Otel konumu ve manzarası çok güzel. Mudanya merkezde. Konaklama öncesi deniz kenarında yürüyüş de yapabilirsiniz. Odası ve banyosu küçüktü. Kahvaltısı güzeldi. Tavsiye ederim.
入住日期 2024年10月
發佈於 2024年11月15日
herşey çok güzeldi iyi lokasyon temiz odalar güzel bir kahvaltı.
入住日期 2022年8月
發佈於 2022年9月7日
Leuke hotel alleen bijna geen ramen, klein kamertje met piepklein raampje, leek wel een gedetineerde haha
入住日期 2024年9月
發佈於 2024年10月16日
Otel karşılıklı iki binadan oluşuyor. Kahvaltının yapıldığı ana bina oteli çok güzel, ama aynı şeyi diğer bina için söyleyemeyeceğim. Odalar özensizdi. Zaten ilk gün çarşafın altından gördüm yatakta kıllar vardı. Odamı değiştirdim. Ancak şunu söyleyebilirim ki bütün departmanlarda çalışan personeli dahil ediyorum, harika insanlar çok yardımseverler güler yüzlüler hemen sorunu çözmeye çalışıyorlar. Otel sahiplerine tavsiyem ana binanın karşısındaki odaları da yenileyin mutlaka. Bakın kötü değildi ama daha iyi olabilir. Bir daha bu otelde kalır mıyım sorusuna vereceğim cevap, öncelikle ilgili personelin alakasınasından dolayı ve güler yüzlerinden dolayı evet cevabını veriyorum. Ama bu sefer ana binada kalırım
Aslı A
入住日期 2024年6月
發佈於 2024年7月24日
İşle ilgili konakladım. Gördüğüm en çözüm odaklı olmayan , müşteri odaklı olmayan en ilgisiz hiçbir şekilde memnuniyetinizi Önemsemeyen taleplerinize cevap vermeyen resepsiyon ve otel yönetimi korkunç bir deneyimdi... bana klimalı bir oda vermek yerine klima arızası olan bir odaya vantilatör koymayı tercih ettiler gece 12 olduğu için oteli terk edemedim
入住日期 2024年6月
發佈於 2024年7月22日
Maalesef rezervasyonumuz olmasına rağmen otelde konaklayamadik, şehir dışından 4 saatlik yolculuk sonrası otele 10 km. kala otelden aranıp klimalarin bozuk olduğunu ilettiler ve 3 güne kadar tamir edilemez dediler. Ne bir farklı otele yönlendirme ne de özür vardı telefon görüşmemizde.
入住日期 2024年6月
發佈於 2024年7月21日
Yılların güzel işletmesi yeni yönetimle tam bir batağa dönüşmüş. Heryer dökülüyor, çivi çakmamışlar, o kadar kötü ki havuz etrafına sadece 3 büyük şemsiye koymuslar herkesi sardalya gibi aynı şemsiyenin altına koyuyorlar. Tuvaletler pislik içinde, yemekler deseniz rezalet. Yazık olmuş kesinlikle tavsiye etmiyorum
入住日期 2024年3月
發佈於 2024年4月6日
Temizlik, ilgili, güleryüz, lezzetli yemekler ve müthiş manzara... Mudanya'ya bir daha gelirsek tereddütsüz kalacağımız otel. Martılarla kahvaltı yapmak ayrı bir keyifti. Özellikle tüm personelin bu kadar mutlu olduğu bir otel görmedim. Bayıldık...
入住日期 2023年12月
發佈於 2024年1月21日
Çok özel bir salonda, çok özel bir menü sunumu ile çok keyifli bir toplantı ve yemek organizasyonuna katıldık. Salon atmosferi ile personelin hizmet anlayışı ile çok nezih bir ortam sağlanıyor. Lezzetler de dikkat çeken ise kusursuz pişmiş olan enginar kalbiydi.
