

4.3/543 評價
首先,讓我來描述一下富國島的度假概況。整座島嶼非常宜人;三月的好天氣(100%陽光明媚,30-32攝氏度),溫暖的大海,細細的沙子,一切都很乾淨,物價低廉,到處都有很好的人,美味的食物,許多優質的娛樂活動,包括野生動物探險和8公里的纜車之旅水上樂園和雷射煙火表演。島上的西海岸風景如畫,當紅色與藍色混合成令人驚嘆的紫色色調時,可以看到夢幻般的日落入海。對於精打細算的旅客:在度假村餐廳享用午餐的價格非常實惠,無需在烈日下打車去其他地方尋找便宜的選擇。接下來,MERCURY RESORT將「低成本」和「別墅」結合成一種不可能的、不可抗拒的體驗。擁有自己的泳池且距離海灘 20 步之遙的海濱別墅?天堂!價格只是其他旅遊陷阱中海景房的一小部分。提示:找到度假村網頁並享有直接預訂價格 50% 的折扣。海灘上有棕櫚樹遮蔭(檢查!)、主泳池酒吧配有水下座椅(檢查!)、每斤補藥3.5 美元(檢查兩次!)、歡樂時光、每晚3 位歌手現場音樂表演、前往市中心的免費接駁車, $2 搭計程車去夜市,旅行社現場安排您的樂趣。強烈推薦!感謝 Mercury 友善的員工,你們是最棒的。
4.6/5160 評價
I travel the world with Marriott brand only, this is the very disappointed Sheraton Phu Quoc that I happen to stay, I booked a family suite oceanfront during June1-5,2023. This review written on June 2,2023. It isn’t 5 star resort. Marriott Should not put their name on it, because it degrade the quality of Marriott Brand. We check in during lunch and went to Garden restaurant, the lunch buffer have nothing worth to eat so we order from menu total of 5 hot dish for 5 of us, only 3 dish come out 20 minute, 1 dish come out 45 minute later and final dish never come. So 1 of us can’t have lunch. We lelf the restaurant and came to our SUITE all the keys doesn’t work so after the trip to front desk again finally we got in the suite. The room temperature was at 25C degrees and keep go up. Call the maintenance no help there The resort is old and need upgrade ASAP including AC units. We went down to front desk and request to change the room, they told us to leave our phone number so they can contact us regarding the room transfer. We never received the call, we have to went out to find a decent place for our dinner because we are not sure about restaurant dinner buffet!!! So by the time get to the room we too tired to call and bother the front desk. I am a Platium Bonvoy of the Marriott. It mean I stay at least 50 nights per year with Marriott. This is the first time I feel like I got cheat out of 5 stars resort. So today I will ask them to cancel the rest of the stay and move to another resort, hopefully JW Marriott in the other end of the island. My review is not prejudiced about the staff or Food not even the normal wear and tear of the resort but mainly with the management team. On the small note to resort management director. You should try your own food in the restaurant including the ice cream in the snack bar, I think the Ice cream was there too long. I wish all the best to my fellow guess and hope that you will be better luck then me. After my first impression with The 5 star resort. I would like update my review. Just one action of the top team management in breakfast room, it change my opinion and I am very appreciated his customer services. His name is Mr Hoang. He fresh up my family’s morning with an offer a cup of Green Tea, when services