

4.2/551 評價
This is a joke! I arrived on Christmas Eve, no personel in the whole building, with codes we got in found our key just laying on a desk unattended and went to the room. The room stinked of cigarettes like crazy, it was like being in a bar!! Disgusted i called the one number they have for emmergencies, i called 40 times!! 40 times!! So now i have to sleep in the lobby, this is a nightmare!!! Christmas for God sake!! For this price!!! Edit: owner attacked me in the lobby in front of my son, grabbed my room documents and ripped them into pieces, yelling i should have gone to another hotel, or slept in my car! We almost fought and my kid was crying. The sigarette smell was paint he said, thats impossible. His son eventually helped and claimed i phoned the wrong number, the answering machine litteraly said: 'hotel Bugatti we are not in, call back.' i taped the incident with my phone, the owner was very agressieve verbally and physicly. The son gave me a room for the night as a short solution. But this reaction is madness, i'm leaving in the morning and filing a complaint. Do NOT come to this place
黛安娜酒店餐廳 & 水療中心 by Happyculture
4.1/551 評價
這家旅館是我們期待的 非常實用,特別是在現場舉行研討會時 晚飯店開了 但是餐廳服務太長了,食物也可能更


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