



4.3/5121 評價




I recently had a stay at Hon Tam resort and I'm deeply dissatisfied with my experience. There were three main issues that left me highly disappointed: 1. Firstly, the resort is located on an island, and when I tried to arrange a boat trip myself, the security staff prevented the boat from docking and interrogated me about my whereabouts and activities. They even questioned why I would use outside services when staying at the resort. Initially, I thought it was a restrictive policy, but I agreed not to proceed to follow the resort's policy. However, when I wanted to pay the boat driver, the security staff still wouldn't allow the boat to approach for payment. After that, other resort staffs came and informed me that I can go and do what I want but I had to report and register my every move, as it was a resort regulation. This made me feel like I was in a military base rather than a relaxing resort. Despite receiving an apology from the resort management about the securiy guy's behavior, I still found the experience to be extremely unpleasant, especially for my mother who is over 60 years old and felt frightened. The resort's regulations regarding guest privacy and the intrusive nature of their inquiries were unreasonable and made me feel like I was under surveillance rather than enjoying a vacation. Beside that, the security guy treated me like a criminal than a customer. 2. Secondly, while my mother was sleeping, she was disturbed by some kind of animal, possibly a snake, crawling onto her, that made her couldn't sleep any more. I understand that the resort is surrounded by nature, and encountering snakes outside is somewhat expected. However, having a snake enter a closed room is completely unacceptable from a construction perspective. This incident raised concerns about the resort's standards and safety. 3. Thirdly, I observed a lack of consistency in the resort's management. I was informed that I could charge the mud bath service to my room and settle the payment upon check-out. However, when I went to purchase the mud bath ticket without cash, the staff refused to allow me to charge it to my room. I had to return to my room to retrieve cash before I could purchase the ticket. This was a significant waste of time. It's essential for the resort to ensure consistent information and management practices to provide a convenient and reliable experience for their guests. Despite these issues, I must commend the resort for its peaceful atmosphere, natural surroundings on the island, and the enthusiasm and helpfulness of the front desk, service, and electric vehicle staff. They were adorable and provided excellent support. Overall, this was an extremely disappointing experience. I had previously visited this resort and enjoyed its tranquility and natural beauty, which is why I brought my mother for a relaxing getaway. However, this time, I was truly let down by the service here. I had plans to recommend this place to my friends for their family s





2.9/50 評價
4.7/53 評價
這家酒店的景色真的令人歎爲觀止。藍的天空和原始的大海構成了我發現迷人的令人驚歎的背景。特別是無邊泳池,爲獨特的拍照機會提供了完美的環境。此外,距離充滿活力的海鮮街(僅五分鐘路程)的距離,是一個真正的樂趣,提供了品嚐芽莊美味的當地海鮮的機會。 然而,我必須指出一些可以使用改進的領域。由於附近車輛稀缺,在晚餐時間獲得Grab汽車服務被證明是一個挑戰。此外,酒店服務留下了一些不足之處。儘管早餐被宣傳爲免費,但它一直都是冷的。 酒店內部的定價結構也令人失望,消費了前10瓶水後,隨後每瓶都帶10k VND收費。此外,設施的質量差,容易損壞,易損物品,可能導致意外收費。 一句警告確保您手頭有足夠的現金,入住時需要支付$3MVND的押金。 儘管如此,舒適的牀和整體氛圍爲我和我的同伴帶來了整體愉快的住宿。儘管遇到挫折,我們在這裏的經歷基本上是積極的。
5/55 評價
La Sera Suites An Vien
4.8/53 評價
4.3/5121 評價
I recently had a stay at Hon Tam resort and I'm deeply dissatisfied with my experience. There were three main issues that left me highly disappointed: 1. Firstly, the resort is located on an island, and when I tried to arrange a boat trip myself, the security staff prevented the boat from docking and interrogated me about my whereabouts and activities. They even questioned why I would use outside services when staying at the resort. Initially, I thought it was a restrictive policy, but I agreed not to proceed to follow the resort's policy. However, when I wanted to pay the boat driver, the security staff still wouldn't allow the boat to approach for payment. After that, other resort staffs came and informed me that I can go and do what I want but I had to report and register my every move, as it was a resort regulation. This made me feel like I was in a military base rather than a relaxing resort. Despite receiving an apology from the resort management about the securiy guy's behavior, I still found the experience to be extremely unpleasant, especially for my mother who is over 60 years old and felt frightened. The resort's regulations regarding guest privacy and the intrusive nature of their inquiries were unreasonable and made me feel like I was under surveillance rather than enjoying a vacation. Beside that, the security guy treated me like a criminal than a customer. 2. Secondly, while my mother was sleeping, she was disturbed by some kind of animal, possibly a snake, crawling onto her, that made her couldn't sleep any more. I understand that the resort is surrounded by nature, and encountering snakes outside is somewhat expected. However, having a snake enter a closed room is completely unacceptable from a construction perspective. This incident raised concerns about the resort's standards and safety. 3. Thirdly, I observed a lack of consistency in the resort's management. I was informed that I could charge the mud bath service to my room and settle the payment upon check-out. However, when I went to purchase the mud bath ticket without cash, the staff refused to allow me to charge it to my room. I had to return to my room to retrieve cash before I could purchase the ticket. This was a significant waste of time. It's essential for the resort to ensure consistent information and management practices to provide a convenient and reliable experience for their guests. Despite these issues, I must commend the resort for its peaceful atmosphere, natural surroundings on the island, and the enthusiasm and helpfulness of the front desk, service, and electric vehicle staff. They were adorable and provided excellent support. Overall, this was an extremely disappointing experience. I had previously visited this resort and enjoyed its tranquility and natural beauty, which is why I brought my mother for a relaxing getaway. However, this time, I was truly let down by the service here. I had plans to recommend this place to my friends for their family s
4.7/50 評價