like that happen, it took out of all the bad experience and show you how great the staff can brighten your day. Furthermore in the long conversation he explains to me the new management just took over last September 2022 and in process of remodel the resort. Also the staff had been trained and continue to update their customers services. Therefore I would like to update my review with a 5 stars and continue to believe in Marriott branding Sheraton Phu Quoc Long Beach. This is on my day 4 at the resort and I am very happy to share with everyone. Thank you for read my review and after all we have a happy ending. My best wish remain with the staff of the Hotel specifically with the Breakfast room management
4.3/528 評價
3.5/541 評價
4.8/5138 評價
劉若英有首歌中這麼唱道: 滿身風雨我從海上來。。。 從河內飛來富國島的我,對這座海島的第一印象便是風和雨。 2個多小時的飛機,堪稱我的飛行故事中最顛沛流離。 除了晚點4個多小時之外,全程高起高落。 滿機艙的人像乘坐過山車一般有的叫有的嘔吐,衹有我卻睡得熟。 偶爾被身邊客人的尖叫吵醒,轉過頭再睡。 於是到達富國島麗晶酒店的時間,推遲了4個小時。 紅色的福特將我接到酒店時,一排工作人員正在狂風暴雨中等待我的到來。 他們歡迎併為我送來祝福的景象,令人動容。 度過了雷暴和呼嘯的一晚。 第二天,當我從睡夢中睜開眼,窗外的天是灰色的。 伴着滴滴答答的雨聲,我趴在陽台近三十平米的陽台無邊泳池旁。 一邊欣賞着漂浮早餐,一邊看天青色的海、椰樹、沙灘、和建築。 我對麗晶品牌下第二家度假酒店,留下了情深深雨濛濛的第一印象。 煙雨濛濛中, 我在Ocean club品嘗了當日最新鮮海釣的魚,和從澳洲進口的龍蝦; 在FU Bar,喝了一杯用whisky特調的Sour; 在SPA的沙床上,隨着床的微微搖晃,按摩師用溫暖的沙將我包裹,再用藥包仔細在我身上舒服; 在海天一色的泳池邊,用瑜伽打開了我的麗晶時間…… 今兒中秋,等來了晴朗的富國島碧海藍天。 卻發現,這三天對麗晶的記憶,好像和真實有許多差別。 她是熱浪是奔放是陽光普照,卻不是我獨有記憶中的情深深雨濛濛了。 突然間,我好像遇見了獨一無二的世界。 在我漫長的旅途中,總會不經意地走進與眾不同中。 當別人在賞花我卻在看雪, 別人在望海我卻在稻田, 別人掐着時間看日出等日落, 我卻經常突然被彩霞滿天驚鴻一瞥。 我想, 也許我的人生編程與別人並不相同, 在設置我的人生代碼時, 也許出了某種bug沒被發現。 這種bug讓我遊離於常規的生活之外, 那顆嚮往着自由的心,帶着我隨遇而安,遇見專屬於我的陽光與煙雨。 今兒我這邊晴朗,酒店特意幫我安排了sunset cruise。 在全越南僅有的兩艘serenity yacht之一的帆船遊艇上,邊喝香檳邊和船長一起暢聊着。 從日落,等到海上生明月。 你那邊的月亮是否也如此浪漫? 誰又陪在你身邊品嘗着一年一次的月餅呢? 是咸月餅還是甜月餅呢? 願你中秋闔家團圓,幸福天長地久。 與你的世界天涯共此時。
4.5/594 評價
Amarin is a 4 stars hotel, just been renovated recently. It has a swimming pool next to the Truong Beach (Long Beach), surrounded by coconut trees. Sea view room is nice, clean with various amenities, slippers, normal bathrobes, special-tropical bathrobes (for sleeping and go swimming!), shopping platic bag, umbrella... we spent balcony for late night drinks and listen to the sound of the sea. The staffs of Amarin are nice, useful and very friendly. They make our trip and staying more enjoyable! Food and drink are okie. We love buffet breakfast with many kind of tropical juice and fruits. The hotel is not very far from Phu Quoc night market, local shopping centers (travel by Vin bus, taxi or renting a motorcycle...). In the morning, we ran along the beach (1km or more) in front of the hotel; in the afternoon we have had dinner in the restaurant (in order to see the sunset).  We will come back Amarin again! One more thing: If I were the owner, I will make the sunset bar and the private beach more beautiful: move the very big  wooden chairs at the lobby to a suitable place!!


