正在尋找New Wine Church附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索New Wine Church附近的熱門酒店


3.7/545 評價


格林尼治|距離New Wine Church0.46km
The Woolwich Premier Inn was as expected. It’s a few mins walk from Woolwich train/tube station & I believe less than 10 mins from Woolwich/****nal station so great transport links to the rest of London. It’s also not far from the river for the clipper/uber boat service. There is parking available at the hotel but we did not use this so I’m not sure if there’s a charge or not. Check in was simple & quick & the staff member was friendly enough & informative. Our room although clean, wasn’t quite as clean as at other premier inn’s we use, but nothing to put you off staying. They could just do with a bit more of a deep clean monthly. The bed was comfy & usually we get a great nights sleep at a Premier Inn however at this property myself & my friend in another room on a lower floor were kept awake all night with the constant humming of the air conditioning/hearing system. We ate breakfast downstairs at the Beefeater. At £10 & kids under 16 eat free makes it great value. The breakfast was ok & there’s enough choice. We were only staying in Woolwich & in the area for a purpose (Acosta Dance Centre) but the local area by the hotel was nice to have a little look around. There’s a small Tesco express, M&S food, coffee shops & places to eat. I think near by are more shops but I didn’t explore that area. I would have no issue in recommending this Premier Inn or staying at it again if I needed to. It was all that you would expect from a Premier Inn.



正在搜尋New Wine Church附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.7/547 評價
I would just like to thank Sarah ( receptionist) for her hospitality towards me & my French Bulldog Deedee you are what I call a Blue/White… one of the realest diamonds 💎 in the world plus 10 out of 10 from the night staff. They,ve made realise, there is life on this planet 🪐 Thank You 🙏
3.7/545 評價
The Woolwich Premier Inn was as expected. It’s a few mins walk from Woolwich train/tube station & I believe less than 10 mins from Woolwich/****nal station so great transport links to the rest of London. It’s also not far from the river for the clipper/uber boat service. There is parking available at the hotel but we did not use this so I’m not sure if there’s a charge or not. Check in was simple & quick & the staff member was friendly enough & informative. Our room although clean, wasn’t quite as clean as at other premier inn’s we use, but nothing to put you off staying. They could just do with a bit more of a deep clean monthly. The bed was comfy & usually we get a great nights sleep at a Premier Inn however at this property myself & my friend in another room on a lower floor were kept awake all night with the constant humming of the air conditioning/hearing system. We ate breakfast downstairs at the Beefeater. At £10 & kids under 16 eat free makes it great value. The breakfast was ok & there’s enough choice. We were only staying in Woolwich & in the area for a purpose (Acosta Dance Centre) but the local area by the hotel was nice to have a little look around. There’s a small Tesco express, M&S food, coffee shops & places to eat. I think near by are more shops but I didn’t explore that area. I would have no issue in recommending this Premier Inn or staying at it again if I needed to. It was all that you would expect from a Premier Inn.
3.7/582 評價
Everthing in the rooms and toilets, except for towels and bed linen was dirty and full of dust. The staff in reception in day shift was so unprofessional and rude. The soap dispenser in my bathroom was broken.Every single day, I asked them to repair or replace it and instead I get some liquid soap in paper cup for all my stay( 5 days). They did not renew any toilet papers or towels. When I asked them to renew it in one morning on my way to work, they said you should take it yourself to the room. I said, but i am leaving for work now! And the answer was, ”ok Ma'am, whenever you are ready!”. The last they after check out, i wanted to use the lobby WC, which was really dirty and again out of paper! I informed the reception to refill the toilet paper frame, and she brings out a roll of paper and says you should do it! I surprisingly asked: me? And the answer was, ”yes, if you want to use it!”. The breakfast area, the tables, the dishes,all dusty and dirty. All in all the worst ”Hotel” i have bin for this price! Dont waste your money there!
4.3/549 評價









倫敦地鐵分九區,初訪倫敦的朋友最常前往的便是Zone 1、2,因為知名景點大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦塔橋、白金漢宮等皆集中在Zone 1、2區。只要簡單弄懂分區,就能知道怎麼看單程票價與區域票價!入住鄰近這兩區的倫敦酒店對行程安排也會更方便!


倫敦自由行最常使用的交通卡有兩張:Oyster Card 與 Travelcard。Oyster Card 類似八達通,先增值後搭車,是倫敦自由行必備之一。Oyster Card 還有每日收費上限,在Zone 1、Zone 1-2,Oyster Card不分時段,每日都會有固定的收費上限;相較於Travelcard,Oyster Card較為划算。但若你想用特定Travelcard景點優惠,推薦購買特定版的七日Travelcard,可以省下不少景點門票費用。須注意的是,只有英國國鐵 National Rail 購買的紙本Travelcard才能配合 2 For 1 的倫敦景點優惠!


倫敦氣候溫和多變,夏天不炎熱,冬天雖寒冷但極少嚴寒。最乾燥的月份是 2 月;而降雨量最多則為 10 月。倫敦氣候潮濕但相對溫和,任何季節都適合到倫敦自由行,感受不同季節的倫敦風情,不過四月至六月可謂天氣最佳的時候!


1. 大英博物館

成立於1753 年,作為世界三大博物館之一,大英博物館館藏來自世界各地的豐富藏品,如果你是歷史控,更是絕對不可錯過的倫敦景點!其收藏的瑰寶足以讓人大開眼界。博物館的鎮館之寶就是紀錄三種語言版本的羅塞塔石碑 ,喜歡埃及歷史的朋友一定要來探訪啊!

2. 倫敦眼


3. 泰晤士河


4. 牛津街


5. 福爾摩斯博物館

偵探迷朋友忍不住了嗎?想到倫敦是否在你腦海裡浮現一道熟悉的身影?那叼著根菸斗,無時無刻泰然自若破案的身影是許多偵探迷的最愛!福爾摩斯博物館位於貝克街 221b 號,館內的擺設為增添福爾摩斯舊居真實性,可都是以小說中情節為參照呢!



1. 倫敦金普頓菲茨羅酒店


2. 倫敦瑞士小屋朝聖者酒店


3. 倫敦布盧姆斯伯裏假日酒店及度假村




1. Burger and Lobster

談起倫敦美食,大家都會馬上想起 Burger and Lobster。多汁又滑嫩的龍蝦總是讓人垂涎三尺,來倫敦絕對不能錯過這項地道美食!

2. Flat Iron

Flat Iron 菜單上僅有一道主菜,但性價比極高,雖然便宜但牛扒依然多汁味美,更被稱為「網紅牛排」,大家千萬不要錯過!

3. Poppie’s Fish & Chips

來到倫敦怎能不試「炸魚薯條」!雖然炸魚薯條是英國代表食物,但是網上評價參差。在眾多炸魚薯條裡,大部分網友推薦這間 Poppie’s Fish & Chips,除了新鮮即炸、魚肉緊實,更是超大份!如此熱門的倫敦美食,你又怎能錯過?

4. Olde Cheshire Cheese


在倫敦處處都能挖掘到意想不到的驚喜,馬上在 Trip.com 查看倫敦酒店優惠,計劃你的倫敦自由行吧!
