

4.4/5107 評價
Great experience, worth the money, especially during off-season. Had a great stay, will definitely come back.
法羅酒店 - 洛佩桑精選酒店 - 限成人
4.6/553 評價
位置優越,但酒店太暗,缺乏任何氛圍。房間裏沒有信息包或任何東西可以解釋酒店和可用的東西,我認爲對於所謂的5星級酒店來說,這是非常糟糕的,我以前從未經歷過這一點。豪華雙人間,雖然大小合適,但設計很糟糕 - 你去獨立廁所(旁邊有一個很棒的淋浴房),然後你必須去洗手池,這是在房間中間的衣櫃。這是多麼不衛生!!儘管支付了3000英鎊的7天假期,這家酒店收費你在游泳池邊的四張海報風格的大牀,如果你使用它們,如果你使用屋頂牀和無邊泳池,那也將花費你每天50歐元。他們在餐廳吃早餐和晚餐的A la Cart菜單,但這很差。七天四次,他們沒有Advocardo。兩次,我問自助餐櫃檯的廚師魚是什麼,他不知道。自助餐櫃檯的標牌很差 - 這些經常混淆或根本不存在。如果你有嚴重的堅果過敏,這家酒店不適合你。晚上他們在餐廳有着裝規範,但這並不有效,因爲有很多場合允許男人穿短褲......所以根本沒有着裝規範!他們有一個體面的健身房,但它就在吸菸區旁邊。我們被告知,在臥室和陽台上不允許吸菸,但幾乎每天晚上,如果我們打開陽台門,我們可以聞到香菸煙霧。投訴,但沒有采取任何行動。就我而言,通過閱讀這家酒店的所有評論,我提出的一些投訴都是其他人提出的,所以公司顯然沒有對這些採取行動。這就是爲什麼我只給他們2星,對於這麼棒的位置來說,非常差。管理的改變需要清楚!
4.2/522 評價
Fantastic accommodation, plus it's situated in a great location. The area is upmarket and by far one of the best beaches in the world, super clean and huge... plenty of restaurants to suit all budgets, shops, and the surrounding area is well maintained, beautifully landscaped and isn't built up like some of the neighbouring resorts. There is an abundance of bars, beach bars, late night coffee shops. restaurants, and high-end designer shops. The apartments are well-maintained, and have everything you need for a delightful stay. The grounds are unique, beautiful and very peaceful and tranquil, and are very well-maintained. There is a road outside, but it carries little traffic and was never a problem in terms of noise) I thought we might have problems with insects, but we were unaffected throughout our entire stay. Plus I didn't see one cockroach inside our apartment or within the grounds, which I have had problems with before in other hotels within the same area. The windows do not have insect screen, although we left the window fully open most nights and had no issues. The Aircon is 10 euros per day. During our stay all the apartments were in use, however, it was never crowded and often we had the entire grounds to ourselves some days. However, the only letdown would be... that there are no curtains in the living room/kitchen area and therefore guests can appear straight into your accommodation, if you leave the bathroom door open on the first floor, guests can also see straight in while showering. - Not an issue, just remember to close the door. The grounds are safe, and ideal for families with small children, the gates lock and there are also safety gates to enter the pool. The grounds attract lots of small tropical birds which was great, and I even saw a few hedgehogs some mornings. The pool is ideal for dipping, many have said that the pool was small although it's not huge, but it's not super small either. The vibe is very chilled and quite... relaxing. And it's beautifully lit up in the evenings. In terms of crowd, it was very mixed... families, groups, couples, and LGBTQ-friendly. - All ages. The lower ground floor rooms, are well-shaded with plants and offer more privacy and direct access into the garden area. Room 109 is a private separate bungalow set in the grounds, with a private terrace that is hidden with a vast array of plants. For those that are wheelchair friendly, I'm going to sadly say No... Steps to enter the pool, steps to enter the garden and including all higher floors, the bathroom is not fully fitted for wheelchair use, nor are the kitchens. The showers would not be unstable to fit a wheelchair. - Although your better option would be to contact the hotel and ask for room 109 as this is situated directly in the gardens, with a path from the main entrance. While some of the lower ground rooms are at street level. ( although there are steps leading into the gardens front the front terrace, but it's
4.5/567 評價
昨天剛到當時選酒店舉棋不定最後想着這個先定三天,本來是要帶娃的臨行前果斷決定還是自己來,因為日內瓦飛來要四個小時有點久害怕飛機上搞不定他[笑哭R][笑哭R]j酒店半包,就說要自己付錢一般早飯吃的晚一點午飯也不用吃了[點贊R]感謝酒店把我的房間升級了,讓我擁有了自己巴掌大的一個小泳池。這個酒店有兩個大泳池還有一個孩子的泳池,酒店不大綠化很好看起來很乾凈。三個餐廳,自助餐,西班牙餐廳和一個融合菜餐廳。自助餐不用預定,其他兩個都要提前預定但是也是免費的。酒店後門刷房卡就可以直達海邊特別方便,也可以去海邊走走,都是餐廳 酒吧和店鋪,可以想象旺季的時候會有多熱鬧。而且這條街好長最起碼可以走40➕分鐘邊走邊逛,此吃喝喝一路。路邊都是五星酒店,可以看到其他酒店的泳池和餐廳,準備接下來再換個酒店住住[笑哭R]c吃的東西還不錯,比起瑞士還是很划算的,而且味道也好,我也知足了[笑哭R]check-in的時候前台也會給地圖,想去交通也都是蠻方便的[加油R]z總體來說還不錯挺推薦的[okR]
4.6/567 評價
4.4/5104 評價
首先地方很大,不同的住宿單元一個挨着一個,當晚凌晨抵達,要不是行李員帶路,恐怕會走錯。 度假村地內有好幾個餐廳,好幾個泳池,挨着海邊。出去有個車站終點站往外去很方便。著名景區和購物中心都很近,步行都能輕鬆到達。 島上的陽光非常強烈,一定要做好防護措施。