入住日期 2023年9月
發佈於 2023年10月30日
2 yetişkin 2 çocuk 3 gün konakladığımız otelde güzel vakitler geçirdik. Kahvaltısı güzeldi özellikle kruvasanı. Havuzu olmasından dolayı bu bölgede tekrar gideceğimiz otellerden bir tanesi. Mudanya merkezde olan otelin ulaşımı kolay akşamları sahile çıkıp yürüyüş yapma imkanı sunuyor. Tavsiye ediyorum 👍
入住日期 2024年8月
發佈於 2024年9月22日
I had originally written a review after my stay but had wanted to edit it after gaining new information. The best thing about this hotel is something that has nothing to do with the hotel itself — the views. From the start we had issues in terms of space. There was no dresser in our room for 3 people and very limited closet space. Actually, it was meant for 1-2 people but they added a small bed. The extra bed was not very comfortable. We were aware of the condition of the room before getting it, however, for the price, I would say that it was not a good deal. The worst thing was the breakfast. Not only was it dry, but we saw mold on some items, causing us to cancel. It was obvious that items are being reused several times. We also watched several other customers drop tongs and simply put them back without notifying staff and picking food with their hands, but this is not uncommon for a buffet. We were able to cancel our breakfast eventually, however, we were initially denied this request. The cleaning was executed by very kind people, however, they would remove the electricity for the whole room when we are gone. This is problematic for people who utilize the fridge, potentially causing the items to spoil. They complied very well after asking if they could keep the electricity on, however I think this shouldn’t be a standard cleaning procedure for every room. This didn’t cause much of an issue regardless, however I was surprised when I realized they turned the power off with a fringe in the room. When we would request things to our room, we would sometimes never get it at all. Sometimes calling the front desk several times and just giving up in the end. I was also notified a few days after our stay that they had discussed my review with someone who was not a customer. I believe this to be very unprofessional as it was a personal experience of mine. Overall, I do not recommend this hotel. It is not run optimally, and not to mention the loud noise you hear in your room from parties. I’m not so sure the views are worth the pricing, and I would definitely say the breakfast is not worth it if you are staying multiple days.
入住日期 2024年8月
發佈於 2024年9月22日
The best thing about this hotel is something that has nothing to do with the hotel itself — the views. From the start we had issues in terms of space. There was no dresser in our room for 3 people and very limited closet space. Actually, it was meant for 1-2 people but they added a small bed. The extra bed was not comfortable at all. The cleaning was executed by very kind people, however, they would remove the electricity for the whole room when we are gone. This is problematic for people who utilize the fridge, potentially causing the items to spoil. They complied very well after asking if they could keep the electricity on, however I think this shouldn’t be a standard cleaning procedure for every room. The worst thing was the breakfast. Not only was it dry, but we saw mold on the cheese several times, causing us to cancel. We also watched several other customers drop tongs and simply put them back without doing anything else, and picking food with their hands. We were able to cancel our breakfast eventually, however the administration was not happy about it. We paid for our stay a few days before leaving, however when we were checking out, we were told to pay $200 in fees. This is as if we paid for all of the breakfast, and to me, it seems they wanted to get back that money. When we would request things to our room, we would sometimes never get it at all. Sometimes calling the front desk several times and just giving up in the end. Over all, I do not recommend this hotel. It is not run well, and not to mention the loud noise you hear in your room from parties. They were not transparent with their prices. Front dest seemed to not know what was going on majority of the time. I’m not so sure the views are worth the lack of transparency. Potentially look for something else.
入住日期 2022年11月
發佈於 2022年12月26日
My parents and I visited this gorgeous hotel in Modanya and we are so glad we did. It's right on the sea and close to many restaurants and shops. We also managed to use the ferry and visited Istanbul for the day. I would like to specially thank Mr Mustafa and Mr Serhat for their friendly faces in the morning. I highly recommend this cute, adorable hotel if you want a relaxing chilled out vacation.
入住日期 2022年12月
發佈於 2023年1月24日
Montania Special Class and Montania Town hotel has the same reception. In the same campus. I have stayed for one night at Montania Town rooms for business. All the hotel personal was very welcomming and helpfull. I enjoyed my stay with their clean room and beatiful restaurants with smiling service personel and well designed astmospehere and good location. I would deffinatly stay there for my next time to Mudanya.
入住日期 2022年12月
發佈於 2023年1月24日
Şu zamana kadar konakladığım en güzel oteldi personel güleryüzlü ilgili otel denize sıfır konumda bulunuyor. Oda manzarası dizaynı şık odalar temiz kahvaltıda çok çeşit mevcut manzara eşliğinde kahvaltı yapabiliyorsunuz kesinlikle tavsiye ederim