根本毫無服務可言,我們等房間打掃完畢等了超級久,而且已經過了入住時間下午3點,還在給我換門鎖,然後已經退房將近一個月了,押金也還沒退,請旅行社問,說因為很忙要晚一點處理,我親自打電話去飯店根本沒人接,發信也沒人要回覆。真的是有夠差,超後悔住進這家飯店 No service at all, and we even waiting over 3 hours for the room being ready after 3pm. Also they hold my deposit without releasing after 21days from checked-out day. i've tried to call them but no one pick up phone and i sent them email and no one reply me