpack and realize there’s no hangers in the closet/hot water heater room. My clothes were kept in my suitcase and unpacked as I needed as I didn’t feel good about putting in the three drawers under tv. The bathroom was filthy, the tub had at least three inches of dirty filthy scum around the entire bottom and up the side. The shower curtain was filthy. The corners of the floor and around sink floor was covered in black mold filth. The toilet had a yellow stain around the top of water. The floor was so sticky, my flip flops were sticking to it. The towels appeared clean and smelled fine. The fridge handles and door was filthy with dirt as was the kitchen floor sticky like the bathroom. The tub had to be scrubbed before I could shower. Also the tub drained so slow that water was up to my ankles when I showered. So bedtime comes and I could hear not only children but grown men and women yelling, laughing, talking till way after midnight all three nights that I was there. The bed had four pillows all flat and hard as a rock. The mattress was worn out, hard and lumpy. Every morning when the sun come up it would shine through the narrow window beside the bed right in my face and wake me up. Defeats the purpose of having blackout curtains in the living area. Every day I saw groups of people hanging out in front of rooms in chairs, sitting on stoops, smoking, drinking, talking. The place was like a commune. At night the parking lot would fill up with cars and there was dozens of people at the pool, and other common areas. Party all three nights that I was there. I didn’t see any security or security cameras. I will not stay there again. It is not a hotel as it’s advertised. It’s like those old motels from back in the day that were scattered all along hwy 17. I’d say most people here live here.
4/598 評價
The price was right. The room was well equipped and comfortable. The desk overnight clerk was very accommodating and friendly. My only complaint was the continental breakfast was not edible. The yogurt date was not visible, the bread/muffins were stale. It was an all carb breakfast and not appetizing at all. Plenty of places close by to eat so that was a plus,
3.5/593 評價
首先,我們剛到那裏的時候,桌上放了一包花生,這樣就可以告訴你房間打掃得有多幹淨,檢查得有多好。他們說他們不做家務是因爲Covid,但我們都知道這是省錢的事。沒有其他酒店這樣做。我現在住在意大利,那裏的Covid Way更重視(疫苗/陰性Covid Test和口罩必須留在他們)和每個酒店仍然有家政服務。在公共場所要求戴口罩,然後說打掃房間太危險了,你也不能漠不關心,幾天後不得不去他們那裏拿乾淨的毛巾,真是煩人。現在因爲酒店上網所以評價如此低,感覺很奇怪,但我們到了。我丈夫和我是從海外來參觀的,這意味着如果我們沒有Wifi,我們就沒有互聯網。期間。所以第一天我們到那裏,需要密碼的wifi在我們的選項中沒有出現,所以我們只是跟公共的去了。幾天後,我們顯然被鎖在了它之外。所以我們去找工作人員。他們沒有幫助。前台人基本說有時候wifi在房間不工作(可笑!)而且說如果我們想用就只能出來大堂了真的??那讓我好不爽然後當我丈夫推的時候,我們得到了一個客戶服務號碼,這個號碼是一些隨機公司爲許多酒店處理wifi。那條線上的人要求我們給他們設備的IP地址,以便他們可以手動允許我們使用公共wifi。太離譜了,我們的房間連wifi都用不上,只好費盡心機才用了。我們原計劃一週後住在這裏,但我取消了,我們改住在假日快捷酒店。更好的酒店。
3.2/596 評價
格魯吉亞金斯蘭 - 金斯灣海軍基地 6 號汽車旅館
3.6/592 評價
我讀了很多關於這個地方的評論,讓我相信這將是過夜的好選擇。比那更復雜。我們到的晚。我打電話通知他們這一點,他們理解和禮貌。我們開車進去的時候,外面和停車場的燈光很差,大樓在某種施工中,有一個上板的窗戶。停車場有人們聚集,不確定是“工作民俗”還是隻是私人小情況。這是三層汽車旅館/酒店。沒有電梯,所以如果你有行動不便,這是有問題的。有標誌說沒有吸菸,但大樓有香菸味。樓梯和大廳有骯髒的地毯。三樓的牆壁,我們的房間都被打了起來。房間更好。沒有地毯,沒有任何蟲子的跡象。基本上很乾淨。他們有奇方枕頭不好,腫塊和舊 浴室很乾淨,有彎曲的浴簾桿,但是淋浴頭從牆上出來 地板上有一個女人在,在電話裏說話是午夜後。我可能錯了,但我得到的印象是人們住在那裏。我做了很多公路旅行,熟悉預算住宿。這次住宿與評論不符。如果你能付更多錢,我建議住在其他地方



最低價格INR 4,644
最高價格INR 26,988
平均價格(週末)INR 11,394
平均價格(平日)INR 10,490