
3.7/5101 評價
I like the fact that this motel is kind of away from the beaten path - which is why I have put my mom up there every time she needs some work done around her house ...and have done so for the last decade. On this occasion, I also got a room there as well, and I could not believe what has happened to this once nice place to stay. The rooms were not at all clean (it's run by an Eastern or Southeastern Asian or Arabic or Pakistani or East Indian family - which in no way equates sub-standard service. *I am a veteran who served in the theater of operations that put me in close contact with most of those ethnicities - and they're not slackers). The problem, I believe, may stem from a refusal to hire housekeepers (i.e. trying to do all the housekeeping within just the family) - they simply are not able to handle the demands themselves ...and the place is filthy as a result. Also, either from the language barrier, or from an accidently on purpose ”screw you G.I.” they screwed me out of my veteran discount for the 3rd day (we reserved 2 days initially, but extended another day because the workmen were not quite done enough at mom's). My mom took care of extending the room. She asked about the veteran discount at least 4 times while she was booking the room - and was assured each time it would be applied ...it was not. Besides that, she was also charged even more for the room(s) - ($12) than the other two days. And when she asked about it, she was told that they might charge guests different amounts daily (we stayed there Sun, Mon & Tues night). Then, to top it all off, when I turned in the key cards and requested a receipt (and, upon receiving said receipt, asked the middle-aged daughter, who would infrequently man the front desk, about the missing veteran discount) learned that her rudeness and obnoxiousness could, in fact, elevate to even higher levels than was her ”cruising rude”. You guys that have this Wyndham franchise in OFallon really need to step up your game - because you're not gonna be able to stay in business with 9 out of 10 negative reviews.


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