芽莊位於GMT + 7 時區,因此時間比香港(GMT + 8)慢一個小時。

芽莊天氣四季宜人,即便是在冬季,平均氣溫也可以達到 20 度以上;在最炎熱的夏季,平均溫度也不超過 30 度。整體溫度都在舒適的範圍中,適合旅行度假。四季如春可以說是給芽莊的天氣給下了最好的註解。





芽莊所使用的貨幣為越南盾(VND),而越南盾的幣值較大從 10,000 盾到 500,000 盾都有,因此在支付貨幣時,要特別注意自己所支付的面額為多少。


1. 巴士

一出機場就可以見到巴士站,可以過去詢問站務人員,告知你的目的地酒店,站務人員便會幫你評估應該在哪一站下車。巴士種類總共分兩種,有 16 人坐以及 29 人坐的,可以依照自己的喜好做選擇,16 人坐的比 29 人坐的價格稍貴一點,但座位也比較舒適。整趟車程約 45 分鐘到一小時,依據車程狀況而會有些許不同。

2. 計程車

從機場到芽莊市區車程與巴士差不多大概約一小時,雖然比較便利乘坐環境也稍微舒適,但相對來說價格可以高達巴士的 5 到 6 倍,因此,除非是有時間上的考量,或是非常注重私人空間以及有大型行李、行動比較不方便的旅客,不然建議旅客其實可以選擇搭乘巴士就可以了!


1. 芽莊海灘



金蘭富神度假酒店(Fusion Resort Cam Ranh)

芽莊艾日亞納智能公寓式酒店(Ariyana SmartCondotel Nha Trang)

芽莊梅麗莎酒店(Melissa Hotel Nha Trang)

芽莊宜必思尚品酒店(Ibis Styles Nha Trang)

2. 婆那加占婆塔



芽莊喜來登酒店(Sheraton Nha Trang)

芽莊諾富特酒店(Novotel Nha Trang)

芽莊艾日亞納智能公寓式酒店(Ariyana SmartCondotel Nha Trang)

3. 熱礦泥浴


4. 鐘嶼石岬角



1. 芽莊灣珍珠水療度假村

遠離芽莊市中心喧囂的芽莊酒店 - 芽莊灣珍珠水療度假村,讓旅客可以在天堂般的小島中享受美麗的海灣,或是夜晚在沙灘上的星空電影院,感受海風吹拂。每個客房均設有浴缸供旅客放鬆泡澡。

2. 阿拉納芽莊海灘酒店

位於芽莊海灘旁的芽莊酒店 - 阿拉納芽莊海灘酒店,步行即可抵達芽莊市中心,擁有絕佳的地理位置。現代化的設計以及色彩設計的小心思,凸顯出酒店整體不凡的品味與格調。阿拉納芽莊海灘酒店亦提供多項休閒娛樂設施,包括了按摩、健身中心、私人海灘、SPA、游泳池等,為整體住宿體驗增添寫意之感。

3. 芽莊馨樂庭海灣服務公寓

芽莊馨樂庭海灣服務公寓位於芽莊市中心,設計典雅的現代客房,明亮的空間,提升整體住宿的舒適度。芽莊馨樂庭海灣服務公寓鄰近許多餐廳,讓吃不成問題,旅客亦可以選擇在 27 樓的餐廳享用早餐,配上絕美海景,為一天開啟一個美好的早晨。

4. 芽莊洲際酒店


Trip.com 為你搜羅芽莊酒店優惠,馬上預訂,開始計劃你的芽莊自由行吧!
