
京極町Kyogoku Spring Water Village附近平價酒店預訂


優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

人氣Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店

留壽都村Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
留壽都度假酒店&會議中心坐落於被稱為北海道富士山-羊蹄山麓附近,位於世界聞名的滑雪勝地「新雪谷・留壽都區域」內,從札幌或新千歲機場到本度假區僅需90分車程,是北海道屈指可數的休閑旅遊度假勝地。它是第一個被英國專業滑雪雜誌《The Great Skiing & Snowboarding Guide》授予“Best Small Resort 2008獎”的日本滑雪度假區。

訪客 2023.04.03
Rusutsu Resort Hotel was not what I expected, and was unlike any ski hotel I’d ever seen in Europe or North America. It was more of a village than a hotel, with a lot of rooms, but also several shops, bars, restaurants, amusement arcades, and other facilities such as ski waxing, a luggage forwarding service, and shuttles direct from hotel to airport. It has a great boot room and locker facilities, and is very nearly ski in/ski out (there’s a bit of a walk to the first ski lift in the morning). Its internal decoration had a large measure of flamboyance and whimsy, and the place felt wonderfully spacious. It even had an antique double-decker fairground carousel in the lobby. It reminded me a bit of Las Vegas hotels, and also of Arc 1950 in Les Arcs. I can see why it’s called a “resort hotel”. I liked it! Actually, it is fortunate that the hotel had so many entertainments and facilities, because facilities near the hotel seemed scarce. You are likely to remain in the hotel for your après ski activities. This is mostly not a problem but sometimes can be limiting, for example, the hotel seems to have only one place to get skis waxed and serviced, which was fully booked when I tried to use it. There did not seem to be any nearby ski service operations outside the hotel. I recommend you come here with your skis already serviced because you might not be able to get them done while here. Some of the hotel’s other resources seemed over-stretched. There was usually a queue for the breakfast buffet, although the staff were attentive and resourceful in managing it as best as their limited space allowed. My wait was usually no more than 15 minutes. My room was very nice; spacious, clean, comfortable, quiet, everything working. This hotel had a great idea which I recommend to other hotels. In return for vouchers, I agreed that my room need not be serviced daily. An all-win situation: it reduced costs for the hotel, reduced environmental impact, and meant I didn’t feel the need to tidy up my room every morning ready for the room service staff. I was given 2,000 Yen in vouchers for every day I volunteered to not have my room serviced, which I could use in the hotel’s shops, bars, and restaurants. Who needs their hotel room serviced every day anyway? Other hotels should copy this idea. Rusutsu (and nearby Niseko) are both great places to ski. The Rusutsu ski area is relatively small, but immensely satisfying for a few days of skiing. As a Brit who’s skied in Europe a lot, I’m also struck by how cheap it can be to ski in Japan (I thought Japanese skiing would be expensive). Slope side restaurants sell good food remarkably cheaply compared to Europe, and here’s a big thing – Japanese ski restaurants provide free, unlimited drinking water. That’s a big difference from European mountain restaurants where the only way to get water is to buy it in bottles for about 10 Euros per litre. Taking this into account, my Japanese ski lunches usually cost about half what
AUD 97
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店

LLai,Chun-Shan 2023.07.10
青年旅館的經營方式 優點: 1.房間環境都很乾淨 2.提供免費的停車場 3.周遭鄰近有一間超級市場(Aeon)一間便利商店(Lawson) 4.飯店提供的餐點也都還不錯 5.附近提供餐點的商家(車程10分鐘以內)也不少 6.提供類似溫泉的大澡堂(浴室) … 缺點: 1.沒有提供個人的衛浴設備 2.膠囊旅館的隔音設備不好 … 以上為個人的心得。
AUD 38
二世古町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
「二世古希爾頓飯店」是一家豪華休閒飯店,距離二世古站約 10 分鐘的車程(搭乘接駁車)。飯店位於北海道二世谷安努普利山腳下,是享受各種户外活動的理想基地。該豪華飯店提供優質客房與一望無際的綠地美景。在飯店的日本餐廳內享用美味的鐵板燒料理後,再舒服地在天然温泉池泡湯。所有客房皆提供高速區域網路。

