正在尋找First Church Of Christ附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


正在搜尋First Church Of Christ附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
1/51 評價
4.6/510 評價
Trace Suites Family Room 303乾淨,消毒,基本的東西需要注意。整體身體狀況保持良好。大堂舒適。享受菲律賓早餐兩個上午 - 大英班古斯最喜歡的。最重要的是,工作人員很友好,親切,尊重。準備服務。他們是Annaliza,Mildred,DJ,Michelle,Richel,Clea,Felipe。下次旅行,我們將再次入住Trace Suites。Jay
4.5/52 評價
3.9/56 評價
I am from the U.S. I was there visiting friends in San Pablo.I stayed a month. The facility is directly on Sampolac lake, Very beautiful building with nice rooms with large shower and pool. I was the only guest as it was not tourist season. Made to order egg breakfast tasty, but not fancy. I did have to ask that the hot water be turned on. Internet was marginal at best during that time. Cleaning staff of young people very friendly. They did a good job. I seemed to get a nice discount and asked to pay when I departed. Very trusting. I will look forward to staying there again.
4.5/51 評價
The staffs are friendly. Thank you.
2.6/54 評價
Beautiful setting, beautiful pool, friendly staff. Overall, our stay was good But many things weren’t good. The room was very small and mostly clean but some things like the back of the bathroom door looked like it had never been cleaned. The toilet didn’t flush, the shower drained very slowly and overfilled, the Wi fi didn’t work and the TV reception was bad. The bed was fine but the bed sheet only came up to our belly button. When you pulled it up more it came out at the bottom. Had to sleep with my feet out the bottom and the sheet to my chest. The room had 2 nice white towels. When we asked for pool towels we were told that they only had room towels and we would have to pay extra for towels to use at the pool. When we checked in and asked about our scheduled trip to the falls we were told that the falls were Still closed and and wouldn’t open for a while. No one mentioned that part when we booked our reservation. Long beautiful drive from Manila to see the falls but only saw the hotel.


  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店最受歡迎?

    拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店裏沃利酒店 是其中幾間最熱門的酒店。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店受預算有限的旅客歡迎?

    無論您是出門公幹還是旅行散心, 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店 都是您的最佳選擇。

  • 今個週末First Church Of Christ附近酒店的平均價格是?

    根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住拉古娜First Church Of Christ附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$396。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店有提供早餐?

    一日之計在於晨,吃一頓豐富美味的早餐,開展精彩的一天吧!如果您想在拉古娜First Church Of Christ附近找一間提供早餐的酒店,可考慮入住 阿里塔格塔格蘇爾亞普精品B&B旅館 。記得盡早預訂這間熱門酒店!

  • First Church Of Christ附近酒店每晚的平均價格是?

    根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,拉古娜First Church Of Christ附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$296。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店有提供免費 Wi-Fi?

    無論您是要出門公幹還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店裏沃利酒店 是幾間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店設有健身室?

    健康對於很多客人來說都是頭等大事,因此大部份酒店都會提供健身室,讓您即便在假期中也能努力鍛鍊身體。 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店 是一間提供健身室的熱門酒店。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些酒店設有禁煙房?

    很多客人都非常重視酒店房間的質素,並想確保房間裡空氣清新潔淨。 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店裏沃利酒店 是幾間提供非吸煙房間的熱門酒店。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些熱門酒店設有停車場?

    如果您打算自行駕車到拉古娜First Church Of Christ,何不入住 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店裏沃利酒店 ?這幾間熱門酒店都有停車場。

  • First Church Of Christ附近有哪些推薦酒店?

    如果您舉棋不定,難以選擇,不如考慮入住 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店裏沃利酒店 。這幾間酒店評價極佳,記得提早預訂!

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些熱門酒店設有游泳池?

    暑假正是一家大小一齊去拉古娜First Church Of Christ的好時候! 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店 是一間有游泳池的熱門酒店。

  • First Church Of Christ附近哪些熱們酒店設有餐廳?

    如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下正宗當地美食,您可以考慮入住 拉古娜蘇利亞奧萬多B&B精品酒店 。這間酒店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。




拉古娜,可供選擇的酒店較少,建議您提早預訂好要入住的酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是428 HKD一晚,拉古娜有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。拉古娜有3家四星級酒店,平均每晚507 HKD。拉古娜有9家三星級酒店,平均每晚442 HKD。拉古娜有3家二星級酒店,平均每晚130 HKD。拉古娜沒有太多知名連鎖酒店,但入住當地特色的酒店也能讓您體會到賓至如歸的感覺。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在拉古娜還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham旗下的酒店就很好。拉古娜有Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham提供的優質服務。拉古娜拉古娜塞達努瓦里酒店(Seda Nuvali Laguna)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,拉古娜帕賽歐高級酒店(Paseo Premiere Hotel Laguna)也是遊客們常去的酒店。
