鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店

帕克斯維爾Infinity Gifts附近酒店


優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

Infinity Gifts附近人氣酒店

海灘俱樂部度假村 - 貝斯塔酒店&度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
海灘俱樂部度假村 - 貝斯塔酒店&度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店海灘俱樂部度假村 - 貝斯塔酒店&度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts0.4km
入住海灘俱樂部度假村 - 貝斯塔酒店&度假村,輕鬆探索帕克斯維爾。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。 部份客房享有迷人的海景。 享受擁有私人廚房的便捷,房內更有雪櫃和洗衣機等設備。到室內的游泳池做舒展手腳,或好好放鬆身心。 用住宿的spa或按摩室消除疲勞,放鬆身心。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 不想外出?享用由住宿內的餐廳精心準備的送餐服務和美味佳餚。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。住宿範圍內均有 Wi-Fi 覆蓋。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供行李寄存和乾洗。住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。

WWencunzisu 2023.03.31
酒店的位置,沒的說!與Parksville Beach 近在咫尺!每天傍晚從度假村後門走出去便是海灘。長長的木棧道沿着海灘一直延伸到很遠的地方。 伴着夕陽,一對對情侶牽着手在漫步,老年人拄着拐杖,坐着輪椅,享受着海邊清新的空氣,美好的夕陽晚霞… 度假村的餐廳美食美器,晚上在後院搭建的極富情調的室外透明餐廳用餐,別具一格! 若說不足,該度假村可能建成時間久了,設施有些老舊,特別是電梯,Tower Building 衹一部電梯,人梯貨梯混用。每次都要等很久,而且執拗作響…與國內的三星酒店度假村,無法比… 不過瑕不掩瑜!該酒店的環境一流,黃昏海灘景緻美不勝收! 發一個小視頻,共享!
EUR 109
海邊緣汽車旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
海邊緣汽車旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店海邊緣汽車旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts0.48km
海邊緣汽車旅館為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 到帕克斯維爾觀光的人一定會發現海邊緣汽車旅館是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 這家酒店靠近帕克斯維爾的熱門景點,包括Boardwalk,Mount Arrowsmith Brewing Company和Namaskar Yoga Studio。 結束一整天的觀光行程,客人可在舒適的酒店休息。 這家帕克斯維爾酒店在網站上提供了停車場。

I had stayed at this motel in July for 1 night under the Air B and B and loved it. It was peaceful and where as we had neighbours on both sides, (one side had a family with young children.) Both were quiet and respectful of the space. Yes the place does need some repairs and painting but I saw that they were working on it so I was fine with that. Because of my experience in July, I took my older mother there for 2 days in August for some R and R due to some hard stuff going on in our family. Sadly that experience was very different. Lets start with the positives Location: Great location with the beach steps away and the boardwalk for walking, riding or jogging Free mini golf, A nice big grassy field in front with fire pits, volleyball net and swings. Lots of space for kids and families to roam around. Kitchenette; A full size fridge and very well stocked with appliances. Comfy beds Sadly, there were many CONS: Inside, our room had a broken patio door latch but I could use my thumb to lock it. When I went to report it the next morning, I was informed that there was a lock at the bottom to use. We should have been informed of that when we checked in. The bathmat was disintegrating and did not stick to the bottom of the tub and bits were coming off. I reported that the next day and was informed that “they would find me a new one if they had one”. We did receive a brand new one later that day. On one of the beds, the bedskirt was thrashed. It looked like a cat had ripped it apart. Boundaries: When we arrived, we had a family on one side that had a lot of people including young children and they spilled into our area a bit. The chairs were set up in a way that some people were looking directly at us whether we were inside or out. We chose to eat inside with the curtains closed as we did not want to be continually stared at. Later we had gone off and when we came back, the young children had left stuff on our picnic table and the adults allowed the children to ride their bikes on the cement patios right outside the patio door. The kids would stop in front of our door and stare at us. I don’t blame the children as they were young but no one stopped that behaviour. I love that the motel is family friendly and there is lots of room for the kids to roam. But that does not mean right outside our door in our patio area. Not sure that management could have done anything about that. Noise: We did go out later as the family had left for a while, but the other neighbours were very loud outside and smoking on the patio as well. Smoking anything is supposed to be 3 meters away. The smell drove us back inside. They woke us up around 1am both with loud voices in the next room and there was yelling and screaming in the parking lot along with horn honking and a motorcycle reving for a good few minutes. As there is no staff after midnight, they couldn’t have dealt with the situation anyway. Thankfully, we were leaving the next day otherwise we would h
EUR 79
帕克斯維爾海岸酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
帕克斯維爾海岸酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店帕克斯維爾海岸酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts0.85km
帕克斯維爾海岸酒店是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。 每間客房均有廚房,提供雪櫃。住宿提供划獨木舟、高爾夫球場及行山,讓您可以好好鍛鍊身體,十分適合一眾熱愛運動的人士。住宿範圍內均有 Wi-Fi 覆蓋。 此酒店還提供包括燒烤、花園、兒童遊樂場、遊戲室和自動售賣機在內的設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務。 住宿設施齊全,提供行李寄存和乾洗。開車前來的住客可以使用免費停車場。

