Beautiful super clean villas, with space and a balcony.
They are 1 km far from downtown, but they provide a shuttle service back and fourth with their car.
Staff very friendly and nice, they speak a little bit of english but they make every effort to make guests feeling comfortable.
They left us the room for a late check out with a smile.
Strongly recommended in Luang Namtha.
入住鬱金香酒店,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。 酒店鄰近市內部份熱門景點,距離The Handicraft Village Ban Pieng Ngam1.44 km,距離Viengneua Temple ວັດບ້ານວຽງເໜືອ亦不過是1.98 km。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括划獨木舟及行山。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 躲在舒適的客房內享用餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 不想出門但又想小酌一杯?這裡的酒吧或咖啡室是與朋友把酒言歡,享受美好時光。您可以在此酒店使用行政酒廊、兒童遊樂場和茶室。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 住宿設施齊全,提供貨幣兌換、行李寄存和洗衣服務。琅南塔機場是最近的機場,步行只需10 min即可到達。酒店亦為住客提供前往機場的機場穿梭巴士。 最近的火車站是磨丁站,由住宿開車88 min即可到達。 住宿設有停車場,歡迎自駕遊旅客入住。
The stay is located far from the city center. They rent bicycles, but the number is limited, so it is first come, first served. The ride to the town center takes about 30 minutes and goes through the highway, which is not ideal. They also offer motorbike rentals for about $8 USD for half a day.
If you plan to eat outside the hotel, be aware that other dining options are quite far away. On the plus side, they offer a shuttle service to the bus station for 50,000 KIP per trip. The car can fit two people. If you have a tour planned with a pickup, this place could work well for you. Otherwise, keep the transportation and location challenges in mind.