
4.1/547 評價
Traveling to Koh Chang on Songkran Day, if the Accor Group uses benefits, it must be considered. Mercure Koh Chang Hideaway booked a Standard room but was upgraded to a Deluxe Seaview room and received Platinum benefits. Quite complete. The room is okay. I like it because I have to pay only 1,402 baht per night. The room is full due to a long holiday. I'm glad I upgraded. I have reserved 3 rooms, there are welcome drinks for all 3 rooms. For dinner, most of the guests leave their stomachs at the Buffet Hotel because it is Songkran Festival. Accor Plus cannot use the discount at all. The price is not expensive, only 530 baht per person, but.. Phra Chuay Thai food is delicious. Anyone staying here recommends trying Thai food. The happy hour here is satisfyingly long from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Anyone who eats the buffet will receive a buy 1 free 1 promotion until 10:00 p.m., very worthwhile. The highlight of this place is a lot of photo angles, and taking beautiful photos, but the beach is not okay, which is a weak point. The sea water is hardly played because there are a lot of rocks. I mostly stay at the swimming pool 100% recommend if anyone sleeps here to relax and snorkel on the last day, come back to swim at the pool, take chic photos and eat buffet 🙂 Breakfast is quite suitable for Thai people, focusing on spicy Thai food. It also has my favorite pizza. The hotel has a Starbucks on the beach but does not participate in a star or membership program. For me, April 13-15 is a rest day. I'm pretty happy here. Let's just say for Accor members or group members. If anyone comes to Koh Chang, recommend here. You can get both nights and points. If there is any problem during your stay, I suggest you don't wait, hurry and share with him. He knows the problem and is ready to take care of it immediately. Come to Koh Chang next time, Mercure is still our choice.


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象島(閣昌島)Koh Chang Island 是泰國第二大島,面積429平方公里,位於泰國東部與柬埔寨臨界的 Trat 府,距離曼谷300多公里。象島周圍還有52座小島,目前其中的47座已經和象島一起被劃成了國家海洋公園,總面積650平方公里。

象島,一個在旅行探險家群中流傳已久的名字,直至最近才開放予國際旅遊業。象島位於泰國東岸泰國海灣,芭堤雅東南方,這個被群山環繞,未被開發和破壞的島嶼猶如在時間中停留的隱世國度,是一個眞正的世外桃源和生態天堂。整個西邊海岸皆為原始、未經開發以及種滿棕櫚樹的沙灘,其中以Saikhao、Hat Klong Prao和KaiBae等沙灘最受歡迎。象島的海水也是未被污染及清澈見底的,最適合浮潛活動。理想的潛水地點包括坐擁瑰麗珊瑚礁的Hin luk bat和Bird Land,可潛水探險的Koh Lao Ya Nai——那裏放眼都是鯊魚和鰩魚。

象島南面有一個群島,共擁有24個小島,Koh Kood是其中一個不能不去的地方,島上人口少於2000人,是一個非常有趣的地方。象島自1992年起被列為國家公園,繁茂的熱帶雨林已逐步開發出一些遠足路綫,其中推薦嘗試“Kai Bae-Bang Bao徑”,絕對的野生體驗。如不是假日,島上的泰國人很少,除了服務生就是遊客,島上治安非常好。象島的特色就是原始的景觀,整個海島很安靜,晚上沒有夜生活的喧囂,只有海浪伴你入夢。除了遊泳和潛水,在島上可租電單車到幾個瀑布玩耍。
