坐落於聖塔克魯茲的SWISS-BELHOTEL BLULANE MANILA PHILIPPINES,會讓您在馬尼拉擁有別樣的體驗,開展一段難忘的旅行。除此之外,至Carriedo地鐵站衹需步行前往。旅客們會發現Mont Albo Massage Hut、聖克魯斯教堂和王彬街距離酒店都不遠。咖啡廳旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。除了這些酒店內提供的餐飲服務,離酒店不遠處Sky Deck on Bayleaf Hotel(酒吧/酒館)的Raffaele Lamb Ribs、Patio de Conchita(東南亞菜)的雞肉BBQ以及La Cocina de Tita Moning(西餐)的美食,也是來這座城市出行不容錯過的美食之選。客人可以在酒店盡情的享受各種體育設施,如在健身室鍛鍊。為了方便旅客,外幣兑換服務已為您準備就緒。停車場會對入住酒店的客人開放。
RRowel Isaac我有一個預訂從1月8日至12 2024。我大約凌晨3點來。我不能入住,因爲系統說im NO SHOW。前台要求我等到下午2點才準備好我的房間,我必須再次付款。RedDOORZ的客戶服務處理得很好。他們在系統中籤入了我,我本來可以在15分鐘內有房間。他們恢復了我的原始預訂。只在我沒有到達的那天無效。關於房間,裏面有不尋常的氣味。聞起來像腐爛的肉。我不確定它是在空調還是其他地方,如牀角,牀單,安慰劑,或者可能是天花板。
訪訪客寬敞的ang房間namin maayos。Maganda ang地方napaka相當家庭友好,值得價格。服務都是mababait Ang mga工作人員的良好namn tlaga。Dapat檢查ka talaga ng 2pm hindi pede mas maaga pumasok。可能maliliit nga lang na ipis minsan lumalabas 但攜帶 namn😁 kasi d namn ako tkot sa ipis😁😁雖然 medyo malayo siya sa place ng aming appointment.總體還行 talaga ang stay namin ng pamilya ko😊
TTW2024Elevator to 5th floor and walk 1 floor up to our floor. Got room 613. Very long room so it’s good. Old room. The shower room is wet at the door whole night because that part is lower than other parts. Very good aircon. Having a basin to wash dishes same like in an apartment. Fast Wi-Fi. Reception lady spoke English not so good but we could still understand each other about the check-in, 1000 Peso deposit and registration. Room is not as clean as it should be and there are about 2 to 3 baby cockroaches. Noisy area as expected but no problem to me. Low room rate so it is ok to stay for a night. Right at Tayuman LRT Station. Walk into the road between greenwich pizza and Inasal
訪訪客Slept 8-straight hours which indicates that it was a comfy stay. room is clean. i did not feel bed bug bites nor see insects. Room was equipped with basic amenities that travelers like me would need. Housekeeping followed my request NOT to come in in the middle of my stay. Theres elevator. too.