It will not be an overstatement if I say that the hearts of the staff here is as fluffier as the pillows here. Be it front desk, or the servers, the chefs, or the commute, there was no stone left unturned by any single person here in our service. Right from Simar cradling us from the airport, to Amit dealing with all the logistics, to Ankit who was always ar an arms reach, Prabhakar was just a call away, Ujjwal would sometimes even appear magically when the need be, Pooja was the sweetest presence in the mess. I am missing out on so many names for sure, but not daring to miss out on paying my warmest regards to all the people at Treehouse Neptune. My first time in Goa was the best time I have spent anywhere else. Much love and regards to these lovely people. 🤗