訪客 2024.01.29
EUR 61
Tide's旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
Tide's旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店Tide's旅館 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts0.99km
對於想要捕捉帕克斯維爾城市風采的旅客來説,Tide's旅館是一個理想的選擇。酒店地理位置優越,駕車至誇里科姆機場僅需5km 。旅客們會發現Paradise Fun Park、Kiyo Salon & Boutique和Parksville Community Park and Skate Park距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Mount Arrowsmith Brewing Company、Englishman River和Robert Held Art GLass離此都很近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,空調在滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。服務人員會提前為您準備好咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。大堂吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。除此之外,我們還為您精心蒐集了周邊的餐飲訊息,Traditional Texas BBQ(燒烤)、Lefty's Restaurant和Grill On The Green期待着您的光顧。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,酒店的休閑區定能滿足您的品質需求。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

SSueCode 2024.08.30
EUR 69
貝賽德度假村 - 阿桑德連鎖酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
貝賽德度假村 - 阿桑德連鎖酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店貝賽德度假村 - 阿桑德連鎖酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts1km
入住貝賽德度假村 - 阿桑德連鎖酒店,輕鬆探索帕克斯維爾。住宿的部份客房更設有陽台,享有迷人的海景。到室外或室內的游泳池做運動,或好好放鬆身心。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。 這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括壁球場、高爾夫球場及行山。這裡更有餐廳,入住期間不妨順便過來吃點東西吧。 躲在舒適的客房內享用餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此酒店亦提供花園和自動售賣機等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。

訪客 2023.04.04
這是我第一次住這裏,印象深刻,以後一定會再來灣畔度假村。 從我走進門的那一刻起,工作人員就很棒。他們超級有禮貌,非常樂於助人,對我的所有問題和需求都非常有信息。房間很乾淨,牀很舒服。我來到那裏度過了一個放鬆的週末,得到了這個。餐廳和休息室的工作人員非常好,在舞會上。那裏很忙,但他們從未跳過節拍,總是讓我感覺自己是房間裏唯一的一個。我對此印象深刻。 令人失望的是,當時沒有熱水浴缸,因爲它正在處理修理,嘿,這些事情發生了,但是游泳池很棒,健身室/健身房也非常令人印象深刻。 這個度假村的位置太棒了,說實話,不能得到更好的。海灘上的壯觀景色,到該地區最受歡迎的海灘之一。多麼美麗的地方!! 我覺得我可以繼續前進,所有的一切,我在貝賽德度假村有一個偉大的體驗,我一定會很快回來!!
EUR 95
Travelodge by Wyndham Parksville 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
Travelodge by Wyndham Parksville 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店Travelodge by Wyndham Parksville 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts1.01km
入住帕克斯維爾Travelodge by Wyndham,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。到室內的游泳池做舒展手腳,或好好放鬆身心。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。這裡更有餐廳,入住期間不妨順便過來吃點東西吧。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。您亦可以使用此酒店的自動售賣機。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供洗衣服務。住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。

EUR 78
海濱村莊度假酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
海濱村莊度假酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店海濱村莊度假酒店 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts3.13km
海濱村莊度假酒店位於帕克斯維爾的黃金地段,入住期間探索此處最方便不過。所有客房均設有私人浴室,最適合享受寧靜的獨處時光。 每間客房均有廚房,提供雪櫃及洗衣機。您可以在住宿的游泳池曬太陽或盡情暢泳。另外,一定不要錯過它的恆溫游泳池。 海濱村莊度假酒店位於沙灘附近,提供多種活動,包括滑浪風帆、浮潛和潛水。 用住宿的spa、按摩室或足浴消除疲勞,放鬆身心。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。 住宿提供划獨木舟、壁球場、網球場、騎馬及高爾夫球場,讓您可以好好鍛鍊身體,十分適合一眾熱愛運動的人士。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此度假村亦提供燒烤和花園等設施。 住宿設施齊全,提供行李寄存和洗衣服務。住宿設有停車場,歡迎自駕遊旅客入住。
EUR 208
海濱道度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
海濱道度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店海濱道度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts3.41km
海濱道度假村是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。所有客房均設有私人浴室。 每間客房均有廚房,提供雪櫃及洗衣機。住宿的游泳池設有恆溫游泳池。 這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括網球場、高爾夫球場及行山。您可以使用客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi,隨時保持聯絡。 此度假村亦提供燒烤和兒童遊樂場等設施。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供洗衣服務。住宿設有停車場,適合自駕遊旅客入住。
EUR 137
泰娜瑪拉海邊温泉度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
泰娜瑪拉海邊温泉度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店泰娜瑪拉海邊温泉度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts3.62km
泰娜瑪拉海邊温泉度假村是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。所有客房均設有私人浴室。 私人廚房設有雪櫃,非常方便。住宿的游泳池設有恆溫游泳池。 用住宿的spa、按摩室或桑拿消除疲勞,放鬆身心。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。 這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括划獨木舟、網球場、高爾夫球場及行山。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 不想外出?享用由住宿內的餐廳精心準備的送餐服務和美味佳餚。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。住宿範圍內均提供免費 Wi-Fi,讓您隨時保持聯絡。 此度假村還提供包括燒烤、花園、兒童遊樂場和自動售賣機在內的設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。 為方便住客,住宿亦提供行李寄存、乾洗和洗衣服務。住宿設有停車場,歡迎自駕遊旅客入住。

