Many (30 or so) years ago we lived in France and stayed in a couple of the Barierre hotels in Deauville. The overall impression was one of faded grandeur - beautiful buildings, the decor not exactly tatty but a bit old school. Nowadays we regularly visit Northern France and have often though about staying here but baulked a bit at the price and also our recollection of the Deauville properties - would it be worth it ? Being a bit flush recently we took the plunge and were not disappointed. The whole place is decorated to a high standard which is new and immaculate but nonetheless faithful to the Art Deco heritage. Service is flawless - polite, friendly, efficient. It's not cheap but if you are in the area and want to push the boat out it's thoroughly recommended. See separate review of the restaurant, which is also a good reason to stay here.
63 評價