



4.5/563 評價


波普 蘇梅島|距離波普海灘1.38km
I read many reviews about this resort and studied the Mantra Samui website, but never learned until after I booked (4 nights stay) my room that they had cancelled , during Covid, the regular shuttle that took guests down the hill to Fisherman Villa. I learned this because I called the hotel before my trip to ask some questions and also ask how to reserve a place on their shuttle. The resort does have one auto/driver that will drive you down to the bottom of the hill if it is there, and if it is not picking up someone at the airport. The shuttle delivers you directly to the bottom of the hill, is pretty much is just a local road. Then you can wave down a taxi and negotiate the price. Some fun! The Mantra Sumai should update their website to say the regular shuttle has been cancelled, and replaced by their maybe available one car. Continuing my story... We booked a massage at another hotel that is about 20 minutes away, and gave ourselves one hour to get there. So the night before we reserved to get the ride down to the bottom of the hill for the next day afternoon. When we went to reception, we were informed there was an accident, which was a flat tire, and the tire 'might' be fixed in half an hour and then another 20 minutes to get back to the Mantra. They apparently felt no responsibility to contact us. Just wait for the guests to show up and then tell them. They felt no responsibility to call the driver for any update. They then offered to call a taxi, but that would take about 20 minutes to arrive. Also when you call a taxi there is no opportunity for negotiation. My hour was dwindling. Well 20 is better than maybe 30 + 20 minutes. So they called the taxi. Luckily the Mantra driver showed up after 15 minutes, and the taxi was cancelled. My conclusion, after all the interfaces with reception, is they have a poor sense of responsibility and lacking the ability for logical thinking to provide a good guest experience. There are other examples beyond the above. Our suite room was in good condition, and everything functioning. Well, except the phone did not work, but I did not need that. The suite has a king size bed and a separate built in bed in the back of the living room. OK, so 4 people can stay. But the flaw in the suites is there is only a 2 person love seat to sit on. There is no chair, and no desk. It is no fun to use your laptop when the coffee table level is below your knees. A simple 4 leg table for a desk, and a simple chair would be nice, and not cost very much. They do have an on-site co-work room somewhere, but I did not use it. I think it is an extra cost and I did not have that much work to do anyway. The highlight of the Mantra Samui was the included breakfast. There are many cooked to order choices plus a buffet of juices, fruits, cereals, yogurt, pastries, and several breads you can toast yourself. We tried every item on the breakfast menu and all were nicely done and tasty. Very good coffee and tea made to order i