TTim A 2019.10.07
問候,我們的組織者今年在蒂格納(Tigh-Na-Mara Resport)舉行了年度護理者務虛會,我們對度假村團隊和合作夥伴感到高興和感謝。整個周末都因房間的質量,會議團隊的生氣勃勃和普遍的“有多少我為您服務”的態度而得到稱讚。報告非常乾淨,Grotto礦池是幾乎每個人都可以享受的輕鬆體驗。 Resport位於大片土地上,具有戰略意義,可將房間和小屋放置在私密和安靜的位置。我會推薦Tigh-Na-Mara,這是一個管理完善,周到的地方,適合周末度假,在那裡您的需求將得到滿足。
EUR 142
日出嶺海濱度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
日出嶺海濱度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店日出嶺海濱度假村 鄰近Infinity Gifts的酒店
距離Infinity Gifts3.75km
日出嶺海濱度假村是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。房間內不可吸煙。 住宿的部份客房更設有花園/庭院,享有迷人的海景。 享受擁有私人廚房的便捷,房內更有雪櫃和洗衣機等設備。住宿的游泳池設有恆溫游泳池。 健身室於開放,讓住客可以好好鍛鍊身體。 這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括划獨木舟、高爾夫球場及行山。此度假村亦提供燒烤和自動售賣機等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,全天候照顧您的需要。開車前來的住客可以使用免費停車場。

RRadiater 2024.07.28
Our group of nine, four adults and five teenagers spent seven days at this resort. We had two separate units and we had the units with three bedrooms. One of the bedrooms is actually its own studio suite which was kind of nice because it does have its own fridge and a little AC unit and it’s own separate bathroom so it was really, great actually We were in the 200 building facing the pool. If you’re not a lover of family resorts or kids this may not be the place for you or at least don’t face the pool lol. There are a number of different types of accommodations here and there are also some townhouses which I think are two bedroom suites which looked very nice. There’s also some villas, but they book up a year in advance And they overlook the ocean which is beautiful. We were on the third floor of the 200 building and we could see a little bit of the ocean from our balcony. The nice thing about our room was that it did face the pool, but it was really quite private because there was trees in front and when you’re sitting on the patio , you had a lot of privacy. The balcony had an overhang as well, which was nice. There’s also a gas barbeque on the balcony which we used a few times The AC units are the ones that vent outside and they’re decent enough. (Not central air like the townhomes had). The pool is open until 11 o’clock every night. The teenagers had complaints about the hot tub that it wasn’t hot enough, but overall the pool was fine. My couple complaints are just observations about the places that you may not want to have somebody above you if you’re in the Buildings where the condo/Apartment style units are. As I said we were on the third floor and this building is four floors and you could hear a lot of the people above you stomping around. Not a dealbreaker I mean we were fine with it, but they had little kids and they were ripping around quite a bit so it was kind of annoying when they would start at 6 AM. anyway it wasn’t that bad Just an observation. The property, at least in the apartment style condo units don’t get cleaned for the time that you’re here so you have to constantly ask for things when you run out such as toilet paper, sugar, those kinds of things. Parking could be a struggle from time to time because the place fills up a lot every night, especially on the weekends, but it was never a huge deal for our group. Overall experience here though was very good and we would return.
EUR 65
查看所有Infinity Gifts酒店


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您可以在 Trip.com 用多種方法發掘經濟實惠的酒店。您可以根據您偏好的價格範圍篩選酒店,減少搜尋結果數量,或者您可以將結果按價格排序,優先查看最便宜的選擇。

如何在 Trip.com 搜尋酒店優惠?

Trip.com 全年提供各種酒店優惠及推廣活動。您可以在我們的優惠頁面輕鬆找到這些特別優惠。此外,如果您是我們的會員計劃,您可以登入您的帳戶並在酒店列表頁面發掘到專屬優惠價。



Trip.com 上有多少間酒店?

Trip.com 有超過5,000,000間酒店,遍佈230多個國家或地區。還未決定預訂哪間酒店?瀏覽我們的網站獲取靈感!

我可以在 Trip.com 取消或更改我的酒店訂單嗎?

取消或更改視乎酒店政策及取消日期而定。請查閱相關酒店頁面的政策部份。如欲取消或更改您的訂單,請登入您的 Trip.com 帳戶,前往「我的訂單」,然後按指示操作。

如何聯絡 Trip.com 客戶服務支援?

您可以透過瀏覽 Trip.com 的幫助中心並提交申請聯絡 Trip.com 的24小時客戶服務支援。視乎您所在的位置,您亦可以致電或透過即時客戶服務聯絡我們。