蒙自南湖希爾頓歡朋酒店位於紅河州蒙自市南湖南路9號-南湖薈第壹城,座落於清幽美麗的南湖公園旁,地處蒙自市核心商業圈,地理位置優越,交通十分便利。酒店設計風格時尚簡約,強調以人為本的設計理念,將功能實用性與形式美觀性完美結合。環境優雅,追求國際化品味與風格,關注服務體驗,讓所有顧客在旅途中感受到親朋的温暖,温馨舒適的客房、功能豐富的會議室、樂動健身房以及口味純正的健康格調餐廳……貼心的服務衹為更懂你,希爾頓歡朋,讓你的每一次入住都倍感舒適,快樂從此簡單!Hampton by Hilton is an upper-midscale hotel brand of Hilton. In 1984, the world’s first Hampton by Hilton was opened in Memphis, the U.S. After over three decades of development, it is one of the largest and most successful international hotel brands in the world. In 2014, Hampton by Hilton entered China. Guests can expect for facilities and services with Chinese local characteristics, besides a number of featured services that make Hampton a global winner, such as free healthy hot breakfast, free high-speed Wi-Fi, fresh and clean beds, and the “Friendly, Authentic, Caring, Thoughtful” service provided by the hotel staff.