

4.3/593 評價
4.3/5110 評價
房間設施很齊全和驚喜,提供免費的瑜伽墊和泡沫軸,電視裏也可以播放早晚的鍛煉內容,一切都與健身概念有關。不過餐廳electric lemon的服務真的是太差了,早餐落座時,服務員給了菜單就走掉了,並沒有人來問coffee or tea,過了好幾分鐘準備點單了,卻找不到服務員……好不容易叫住一位路過的服務員,我說我準備點餐了,她還很不高興地反覆問我Are we in a rush?(很趕時間嗎?)這態度和口氣真讓我懷疑自己不是住的五星級酒店。
4.1/5107 評價
紐約聯合廣場W 酒店
4.2/598 評價
牀很舒服,訂的是奇妙房,大牀,前台還客氣的問要不要加牀。 旁邊有超市,很晚了也可以買東西吃 收的100刀美金待三天就退回來了
4.6/5130 評價
We stayed here for a week in May and loved it! We were nervous after reading negative reviews but really can't understand what reviewers were complaining about as that was not our experience at all. As 3 females travelling we always felt safe here - Central Park was 10 minutes one way and Times Square was 10 minutes the other way, it's a perfect location. We loved the view from our room at night time when New York was all lit up. Our room was spacious with a big bathroom, always well stocked with plenty of towels and toiletries. The little kitchenette was very handy when we bought drinks and groceries, or took boxes up from breakfast. Talking of breakfast this was fantastic - a huge room with plenty of seating and a massive array of fresh food always being restocked by the plenty of staff milling around answering any queries and cleaning up. There was a gentleman who was always clearing away tables and emptying the bins and was friendly and helpful. He obviously loved little kids and would pay special attention to families who were juggling their kids while also trying to have breakfast. A couple of times we saw him produce a packaged cookie from his back pocket to give to a little one and their little faces lit up and the parents were always so pleased that someone was paying attention to their kids - we thought this was lovely and such a personal touch. We've read other reviews that the breakfast room was too small with a limited range but that is not the case at all - it was brilliant - best of all they provide boxes so that you can take foodstuffs away with you which we did all the time and could then store in our in room fridge. We never saw the cleaners but they did an amazing job and twice they did our washing up! We never had that before and it was a pleasant surprise as we were intending to do it when we got back in the evening. The front desk staff were friendly and helpful and one young lady receptionist always gave us a wave and a smile as we passed by as she recognised us after a couple of days, though she always struggled to understand our English accents! The concierge guys were brilliant and so helpful. I can't remember their names except for the one with a film star name - Orlando. They answered all our annoying tourist questions and one of the guys, when we asked about a cab, took us up to the corner and used his whistle to stop a cab, opened the door and sent us on our way - such a nice personal touch which made us feel cared for. The air conditioning in our room was very effective and was not noisy at all so maybe the people who mentioned it were just unlucky. Yes the elevators did make a noise but not that you couldn't sleep. We loved New York and would like to return and will definitely stay here again - I would 100% recommend staying here.
4.1/5115 評價
該酒店總體上只有3星,因為有一些打ic。我們在21街上住了3晚。落地窗很漂亮。 。所以這是一個加號。床不是很柔軟,但可以用於酒店。浴室很大,但是浴缸/淋浴間有霉斑,水壓很低,浴缸裡有一半是從淋浴噴頭流出的。 。所以還不是全力。除此之外,紐約市還有一個標準的問題,就是廁所有問題。 。所以我們確實有一個小問題。 。但他們來固定它。 。沒問題。 。那噪音呢? 。 。 。交流電/加熱單元會在夜間運行時喚醒您,因為它響亮!當它實際上是我們房間中的單元時,聽起來好像建築在外面。 。關於這個地方的最後一個不利因素是,客房整理人員認為每個人都應該在星期一的上午8:30和星期天的9:30之前離開,我們每天都被喚醒! !這麼早才來我們逛逛,直到凌晨2點才出去沒有任何意義! ! !如果您打算將客人叫醒。 。請確保在辦理入住手續時給他們打掃時間,這樣我們就不會早上著急。除了這些東西。 。 。位置距離時代廣場只有25分鐘的步行路程,所以我們帶Lyft了很多,所以我們不必在寒冷的地方走。





在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的紐約酒店優惠。如果您希望在紐約入住最好的酒店,Trip.com能夠幫到您!如若您計劃到美國旅行,紐約絕對是其中一個必遊城市。當您安排行程時,在紐約住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在紐約旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過891家可以選擇。當地酒店平均價格大概是2645 HKD一晚,紐約有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。紐約有68家五星級酒店,平均每晚4848 HKD。紐約有218家四星級酒店,平均每晚3172 HKD。紐約有255家三星級酒店,平均每晚2156 HKD。紐約有195家二星級酒店,平均每晚1422 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,紐約入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。不少到紐約的遊客都會預訂華美達的酒店。華美達是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。作為紐約的熱門酒店,阿爾羅諾瑪德酒店(Arlo NoMad)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇紐約羅斯福酒店(The Roosevelt Hotel, New York City)入住。

倘若您住在紐約市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如紐約世貿大廈, 華爾街, 唐人街。在紐約周圍尋幽探祕,法拉盛市政廳, 紐約植物園, 長灘是個好去處。其實到紐約旅遊,最熱門的景點還有第五大道, 中央公園, 帝國大廈。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區麥迪遜大道, Baccarat, 下城區逛一逛。










