
4.4/5103 評價
We chose a one-bedroom suite and were very pleased with the accomodation during our two-night stay. The extra room and fairly well-equipped kitchen with an island made it resemble condo living. We had a corner unit with views through large windows over the nearby hills and the town of Mont Joli. We were on the second floor but next time will ask for the 3rd level with a better view. We were concerned about noise because of proximity to the highway and traffic circle but the sound proofing was good and not much noise experienced during sleep hours. Both rooms had air conditioning units which were rather noisy but we switched them off. The decor is thoroughly modern with dark-coloured high-quality wallpaper. Not a all ”cosy” but would appeal to those who appreciate a contemporary vibe. The rooms were clean and everything in good working order. Each room had a large TV with a good selection of french and english channels. The controls are a bit different and awkward but eventually figured them out and was even able to cast my smartphone on the TV. The hotel does have an elevator which is not common in some multi-level motels in the region. You have to tap your room card before selecting your floor and going up. The included free breakfast was very good with bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs and a good selection of breads and other items. Coffee was better than expected. As I am an aviation fan and grew up in the region, I enjoyed the lobby exhibition devoted to local hero Captain Robert Piché. The TV also had a channel with his life story and out-of-fuel landing in the Azores. Very reasonable rates will probably be higher during summer week-ends. Good value for money and we look forward to returning.


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