匿名用戶 2024.01.25
房間:12歲以上算成人,所以加了床。三人房是比較擠的。房間設施比較舊。 便利:在一樓可以寄存雪具。有定時的免費班車,可以出去玩或者吃。司機很友好。 特色:ONSEN温泉算是酒店特色,露天的風景很美。 吃:早餐在日本算是比較豐富的,餐廳風景也不錯。酒店二樓有三家餐廳,試了Sisam烤肉的味道總是不錯的,人均三四百。附近步行三分鐘能到NISEKO-YO,是商業村,有商店和餐廳,人均120起。 玩:大門邊上就是雪票商店和滑雪學校,貢多拉就在門口很方便,山上風景很美!
AUD 144
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
一家集合Hirafu滑雪場和餐飲的綜合目的地,將二世谷最好的品牌聚集在Hirafu村的中心。酒店設施包括24小時小吃和美食市場便利店、健身中心和國際自動取款機。對於滑雪和滑雪板愛好者來説,察殿日本二世谷擁有度假勝地的頂級設備租賃“節奏”服務櫃枱,所有客人都可以使用一個私人儲物櫃來存放滑雪工具,另外還有存放靴子的空間以確保第二天在山上穿着温暖乾燥的靴子。在Shiki二世谷大廈內,還有Hirafu唯一的米其林星級餐廳“Kamimura”、Kamimura的新餐廳“Kitchen”、大家最喜歡的“綠色農場咖啡”和Temporada”小吃酒吧。這四間餐廳集中在一個地方,方便您任意品嚐美食。來察殿二世谷度假酒店享受一次超級假期,入住豪華客房的同時還可以享用綠色農場咖啡廳的早餐。 在這裏盡情欣賞美麗的鄉村景色,體驗各式有趣的活動,還有北海道最好的早餐,一定會讓您在這裏度過一段難忘的時光。

Ddavezqw 2023.05.02
伊馮和同事們都非常開朗,隨時準備提供援助。 非常乾淨,整個一樓和大堂都有很好的氣味。 免費乘坐到貢多拉省了我們一路攀登的能量。 非常感謝免費升級到城市景觀臥室套房。 作爲我們蜜月旅行的第一站,我和我的妻子很高興,已經錯過了寧靜的體驗!
AUD 152
留壽都村Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
留壽都威斯汀度假酒店是一家在備受認可的留壽都酒店,不管是深度遊還是一日遊,這家酒店都會是您的理想之選。 完善的設施,精美的裝飾,這些都可讓您在住宿期間感受到更多愉悦。 自助洗衣設施, 便利店, 免費房內無線網絡, 每日客房清潔服務, 郵政服務等設施都已配備,可供住客使用。 設計舒適的客房配有平板電視,空調,獨立浴室,浴袍以及無網上網等設備設施,可讓您在酒店享受愜意與舒適。 酒店內設多種娛樂設施。 熱情友好的工作人員、完善的設施、優越的地理位置、便於遊客前往留壽都的各大景點,這些都是眾多遊客選擇留壽都威斯汀度假酒店的原因。

