正在尋找光泉寺 Kosenji Temple附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索光泉寺 Kosenji Temple附近的熱門酒店




4.5/534 評價


草津町|距離光泉寺 Kosenji Temple0.18km
将軍の湯お汲み上げの湯は、天井が高く、木のぬくもりがありとても風情がありました。硫黄のにおい、湯量、少し白く濁った色合い・・・草津温泉の泉質は本当にいいですね。 館内廊下には、花、美術品などが飾られ気持ちがリッチになります。宿泊費はそれなりに高い宿ですが、その分きちんとお金をかけているように思いました。従業員の方は見かけると必ずあいさつをされ、とても気持ちよかったです。 風呂上がりにまったりとビールを飲みたくなったので、軽く生ビールが飲めるラウンジがないかと探したのですがありませんでした。ただ、すぐ隣に宿併設のカフェがあり、地ビールが飲めます(残念ながら生ビールは飲めません)。 クルマはノーマルタイヤのため(降雪の心配があったため)今回は、JRの長野原草津口のパーキングに車をおいて、バスで草津温泉に行きました。あまりPRされていないように思いますが(宿予約時にクルマを長野原草津口に駐車することを言いましたが宿からの説明なし)、長野原草津口~草津温泉往復バスは、パーク&ライド割引で30%引きになります(駐車券提示要)。草津バスターミナルから宿までは下り坂なので(5分ぐらい)温泉街を見ながらのちょうどいい散歩になります。帰りは登りになりますので宿の送迎バスを使ったほうがいいと思います。
3.9/545 評價


草津町|距離光泉寺 Kosenji Temple0.24km
Location: 5 star! It’s one minute walk to Yubatake the famous landmark, great for wearing yukata out picture taking. It’s also very near town business area with shops and restaurants and the visitor center where the show is performed. Food: 3.5 star It’s a half boarding facility, meaning it includes dinner and breakfast. Unlike where you stay in your room to eat, it’s buffet style in their restaurant. They give you a meal card when checking in and you can select your breakfast hour of either 7 or 8:30. Dinner is always at 6 and it runs for 90 minutes. Alcohol are not free, soda and tea are included. The food has a few local dishes that I really like, and they have a bit of western style as well. The sushi though is very pathetic. Facility: It’s a Japanese house style. So while you have dinner, the staff will go inside your room, move the table and chairs (all Japanese kneeling style) to the side and set up the tatami. The mattress isn’t as thick as I’d like but the comfort er is soft and light. The bathroom amenities are close to none other than shampoo conditioner and soap. Onsen: This and it’s sister hotel are two big onsen establishment of the town. The third is the outdoor pool inside a park 20 mins drive away. This onsen is a bit older compared to its sister property, it has an outdoor pool but not as decorative either. However, in the washroom it has many different beauty products to try, from horse oil lotion to facial cleaner to joints lotion, etc. The sister onsen only has 3 standard bottles of shampoo conditioner and body soap. But its outdoor pool is more zen and pretty. Service: Staff members can speak some English to communicate but you have to speak slowly and it is better to do it face to face. They will refill the hot water kettle in your room after laying out tayami. Upon arrival there is a small snack provided in the room along with some green tea bags (you make your own with the hot water). Meal service is good, staff respond quickly on coffee refill. Parking: You cannot park and it’s not easy to drive there. It’s best to park at it’s sister hotel, take their free shuttle to this hotel. The shuttle runs every 20 mins and it’s nice and clean. You can walk from the sister property back to town in 10 mins also on a good day. So during check out, we took the shuttle to store luggage in the car and then walk back town to explore.





