



4.7/5273 評價


梅田 大阪|距離堂島藥師堂0.43km
Context & Disclaimer: I'm a very objective travel reviewer as someone who has a fair share of business and leisure stays. I leave reviews to help hotels improve their standards and also to help my fellow travellers make the best travel decisions for themselves. I've stayed at luxury to mid-range properties around the world including recent stays at the Prince Gallery Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Toronto, JW Marriott Hong Kong. This review also follows a recent stay at the Prince Gallery Tokyo where the standards were exceptionally high. I haven't reviewed them yet but will do so shortly. Japan is known for its warm hospitality and careful attention to detail. At high-end hotels, they go over the top particularly to make your experience a unique one, so when you're paying $700+/night for the Ritz you expect high standards. Especially when every luxury hotelier in Tokyo has said the RC Osaka was just recently awarded its 5* My guest journey starts off rocky and torpedoes downhill. Check-In 1 - it's been raining in Osaka all day and we walked into the hotel from the outside. No one to greet us or take our luggage. Not a single person to be found. 2 - I'm soaking wet and struggling to find the check-in lobby. I must've seen 3 staff members look at me and not offer help or ask if I need any assistance. 3 - I finally find the check-in lobby where it's a giant zoo and RC staff directing traffic like its 5pm at Shibuya crossing. An absolute loud mess. I'm still soaking wet with my glasses and both pieces of luggage, and a staff member asks me if I'm checking in or checking out. What??? 0 attention to detail right there. Anyway, she directs me to wait in line. 4 - At the RC Tokyo & Prince Gallery Tokyo and any luxury hotel that operates like one (e.g., Four Seasons), takes your luggage and ask for your name. By the time you make it to check-in, they greet you by name and help you get settled in. If you book a room on the club floor, they ask if you'd like to check-in there privately. Yes I booked a Club Room, and so I waited about 10 minutes dripping wet before asking someone if I could please check-in via the Club Lounge. 5 - We're making our way to the Club Lounge, with the attendant dragging our luggage along the way which makes lots of noise. 6 - Finally check-in with no problems. The Room 7 - I understand that this is a Victorian-style property and some of the room and structure might be dated. But I can't believe that the bathtub is something from a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott. The shower is equally not up to par with the RC brand. 8 - Toiletries. I'm not sure if this is RC making a push for sustainability, but soap, shampoo, and conditioner are given to guests in large bottle format, again like at a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott, instead of small individual bottles. Not a big deal, but just not up to par with other luxury hotels or RC standards across Japan. What if someone spit in there? Back to the lounge







4.5/546 評價
4.2/5228 評價
4.3/592 評價
丸テーブルとソファ、背もたれが円形の椅子とツインのテーブルライトのある瀟洒な明るい部屋でした。 部屋の窓の前に堂島アバンザがあります。 トイレ・洗面所・バスタブ一体ながら広めの浴室です。 シャンプー・ボディソープ・コンディショナーの容器はなく、代わりに固形石鹸・シャンプー・コンディショナーは使い切りタイプの自社製試供品でした。 歯ブラシの袋には歯磨きがなく、別に自社の薬用歯磨きの小袋がありました。 紅茶・煎茶・コーヒー各2袋、紅茶は懐かしいスリランカの「Dilmah」PREMIUMでした。 エレベータからは外の景色が見えます。 PC2台・プリンターを備えたビジネスブースがロビー階にあります。 朝食会場は1階のカフェテラス「銀木犀」、シクラメンの造花の中にグランドピアノが置かれてあります。 料理の品数も味も満足でした。 チェックイン時に除菌シートを1枚いただきました。
4.6/5261 評價
4.5/542 評價
Conclusion I will never stay at ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka again. The room was the smallest I have ever been at and part of the window was blocked by a wall outside the room. The check in and check out was chaos with a huge queue. The hotel is outdated too. The only positive thing regarding this hotel is the club lounge. Review I arrived with the Shinkassen at Osaka station and the hotel is in walking distance from station. The train station is huge, and I was difficult to find the right exit. The hotel is located in a business area, but there are a lot of restaurants, bars and shops in the neighborhood. Not the right area, if you are a turist. I arrived at 2 pm, where I could not get me room even I am an IHG diamond member. Came back after a couple of hours, where there was a huge queue. Check-in took between 45-60 min. It was the same situation, when I should check out. It is not possible to check out in the IHG app. Even I have the highest status in the IHG program, I got the smallest room in the hotel. It was not possible to open my suitcase in the room - i don’t want it on the bed. The window was partly blocked by wall outside the window. The room is very outdated. I had access to the club lounge, where I had a couple of drinks during the evening and breakfast in the morning. The lounges was ok but it was busy.
4.3/564 評價
Great to see new Aloft hotels as the brand is our favourite of the mid-tier in the Marriott group. Warm welcome. Rooms are typical of city hotels in terms of size but has a great layout with a semi-circular sofa and table and spacious bathroom area. The usual incredibly comfortable bed from Aloft. Staff were attentive and friendly throughout. The breakfast buffet was very good in terms of offering and quality. We were on the 10th floor and there was some residual noise from the road below but no different to most city centre hotels. We loved the location as could walk to Osaka station and also south across the river. Exceptional price point too.