訪客 2023.03.05
I had reservations for 2 rooms for a group of five for 3D2N on the 3rd week of December 2022. While the property is well kept and ground were impeccable, the check-in process is the worst experience I ever had in all my stays with the Marriott group of hotels since the 90s. It took an hour & 15 min to check-in, all because of some cultural pride of not finding the right people to do the job right from onset: at the drop off at the bellhop to billing at the frontdesk. The bellhop was a tall young Japanese lady who could not speak English at all. I was attempting to walk to the frontdesk as there were 2 coaches off loading guests simultaneously & I did not want to be caught with this large group of ten or more tourists. She refused not once but thrice with her out stretched arms to stop us from proceeding to the frontdesk with our luggage. Apparently, on highsight, she thought we were part of the other group & wanted to contain and corral our luggages. I gave up 😖 & regretfully let her & her co-workers take our 7 pieces of luggage. At the check-in, a young male bellhop assigned us to a senior looking male frontdesk staff who could not speak or understand English very well. It took him a while to get the paperwork done & when presenting the bill to be paid up full, it did not match the reservation booking which was a significant amount. It dragged on for another 20 min going back & forth with him. Using google translator helped a bit but again he could not reconcile the booking … I had to demand for our check-in to be handled by someone who could speak English but he refused & continue trying to communicate to me in his poor English. I had to raise my voice for help; kept asking him to let another senior member to assist us. Which caught some attention eventually. Fortunately, a young French lady who speaks Japanese & English, ironically was assigned to Japanese guests 🙄 came to our rescue. By this time, 45 min has elapsed, my family by then discovered our luggage has gone missing ! The silly bellhop tall Japanese lady who cannot speak English had grouped our bags with the larger group. She wanted to do her job well BUT did not understand there we were not part of the other group 😡 So silly way to run a simple hotel operation. Any attempts to ask any on the non-speaking Japanese staff to get an English speaking failed. It had to do with some silly cultural pride of not being competent to do their job that created this stubbornness and refusal to get an English speaking staff. Why 2-star rating instead of 1-star only because the English speaking French lady staff helped me to bring the billing attention to the duty manager who apologized for the delay & he resolved the billing issue eventually. Take note, I just stayed at The Westin Las Vegas a month ago in November & it took less than 5 min to check-in. What a stark contrast between this Westin Rusutsu & Westin Las Vegas. Shame that this winter ski resort bearing the Westin brand had
AUD 214
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
對於想要捕捉俱知安町城市風采的旅客來説,我的生態酒店是一個理想的選擇。從酒店很方便到達JR比羅夫站,僅有2km距離。包括ST-Gallery Niseko、二世谷町河皮艇漂流和新雪谷泛舟都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括新雪谷、半月湖畔自然公園和Lerch Memorial Park,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供24小時熱水的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。旅客可以在閑暇時間去酒店的休閑區,提升健康幸福感。酒店為旅客提供接站服務,舒適到家。

KKrubee 2020.02.25
AUD 107
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
Always二世谷旅館位於新雪谷/二世谷的黃金地段,毗鄰市區內的各大主要景點。 酒店設施一應俱全,可讓您的住宿體驗變得回味無窮。 酒店內設施繁多,免費房內無線網絡, 24小時安保, 無障礙通道, 24小時前台, 無障礙設施等都已配備。 客房舒適温馨,部分客房內設無網上網(免費), 禁煙房, 空調, 暖氣等設施。 在享受客房內的舒適之餘,住客還可盡情使用酒店內的休閑設施,其中包括遠足步道, 高爾夫球場(3公里範圍內), 滑雪等。 不論您是帶着何種目的前往新雪谷/二世谷,Always二世谷旅館都可讓您感受到家的温馨與舒適。

娜娜 2020.05.28
AUD 105
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店

NNomad47068591273 2023.01.20
首先非常感謝經理Yuko和前台Amanda 的幫助。真的特別感謝Amanda,在旺季如果不提前預定真的很難訂到餐廳,但有一兩天我們確實沒有想好吃什麼所以沒有提前訂,但是Amanda還是會幫我們一家家確認有沒有空位(超耐心的),也推薦我們去了一些餐廳,推薦的幾家都很好吃。😋😋 酒店設施 Ski in /out 真的很方便。👍辦理入住的當天,前台的工作人員會幫我把雪具先存到ski locker裡面,很貼心。每天從房間換好衣服到basement拿上我的裝備就可以從酒店直接滑向雪場! 酒店的房間 房間很大,裝修也很好看,把窗簾拉好,對著Yotei 就很容易出片! 👀我特別喜歡他們放紙巾的盒子,還有洗手間的小托盤。 浴室的洗護產品味道很特別,也好用!酒店還提供了護膚品,聽說是當地的牌子純天然的,真的也很好用。 酒店的餐廳 在酒店裡面有兩家餐廳 Sushi shin :這家一定要提前訂位,我和我的小夥伴提前定才訂到的。真的很好吃,一定要去試一試!強烈推薦!😋🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lupicia: 除了早餐和午餐可選擇的種類比較少,晚餐可以自由點菜,推薦crab cake,一口下去都是蟹,幸福感滿滿。 酒店的活動 酒店每天5點到6點都有活動,我特別喜歡那個畫達摩的活動,感覺很有趣。還去體驗了日本的茶道,樂器,毛筆,還有和服👘哈哈 玩的很開心 最後check out的時候酒店還很貼心送上了小禮物,特別喜歡那個護目鏡的防護套,好看~總之在Sansui Niseko住的 吃的 用的 玩的 等等等都很開心😃明年還要再來住Sansui!
二世古町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
The Green Leaf Niseko Village Hokkaido (北海道綠葉新雪谷町村酒店),位於二世谷,出行便利。入住於此,您可輕鬆去往各大景點,感受此地獨特的自然風光和人文環境,在北海道享有一個完美的假期。酒店設施齊全,周邊環境清新宜人。客房裝飾精美,給人以温馨舒適的感覺。酒店內提供電梯、旅遊服務、小童看護服務、禮賓接待服務等,可使您的入住更為便利。客房裝飾精美,提供空調、浴缸、浴室、禁煙房、無網上網等,您在入住期間將有愉悦的入住體驗。酒店提供按摩、spa等休閑服務,您可盡情享受舒適美妙的夜晚。北海道綠葉新雪谷町村酒店,獨具當地特色,您來此旅行,可充分體驗此地的風俗與人文。在旅行的同時,還可感受到家一般的温暖,旅程將更為愉悦。

