
貝斯特韋斯特都市 SPA 酒店
3.9/554 評價
The area which the hotel is located in is an interesting mixture of part run down and part brand new buildings. The nearest underground station is a 10 minute walk from the hotel. The hotel building itself is nice, especially the inside bit. Staff are friendly. (Comfort) room is small but well equipped, there’s even a coffee machine for your convenience. One evening there was a very putrid smell lingering on for a few hours, that wasn’t so nice. There was one big issue though. By check in they looked me dead in the eye and told me that there would be no housekeeping whatsoever. Niks. Nada. Nothing at all. Apparently that’s a directive from the French government (!?) because of COVID you see. Now I found nothing about said directive online and I have not experienced such thing in hotels as recently as last week; what I did find was that it is now Best Western’s very own policy these days. (So aforesaid excuse sounds very much like corporate bs to me.) Now I don’t know about you, but under the current circumstances I hoped they’d ramp up their cleaning policies instead of abandoning them completely. I hope they did find a way to clean the room after the previous guest before me, all they have to do is implement that process on a daily basis. If I wanted to take down garbage and make up the bed myself, I wouldn’t pay top dollar for a hotel room. Doctors and nurses must find a way to keep themselves and us safe in a much more exposed environment so a hotel should find a way too, especially because their business is depending on the cash we guests bring in.


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Trip.com有各類里爾特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的里爾平價酒店住宿。在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的里爾酒店優惠。里爾是個讓您流連忘返的旅遊勝地,這裡有很多值得一遊的景點。當您安排行程時,在里爾住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,里爾有140家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。當地酒店平均價格大概是874 HKD一晚,里爾有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。里爾有4家五星級酒店,平均每晚1398 HKD。里爾有15家四星級酒店,平均每晚1147 HKD。里爾有29家三星級酒店,平均每晚797 HKD。里爾有9家二星級酒店,平均每晚605 HKD。里爾匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在里爾還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像諾富特旗下的酒店就很好。不少到里爾的遊客都會預訂諾富特的酒店。歐洲里爾住宿及商務酒店(Séjours & Affaires Lille Europe)里爾中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住里爾中心貝法火車站宜必思尚品酒店(Ibis Styles Lille Centre Gare Beffroi)

里爾的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽里爾美術館, Maison Coilliot, Théâtre Sebastopol。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到Koezio, Piscine Plein Sud, Cimetière de l'Est一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,戴高樂故居, 布魯塞爾大廣場, Zénith de Lille也是比較有名的。