4.7/592 評價
3.9/526 評價
Difficile de trouver mieux rapport qualité prix ! Ça été notre camp de base pendant presque 1 mois et vraiment l’emplacement est top. Par quoi commencer : Gilles le patron, toujours dispo pour vous apporter ses bons conseils et vous aider à organiser votre séjour. Il prendra également soin de vous réserver votre scooter. Le staff, 2 sœurs, des amours qui s’occupent de vous au quotidien avec une telle gentillesse représentent vraiment une valeur ajoutée. C’est jamais non, et tout est possible si nécessaire. Vos réservations : taxis, restos, bateaux vers les îles etc… Vous déposez votre pressing le matin, il vous sera restitué le lendemain sur votre lit (50 bahts le kilo !). L’accès au Karma un petit resort attenant au white cottage et juste toppissime, c’est beau, c’est bon et c’est pro. Adressez-vous à Benoit ou à Francis, les managers,ils vous réserveront le meilleur accueil. La proximité de Fisherman village 5’ en scoot 15 minutes à pied en passant par le night market open 4 jours par semaine. Nos incontournables : The Treehouse, Guston Italiano, le Maithy pour le Sunset, le Baobab chez Greg Lamai Beach, Jungle avec sa vue incomparable de Samui et bien d’autres… Bon séjour à tous 🍹🏖😎🌞
4.6/567 評價
非常漂亮的酒店大樓,設有設備齊全的平房和許多活動機會。友好且非常細心的工作人員。 我們從一開始就在和平度假村感到非常受歡迎。 改進建議: - 提供更長的早餐時間。上午 10:30 很早,在其他假日國家通常會提供到上午 11:30 左右。在假期中,您想睡個覺或從長途旅行中恢復過來,這就是為什麼有機會吃得更久的早餐會很好。 - 我們登記入住時沒有被告知早餐只提供到上午 10 點 30 分,而且房間裡也沒有關於這方面的明確信息。 不幸的是,在我們的第一晚之後,我們遲到了 30 分鐘吃早餐,很遺憾沒有提供免費的替代品(我們知道這一點與歐洲酒店不同)。 - 對於熱菜,對我個人而言,素食選擇太少/幾乎沒有。如果您有素食替代品,而不是提供 3 種肉類的菜餚,那就更好了。 - 咖啡和公司。對於有乳糖和素食主義者的人來說,這將是一種非牛奶
ZAYN 蘇梅酒店
4.8/59 評價
房間很大!有陽台!相當時尚的內裝。空調裝好了,不吹到床上!女主人超友善。床墊和枕頭很舒服!枕頭是泰國飯店常見的痛點。但這家飯店超舒服!位置也很好。遠離喧囂,同時距離海灘、咖啡館、7-11 便利商店 3 分鐘路程。一切都在附近!我們也很高興!如果我們再去蘇梅島,我們一定還會入住這家飯店!
4.3/546 評價
4.2/549 評價
我們在水濱度過了三天愉快的時光。Robin和Mike都很好客(我沒見到Sue),他們為我們接風。波菩海灘是島上的一片凈土,但被各種酒吧和餐館包圍着,這正合我們意,如果你想放鬆一下,這是絕好的去處。海灘步行幾步就到了,儘管不是島上最白的沙灘,但它依然寧靜美麗。吊牀和躺椅隨處可見,泳池儘管小但很別緻。幸運的是大海一望無盡。房間很小,但我們覺得無所謂,因為你住的不是蘇梅島的大酒店。 他們也為客人免費提供各種書籍和DVD。我沒有給他們評價為五星因為我對他們的服務有以下幾點不滿: 1)在我們居住期間服務人員熱情周到,但是早餐的時候我們等了很久都沒人來招呼我們,後來還是我親自去點的早餐。如果事先告知賓館不提供此項服務我也不會介意,更有甚者有三名服務人員在那侃侃而談而無視我們的存在。 2)當我們要求接待人員幫我們叫輛去港口的出租車,一個人(我覺得是賓館的工作人員)用輛皮卡車把我們載到一個錯誤的目的地,還向我們索要500泰銖。也許是我誤會了,但是與島上的其它計程車相比,那麼短的路程來説根本不需要那麼多錢,所以我建議你儘可能還是搭乘計程車比較妥當。 儘管如此,但總的來説還是一個很不錯的小地方! .



透過Trip.com,您能夠方便快捷地預訂到人氣蘇梅島酒店。在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的蘇梅島酒店優惠。在泰國,蘇梅島是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。當您安排行程時,在蘇梅島住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,蘇梅島有1557家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。當地酒店平均價格大概是789 HKD一晚,蘇梅島有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。蘇梅島有114家五星級酒店,平均每晚2342 HKD。蘇梅島有269家四星級酒店,平均每晚1053 HKD。蘇梅島有627家三星級酒店,平均每晚451 HKD。蘇梅島有200家二星級酒店,平均每晚251 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,蘇梅島入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在蘇梅島,連鎖酒店如諾富特是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。喜歡諾富特的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。蘇梅島的蘇梅島W酒店(W Koh Samui)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,宜必思蘇梅島波普特酒店(Ibis Samui Bophut Koh Samui)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

蘇梅島市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:Susu Yoga Koh Samui, 冥想洞。在蘇梅島周圍尋幽探祕,帕岸島, 南園島, 濤島是個好去處。除了之前介紹過的景點外,蘇梅島悅榕莊水療中心也是比較有名的。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把Sumei Outlet, Big C超市, 泰國熱銷良品 Hot Sale Thailand加入行程。