大阪是日本第二大城市,關西地區的主要工商業都市。大阪娛樂消費價廉物美、貼近潮流,同時兼備古色古香的風韻,所以一年四季都吸引不少人潮到大阪自由行。 不論你是否已經去過大阪,還是從未到過這個城市自由行,以下的大阪自由行攻略或許都能讓你了解到大阪特別的一面!


大阪公共交通有系統,大致分為地鐵、私鐵、 JR 和巴士四種。私鐵、 JR 涵蓋範圍廣至京都、神戶、奈良、姬路等地。市內搭地鐵基本四通八達,最受旅客歡迎的有大阪周遊券跟大阪地鐵巴士一日券,兩者均可無限次搭乘地鐵及巴士全線。周遊券價錢較高,可以免費入場逾 40 個景點,不少餐廳商舖和熱門旅遊設施如海遊館亦提供優惠。旅遊服務中心、車站以及一些大阪酒店現有發售,即場購買即可。想前往多處景點的話,小編推薦大家選用大阪周遊券。


大阪年底至次年二月冬季寒涼乾燥,平均低於 10 度,因而形成白雪飄飛的美景。 三至五月的春天溫差大,由 10 至 20 度不等,繁花盛放,舒爽宜人,尤其是初春的櫻花場面盛大。 六月踏入梅雨時分,回升至 20 度以上。梅雨期一過,氣溫一下子升高,正式進入潮濕炎熱的夏季,迎接日本傳統的夏日祭。 到了九至十一月,秋高氣爽,到處仰首就看到銀杏或楓葉,是出遊大阪的最佳時機。


1. 大阪城


2. 通天閣


3. 大阪港


4. 大阪環球影城

好動的你最適合來環球影城放電。最有代表性的哈利波特樂園以及全新推出的 minions 園區讓你重拾童心。遊樂設施既靜且動,包括 4D 影院、倒衝的過山車和反地心吸力的跳樓機。

5. 難波車站



1. Dormy Inn Premium Nanba


2. 御宿野乃旅館難波店

這家大阪酒店以榻榻米裝潢,富具和風感,當然設有大阪酒店不少得的大浴池以供休憩。對面就是心齋橋道頓堀熱鬧的步行街,地點方便。 想入住位置方便的大阪酒店,宿野乃旅館難波店會是不錯的選擇!

3. 環球港酒店

這家酒店離環球影城只需 3 分鐘路程,房型更有 minions 等主題,還有雲霄飛車不同遊樂設施的景觀,簡直是環球影城粉絲的專利。

4. Capsule Inn Osaka

大阪酒店中還有特色膠囊可體驗。大阪膠囊旅館是世界上第一間膠囊酒店,於 1979 年開業,專為男士而設,多年保持高水平的服務。設備完善,有溫泉浴場和水療桑拿,讓你住得舒服安心。

5. 難波御堂筋頭等艙旅館

First Cabin 是首間飛機頭等艙為設計概念的大阪酒店,直通難波車站且連接機場。這家膠囊式大阪酒店不只有一個床位大小的空間,而是獨立房間,更加寬敞舒適,廣獲外國旅客口碑。


1. 美津之


2. 蟹道樂


3. 章魚燒道樂 Wanaka

章魚燒道樂 Wanaka 主打蔥鹽、醬油、辛辣三種經典口味。鎮店之寶章魚燒仙貝口感外酥脆內軟嫩,鮮甜可口。

4. 四天王拉麵


5. 牛カツもと村


大阪全年 365 日都不會無聊,想起日本就不只有東京了。來大阪親身體會這裡古樸又繁華的時代感,長短假期可以玩遍市區連周邊地區,帶給你最滿足充實的旅程。 馬上查看 Trip.com 限定的平價大阪機票及預訂優惠大阪酒店,出發大板吧!
