

4.3/516 評價
貝拉維斯塔溫泉酒店是一家小型豪華度假酒店,共有44間客房。這個地區以造船聞名,從1973年開始,原來的酒店爲業內人士提供服務。目前的房產建於2007年,提供有海洋景觀的房間和溫泉浴場。房產面積相當大,坐落在一座山上,俯着迷人的內海託和水邊的貝拉 Vista Marina 。這裏有很多人行道,可以欣賞日本這個地區的風景。室外露台直接從主要的室內公共區域延伸,可以欣賞到戶內陸海的美景。在陽台的中間是一片水,它似乎直接流入海洋(儘管海洋是相當遠的地方)水深不到10釐米,並不用於游泳;它嚴格是爲了展示,這可能是旅遊勝地最難理解的方面。而且,特別是在夏季,你將有能力享受無限池,並參與許多活動(現場和外部),比如海灘燒烤和跳島。這裏還有一個以財產爲理由的綵帶教堂,它贏得了許多設計獎項,我想它將成爲一個絕佳的婚禮場所。在度假村本身,有一個不錯的溫泉設施,還有三家不同的餐廳,供應壽司、懷石和巴斯克風味的菜餚(使用當地的食材和食譜)。我們住在 Panorama Terrace 套房,面積100平方米,還有第三名來自貝拉維斯塔的頂級房間。最好的房間是貝拉VistaMaisonette Spa套房,但我們通過它是因爲我們一般避免了Maisonette風格的佈局,而貝拉Vista與Panorama Terrace套房相似,除了它有一個露天浴室,可以看到海洋;當我們試圖預訂時,貝拉 Vista 已經預訂了。雖然我們的房間寬敞,佈置得很好,很乾淨,但它顯示了它的年齡。未來幾年內翻修或許能從中獲益,特別是考慮到它們在這裏收取的房費。電力渠道也十分匱乏,這進一步證明了它十多年前就已經建成了。這個房間有一個獨立的浴缸,但它不是溫泉(天然溫泉)。事實上,在任何地方都不再有溫泉據說,溫泉在7年前就停止了,而這就是這一點。很遺憾,因爲酒店的名字裏有“溫泉”,但是如果你問我的話,沒有溫泉的日本溫泉勝地有點用詞不當。不是他們的錯,而是事實。用餐明智,貝拉·Vista提供了3種選擇壽司,凱塞基和巴斯克風味的菜餚。所有三家餐廳都使用來自陸地和海洋的當地最好的食材。我們在埃雷提蓋亞(Erretegia)餐廳用餐,巴斯克日本餐廳(Basque-Japanese餐廳)和
Urashima Inn - Gangi -
4.2/57 評價
房間很不錯 乾淨 有浴缸 設施較新 位置在市中心,有JR pass 可以坐orengejr觀光車直達jr站。早飯餐廳特別好
4.1/517 評價
This is a wonderful hotel, unfortunately we were put into the smallest room, one that was so small and filled with unusable furniture that there was no space for one guest let alone two. Getting around meant one person had to stay on the bed while the other crawled to the sink or shower room. The room was so tiny that staying in it was a constant source of tension, the kind of tension that can ruin a vacation. It was so small, it was almost impossible to step into the room and move aside so you could close the door behind you. There is a similar problem maneuvering into the shower. So if you want to stay in this hotel definitely ask not to be put in room 214. It's torture. Management would do well to remove the bed, the nightstand, the chair (which cannot be used because it has to be crammed so close to the small bed), and the small table next to the chair that also cannot be used. Replace the furniture with tatami, futons and a couple of pads to sit on. Now, moving on from the agitation of being sentenced to Room 214, this hotel has a lot going for it. The staff is super helpful and friendly. The hotel and the Onomichi train station share the same building -- a brand new building -- so as soon as you step off the train, you're at your hotel. Also, the building is completely soundproof. You will not hear or feel trains rumbling by or any noise from the bus and car traffic from in front of the hotel. The rooms have cathedral ceilings, not just high ceilings but vaulted ceilings, which I'm sure would have felt luxurious had we not been stuck in Room 214. The rooms also have high windows that give you a lot of ambient light and, I'm sure, great views from some of the rooms. Before being pointed to your room, you are brought to an amenity counter and allowed to take as many packets of luxury face washes, night creams and other cosmetics as you desire. A N'espresso machine and coffee capsules await you in your room. Once again, this is a wonderfully charming and modern hotel in a wonderfully charming and funky city. We plan to return to Onomichi when it is not so hot -- and stay in this hotel. But we'll ask for a larger room.





如果你還在煩惱去尾道市要訂什麼四星級酒店,Trip.com 一站式網上旅遊平台會是您的最佳選擇。旅行前要做足準備工作,應該要事先規劃好要參觀的尾道市景點再選擇適合的酒店。尾道市的酒店選擇相對還是比較多的,無論是高價或是平價的酒店都可以找到。喜歡夜遊的旅客推薦入住尾道市的繁華地段,這樣不單止安全而且交通亦會更方便一些。

要到尾道市的旅客不能以直飛達目的地,必須乘搭航空交通工具的話只能從鄰近城市降落再轉乘其他交通工具。旅行不止一種方法,有沒有想過來一趙火車之旅? 有些景色以飛機到尾道市是體驗不到的。



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