正在尋找Buddha View Travel附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Buddha View Travel附近的熱門酒店




4.3/521 評價


查洛克 濤島|距離Buddha View Travel0.3km
我在泰國住過最好的旅館。很抱歉大聲喊叫,但我在親愛的旅館裏有一個令人難以置信的經歷。宿舍/宿舍:我在一家女宿舍住了一個星期,我推薦這裏牀單每三天換一次,如果需要的話每天提供新的毛巾,乾淨和有氣味的空間,舒適的牀不是雙層牀。現代和新鮮的裝飾,牀之間隔開更多的隱私。這樣簡單而明智的解決方案!可愛的和友好的清潔女士也:))旅舍本身被棕櫚樹包圍;我絕對建議去看看他們在3樓的公共空間(附圖)。共用浴室:乾淨、現代、氣味很好的浴室,淋浴時提供洗髮水和肥皂。潛水:我通過親愛的旅舍舉辦了PADI開放式水療課程。由於我住了一個星期,旅館提供了很好的住宿條件,結合潛水。最大的優勢是在旅館有一個深游泳池,你可以在那裏練習潛水技能,然後進入露天水域。游泳池本身是偉大的他們使用鹽而不是氯,這既是對皮膚和頭髮的欣賞。我絕對會推薦我們擁有的潛水教練 Fam 他讓我們感覺很舒服,並準備好從游泳池移動到開放的水潛水。當與住在宿舍的其他人交談時,他們也對潛水教練有非常積極的經驗。社交:宿舍組織了日常活動,這些活動寫在大廳的黑板上。我沒有參加過很多我當時跳水/學習跳水,但這聽起來像是一次會見其他同事的好機會。就我個人而言,我在宿舍和早餐期間都與人建立了最密切的聯繫:)非常棒的人和微笑的人,他們想要平易近人。這不是一個聚會硬的旅館,但它在出去和一些朋友喝啤酒之前有很好的飲料前氣氛。工作人員:非常樂於助人,細心和樂於助人的員工。良好的電子郵件溝通:)早餐:供應7-10m;早上潛水時在旅舍有非常有用的;每天早餐包括吐司、煎餅、椰奶水果,還有米/米麪條。這是我在泰國可以吃的第一個旅館早餐,因爲我對食物過敏,米飯/米粉菜總是很好吃。我向我的三個旅行朋友推薦了這家旅館,他們都很喜歡他們在這裏住宿。對我來說,郭濤島沒有其他旅舍可供選擇;)肯定會再來一次潛水!謝謝!



正在搜尋Buddha View Travel附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.3/515 評價
The Paradise Koh Tao Resort I was saying to my daughter how, for me, a 5 star hotel is not just about the quality of the room or building or the food or even the staff. It’s about the overall experience. Value for money, comfort, fun. We were met at the pier with our cases carried for us to a songthaews. We were met at the grand hotel by Koko who explained that there was a power cut. No electricity but he was smiling and so sincere it was not a problem for us. We were walked to our room by Koko and a colleague. They carried our cases. The room was just being finished with cleaning and we went into the massive room with a double and single bed. No AC because of power cut. It was funny with Koko explaining to us how it worked without being able to show us. My daughter and I then went to the pool which was absolutely amazing. We had the whole pool to ourselves for the afternoon. An elderly Thai couple came and we took some pictures for them. Then a German (or South African) couple. The pool and area was big enough that we weren’t in each others way. Able to relax, peace and have fun. We then ordered some ice cream and when the electricity came on we then ordered lunch; an omelette, a coconut chicken soup and red curry. It was absolutely delicious! (About 600BAHT). My daughter then showered and I had a bath on the balcony! Yes, a bath on the balcony, Bubbles bowing down the street. it was amazing! We then went down to the lobby and were driven free of charge into Koh Tao. We had a wonderful time in Koh Tao which is really alive again since covid. We then paid 500B for a cab back. We slept in the beautiful air conditioned room. The following morning we had breakfast (250B each) and were served again by Su (who was always helpful and smiling). There were other staff members (Myanmar) we didn’t get their names but thank you to them as well. Everyone was smiling, friendly, trying their best and running around for us. We then went on a snorkelling tour and when we came back went to our room which had been spotlessly cleaned with fresh towels etc. We then showered and went for dinner inside the restaurant because it was raining outside. For dinner we had Ka Pow (prawns/basil). Red Curry. Sweet and Sour Pork, coconut chicken soup (again). 4 drinks. It cost 870 Baht. The food at this place was probably the best of our entire trip. Unbelievably tasty I wanted to thank the chef. We then went and played a game of pool in the bar and then went back to the room and fell instantly asleep. The following morning a songthaews had been arranged for 8am to take us to the pier. The end! So, the night before we are at Suranthiya Koh Phangan and they are very similar. Only Suranthiya is about £350 per night and this place was about £40. I think in the 1990’s/2000’s this was Koh Tao’s Suranthiya. The place is a little bit old and weathered but it’s grand and fascinating with incredible view points and obvious history. The ambi
4.4/53 評價
4.2/539 評價
我們在度蜜月期間在這裏住了5個晚上。這裏的位置非常安詳平靜,遊泳池經常只有我們兩個人。如果你不想租踏板車,也可以輕鬆地步行到沙灘。當然你也可以打的去旁邊的沙灘。Luke和Michelle給顧客提供了電話,可以用來叫出租車或者報名Roland導遊組織的潜水旅行。在koh tao度過的這幾天真的很贊!
4/524 評價
房間大小適中,視野極佳,而且非常乾淨。早餐很好,工作人員很友好,但我們辦理入住時確實缺乏指導。我們沒有被告知早餐時間、有班車或有關游泳池的信息。這是相當偏僻的所以真的需要一輛自行車(雖然它是在一個非常陡峭的山上)。他們確實提供班車,但時間為上午 8 點、下午 1 點、下午 6 點和晚上 9 點。我們在這裡住了兩晚,這很好,但再多了,位置可能就是一個問題。
3.9/510 評價
4/521 評價



Trip.com誠意為您推薦熱門的龜島酒店及酒店預訂優惠。在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的龜島酒店優惠。當您安排行程時,在龜島住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。在泰國,龜島是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。


龜島有198家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。龜島的酒店物美價廉,只需約330 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。龜島有3家五星級酒店,平均每晚736 HKD。龜島有21家四星級酒店,平均每晚804 HKD。龜島有58家三星級酒店,平均每晚366 HKD。龜島有49家二星級酒店,平均每晚163 HKD。龜島的酒店性價比高,所以不需要為住宿準備太高預算。作為龜島的熱門酒店,龜島蒙特拉度假酒店(Koh Tao Montra Resort)是評價最高的酒店之一。除此之外,龜島品尼高度假村(Pinnacle Koh Tao Resort)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:濤島紀念石, 芒果灣。