正在搜尋光泉寺 Kosenji Temple附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
5/51 評價
4.5/52 評價
它位於Yubatake前面的蕎麥麵餐廳的上層。優越的地理位置。適合觀光和散步。當你進入房間時,你幾乎聽不到任何噪音。晚上可以洗澡。房間很寬敞而且打掃得很乾淨。這是我第一次使用它,所以我吃了兩頓飯。內容不錯,但早餐從 9:00 開始,退房時間為 10:00。根據住宿的天數或目的,您可以不吃飯就外出就餐或購物。
4.5/532 評價
我去了12/30。我住在小雞豆的房間裏。●優點•有4個私人溫泉(直接從湯畑源流出),而且它們不會在任何時間都滿了,所以我可以隨時放入。•歡迎糖果非常好吃。•自助季節性風味水時尚,味道鮮美。特別是紅色的jiso飲料很好吃。•早餐也很漂亮,可愛又美味。飯糰和味o湯也重新裝滿了。•送行時開朗而禮貌地向我打招呼的工作人員很好。•位置有點斜,但是非常靠近Yubatake,方便觀光。•我以爲旅館的概念只是年輕人,但事實並非如此。•電暈措施也很紮實。我可以詳細選擇早餐時間,幾乎就像一個私人房間一樣吃東西。除了我在辦理登機手續時看到兩個團體外,我什至沒有在大廳裏經過其他人。●壞點•我有點擔心房間的氣味。•風景在位置上看不到。(取決於房間嗎? ??)我認爲我正在盡我所能,以一種小而溫暖的巧妙的款待。概念也很清楚◎。總的來說,我認爲這是一個很好的旅館,給人留下了深刻的印象!
5/52 評價
溫泉旅館的職員很有禮貌 親切 ,會選擇再次入住!環境古色古香 很有味道👍🏻👍🏻
4.6/574 評價
3.9/545 評價
Location: 5 star! It’s one minute walk to Yubatake the famous landmark, great for wearing yukata out picture taking. It’s also very near town business area with shops and restaurants and the visitor center where the show is performed. Food: 3.5 star It’s a half boarding facility, meaning it includes dinner and breakfast. Unlike where you stay in your room to eat, it’s buffet style in their restaurant. They give you a meal card when checking in and you can select your breakfast hour of either 7 or 8:30. Dinner is always at 6 and it runs for 90 minutes. Alcohol are not free, soda and tea are included. The food has a few local dishes that I really like, and they have a bit of western style as well. The sushi though is very pathetic. Facility: It’s a Japanese house style. So while you have dinner, the staff will go inside your room, move the table and chairs (all Japanese kneeling style) to the side and set up the tatami. The mattress isn’t as thick as I’d like but the comfort er is soft and light. The bathroom amenities are close to none other than shampoo conditioner and soap. Onsen: This and it’s sister hotel are two big onsen establishment of the town. The third is the outdoor pool inside a park 20 mins drive away. This onsen is a bit older compared to its sister property, it has an outdoor pool but not as decorative either. However, in the washroom it has many different beauty products to try, from horse oil lotion to facial cleaner to joints lotion, etc. The sister onsen only has 3 standard bottles of shampoo conditioner and body soap. But its outdoor pool is more zen and pretty. Service: Staff members can speak some English to communicate but you have to speak slowly and it is better to do it face to face. They will refill the hot water kettle in your room after laying out tayami. Upon arrival there is a small snack provided in the room along with some green tea bags (you make your own with the hot water). Meal service is good, staff respond quickly on coffee refill. Parking: You cannot park and it’s not easy to drive there. It’s best to park at it’s sister hotel, take their free shuttle to this hotel. The shuttle runs every 20 mins and it’s nice and clean. You can walk from the sister property back to town in 10 mins also on a good day. So during check out, we took the shuttle to store luggage in the car and then walk back town to explore.





在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了49家草津町酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是1222 HKD一晚,草津町有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。草津町有3家五星級酒店,平均每晚2288 HKD。草津町有9家四星級酒店,平均每晚1764 HKD。草津町有29家三星級酒店,平均每晚1111 HKD。草津町有7家二星級酒店,平均每晚603 HKD。入住草津町當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。草津町草津奈良屋酒店(Naraya Kusatsu)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇草津酒店(Kusatsu Hotel)入住。

倘若您住在草津町市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如草津町溫泉資料館。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:Kosenji temple, 湯畑, 草津溫泉。