訪客 2023.04.03
I found the Green Leaf Hotel to be okay, adequate for my needs, but not as good as I expected. The place was disappointing in several ways that were not huge but were significant. Cleanliness in my room was not what I expected of a Japanese hotel – I’d say the cleanliness level was more Australian than Japanese (in my experience, Australian hotels have a very low standard of cleanliness). My room at the Green Leaf had sticky food residue and coffee cup rings on tables left by previous occupants, and the toilet seat had some disturbing spots or dry residue. I felt the need to wipe down the room with a damp towel. The furniture in my room looked a bit battered and tired, room carpet and fabrics looked stained and dirty. The bathroom was dimly lit, and the bath/shower waste outlet was slow to empty. The toilet roll holders were inexplicable: the toilet roll was impaled on a spindle which was then inserted into a toilet roll holder on the wall, a conventional design. However, the spindle did not fit the toilet roll holder. It was a waste of time using the toilet roll holder; every time I tried to pull toilet paper from the holder, the toilet roll and spindle just fell out of it. Therefore, I just left the toilet roll on the floor. However, every day, the cleaner would precariously re-insert the toilet roll on its spindle back into the holder, from where it would fall out again the first time I tried to pull toilet paper from it. Very strange, and not what I expected from a culture based on perfection. Also, if your bedside tables are like mine, beware. They will not be screwed to the wall, and they have drawers that, if you open them, tilt the table forwards, throwing your mobile phone or Rolex to the floor, or neatly emptying your cup of tea and pot noodle into the drawer and its contents. Again, inexplicably bad design, not what I expected of Japan. Another oddity that happens in many a hotel. My wardrobe had a long hanger rail, but I was provided with only five coat hangers. Why do hotels do that – provide a big wardrobe but only a few coat hangers? It makes no sense at all. However, I was provided with more hangers after I asked twice for them. One morning, water from the hot tap came out brown rather than clear. I reported it and it didn’t happen again. So, several significant areas of disappointment. However, the hotel was good in many key ways. My bed looked clean and was comfortable. The staff were great, as was the onsen. Breakfast was good. The hotel restaurant only serves one type of dinner, but it is very good. The hotel is ski in/ski out, and has a good boot room. I had a great time skiing from The Green Leaf Niseko Village for six nights. However, I’m not sure I’d recommend it, and if I go to Niseko again, I’ll go to a different hotel, probably one in Grand Hirafu. Why Grand Hirafu? One might say that Niseko Village is oddly named. The one thing it isn’t is a village. It has ski lifts, a ski area, at least two hotels, so
AUD 104
俱知安町Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店
對於想要捕捉俱知安町城市風采的旅客來説,新雪谷中城酒店是一個理想的選擇。酒店地理位置優越,駕車至JR比羅夫站僅需2km 。旅客們會發現ST-Gallery Niseko、二世谷町河皮艇漂流和新雪谷泛舟距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,半月湖畔自然公園、山莊滑雪場和綠地冒險村離此都很近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。對於顧客來説,可以在健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。酒店的會議廳將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

Ppenrosemoons 2020.01.27
AUD 76
查看所有Kyogoku Spring Water Village酒店

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